My dad was a fisherman. He worked hard and stayed out until he caught enough ______ to feed the family nearly every day. When the weather was bad he would  ______ me to school. An old truck was used in his fishing business. When we got to the school, he would give me a big ________on the face and tell me to be a good _______. It was so embarrassing for me. I was 12 years old, and my dad would still kiss me goodbye!

 I remember the day when I decided I was too _______for a goodbye kiss. When we got to the school and came to a stop, he had his usual big smile. He started to lean  傾斜 toward me, but I put my hand up and ________, “No, Dad. ” It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way. He had a surprised look on his face for a  long time, and his________started to be wet. He turned and looked out of the windshield 擋風(fēng)玻璃. “You’re ______,” he said. “You are a big boy—a man. I won’t  kiss you any more. ”

 It wasn’t long after that when my dad went out to ______and never came back. It was a day when most of the fishermen stayed at home except Dad. He had a big family  to feed

 How I wish I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would ________have told my dad I was too old for a goodbye kiss.

1.A. food                     B. birds               C. animals          D. fish

2.A. ride                      B. carry              C. drive                        D. bring

3.A. kiss                       B. laugh              C. look                         D. hand

4.A. man                      B. boy                 C. teacher                   D. fisherman

5.A. old                        B. young             C. excited          D. moved

6.A. spoke                   B. said                 C. repeated                D. answered

7.A. hands                   B. feet                C. eyes                         D. face

8.A. kind                      B. clever            C. wrong                      D. right

9.A. school                  B. sea                  C. boat                         D. river

10.A. still                     B. ever               C. never                      D. only
















1.考查語境理解及名詞。Food食物;birds鳥;animals動物;fish 魚。聯(lián)系前一句描述,可知此處指的是,他在外面一直呆到捉到足夠的魚時(shí)。故選D。

2.考查語境理解及動詞。ride  騎,乘坐;carry運(yùn)輸,運(yùn)送;drive駕駛,開;bring帶來。結(jié)合語境可知此處指的是,父親開車送我去上學(xué)。故選C。





7.考查語境理解及hands 手;feet腳;eyes眼睛;face臉。聯(lián)系后一句描述,可知此處指的是,父親的眼睛濕潤了。故選C。

8.考查語境理解及形容詞。Kind和藹的,寬容的;clever      聰明的;wrong錯(cuò)誤的;right正確的。聯(lián)系后一句描述,可知父親說的是,你是對的。故選D。


10.考查語境理解及副詞。Still仍舊,還;ever       曾經(jīng);never從來不;only 只,僅僅。聯(lián)系前一句描述,可知此處指的是,我永遠(yuǎn)不會對父親說我太大了,不能接受他的吻了。故選C。




科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

My dad was a fisherman. He worked hard and stayed out until he caught enough    36   to feed the family nearly every day. When the weather was bad he would    37   me to school. An old truck was used in his fishing business. When we got to the school, he would give me a big   38   on the face and tell me to be a good    39  . It was so embarrassing for me. I was 12 years old, and my dad would still kiss me goodbye!

I remember the day when I decided I was too    40   for a goodbye kiss. When we got to the school and came to a stop, he had his usual big smile. He started to lean (傾斜) toward me, but I put my hand up and   41  , “No, Dad.” It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way. He had a surprised look on his face for a long time, and his    42  started to be wet. He turned and looked out of the windshield (擋風(fēng)玻璃). “You’re   43  ,” he said.“You are a big boy—a man. I won’t kiss you any more.”

It wasn’t long after that when my dad went out to   44   and never came back. It was a day when most of the fishermen stayed at home except Dad. He had a big family to feed

How I wish I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would    45   have told my dad I was too old for a goodbye kiss.

(   )36. A. food      B. birds            C. animals      D. fish

(   )37. A. ride          B. carry            C. drive            D. bring

(   )38. A. kiss      B. laugh            C. look         D. hand

(   )39. A. man           B. boy          C. teacher      D. fisherman

(   )40. A. old           B. young            C. excited      D. moved

(   )41. A. spoke     B. said         C. repeated     D. answered

(   )42. A. hands     B. feet         C. eyes             D. face

(   )43. A. kind          B. clever           C. wrong            D. right

(   )44. A. school        B. sea          C. boat         D. river

(   )45. A. still         B. ever         C. never            D. only   


科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆江蘇省南通市海安縣紫石中學(xué)初三適應(yīng)性考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:完型填空

There was a time when I thought my dad didn’t know how to be a good father. I couldn’t  16  him ever saying the words “I love you.” It seems to me his only purpose in life was to say “  17 ” to anywhere I wanted to go and anything I wanted to do, including getting a  18 . Some parents bought their kids cars when they got their driver’s licenses. Not my dad — he said that I’d have to get a job and buy my own.
So that is what I did. I got a job at a very nice restaurant and  19  every penny I could and when I had enough to buy my car, I did! The day I brought that car home, my dad was the first one I wanted to  20  it off to. “Look, dad, a car of my own. If you ever want a ride, you only need to pay me five dollars.” I offered with a smile.
“I see,” was all he said.
One day, there was something wrong with my father’s truck. So he needed a  21  to work. The sun wasn’t even up when we left the house,   22  it was already getting warm out. It was going to be a hot day. As my dad got out of my car, I   23  him, dressed in his work clothes, getting his  24  from the truck (車尾箱) of my car. Watching his sun-weathered face, and even from a distance I could tell there were 25  lines than I ever remembered being there before. I realized how hard my dad works for the family. My father is a cement finisher(水泥修整工).
Suddenly, it came up with me that he actually got down on his hands and knees to sweat over hot concrete(混凝土) to make a living for his family. And he did this day in and day out,  26 hot it got. Never, not once, had I heard him   27  about it. To him we were “worth” it. And never once did he ask us to pay for it.
When he closed the trunk, his tools set off to the side, he walked over to my window to   28  me five dollars. I rolled down the window and said “Good-bye, dad. Keep your five dollars. It’s my __29__. Don’t work too hard. I love you.”
His eyes met mine, then glanced away in the direction of his waiting tools, he   30  his throat(喉嚨) and said, “Oh, and… me, too.”

A.toolsB.clothesC.luggage D.bag
A.helpB.a(chǎn)dviceC.treat D.idea


科目:初中英語 來源:2015屆河北涉縣七年級下學(xué)期期末考試英語卷(解析版) 題型:完型填空

My dad was a fisherman,and he loved the sea. He had a boat,but it was ___35___to make a living on the sea. He worked hard and stayed out ___36___he caught enough(足夠的)fish for the family.

When the weather was ___37___, my father didn’t work,and he drove me to school. Before he left,he would give me a big kiss(親吻)on the face ___38___tell me to be a good boy. It was so embarrassing(尷尬的)for me.

I remembered(記住)the day. I was 12 years old. I thought I was too old for a good-bye kiss. We got to school and came to a stop. He had his usual big smile and started to kiss ___39___ before he left, but I put my hand up and said,“No,dad. ”It was the ___40___time that I talked to him in that way. and he felt very surprised(驚訝的).

I said,“Dad,I’m too old for a good-bye kiss. I’m too old for any kind of kiss. ”My dad looked at me ___41___a long time, and his eyes were filled with tears. I never saw him ___42___. “You are right,”he said,“You are a big boy…a ___43___. I won’t kiss you any more.”

It wasn’t long after that when my dad went to the sea and never came back. I was so sad that I wanted one more ___44___from my father.

1.                A.easy           B.hard           C.careful   D.careless


2.                A.if             B.when          C.until D.a(chǎn)fter


3.                A.bad            B.fine            C.cold


4.                A.but               C.or   D.a(chǎn)nd


5.                    C.him D.her


6.                  C.first D.last


7.                A.for               C.of   D.on


8.                B.cry            C.say D.move


9.                A.boy            B.child 


10.               A.time           B.look           C.thing D.kiss




科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年江蘇省南通市初三適應(yīng)性考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:完型填空

There was a time when I thought my dad didn’t know how to be a good father. I couldn’t   16   him ever saying the words “I love you.” It seems to me his only purpose in life was to say “  17  ” to anywhere I wanted to go and anything I wanted to do, including getting a   18  . Some parents bought their kids cars when they got their driver’s licenses. Not my dad — he said that I’d have to get a job and buy my own.

So that is what I did. I got a job at a very nice restaurant and   19   every penny I could and when I had enough to buy my car, I did! The day I brought that car home, my dad was the first one I wanted to   20   it off to. “Look, dad, a car of my own. If you ever want a ride, you only need to pay me five dollars.” I offered with a smile.

“I see,” was all he said.

One day, there was something wrong with my father’s truck. So he needed a   21   to work. The sun wasn’t even up when we left the house,   22   it was already getting warm out. It was going to be a hot day. As my dad got out of my car, I   23  him, dressed in his work clothes, getting his   24   from the truck (車尾箱) of my car. Watching his sun-weathered face, and even from a distance I could tell there were  25   lines than I ever remembered being there before. I realized how hard my dad works for the family. My father is a cement finisher(水泥修整工).

Suddenly, it came up with me that he actually got down on his hands and knees to sweat over hot concrete(混凝土) to make a living for his family. And he did this day in and day out,   26 hot it got. Never, not once, had I heard him   27   about it. To him we were “worth” it. And never once did he ask us to pay for it.

When he closed the trunk, his tools set off to the side, he walked over to my window to   28   me five dollars. I rolled down the window and said “Good-bye, dad. Keep your five dollars. It’s my __29__. Don’t work too hard. I love you.”

His eyes met mine, then glanced away in the direction of his waiting tools, he   30   his throat(喉嚨) and said, “Oh, and… me, too.”

1.A. like           B. remember         C. forget           D. care

2.A. Sorry        B. Yes              C. No                D. Well

3.A. car          B. friend           C. job                 D. present

4.A. spent        B. earned           C. kept               D. saved

5.A. take        B. put              C. turn                 D. show

6.A. ride         B. leave            C. trip                  D. hurry

7.A. as           B. although        C. but                   D. since

8.A. helped       B. followed        C. left                  D. watched

9.A. tools        B. clothes          C. luggage            D. bag

10.A. fewer        B. more           C. longer               D. less

11.A. whatever     B. whenever        C. wherever              D. however

12.A. talk         B. complain         C. ask                D. speak

13.A. hand         B. borrow           C. lend                  D. take

14.A. help         B. advice           C. treat              D. idea

15.A. cleaned      B. wiped            C. cleared             D. felt



科目:初中英語 來源:2011年江蘇省無錫市中考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:完型填空

My dad was a fisherman. He worked hard and stayed out until he caught enough    36   to feed the family nearly every day. When the weather was bad he would    37   me to school. An old truck was used in his fishing business. When we got to the school, he would give me a big   38   on the face and tell me to be a good    39  . It was so embarrassing for me. I was 12 years old, and my dad would still kiss me goodbye!

I remember the day when I decided I was too    40   for a goodbye kiss. When we got to the school and came to a stop, he had his usual big smile. He started to lean (傾斜) toward me, but I put my hand up and   41  , “No, Dad.” It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way. He had a surprised look on his face for a long time, and his    42  started to be wet. He turned and looked out of the windshield (擋風(fēng)玻璃). “You’re   43  ,” he said.“You are a big boy—a man. I won’t kiss you any more.”

It wasn’t long after that when my dad went out to   44   and never came back. It was a day when most of the fishermen stayed at home except Dad. He had a big family to feed

How I wish I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would    45   have told my dad I was too old for a goodbye kiss.

1.A. food       B. birds            C. animals      D. fish

2. A. ride          B. carry            C. drive            D. bring

3. A. kiss      B. laugh            C. look         D. hand

4. A. man           B. boy          C. teacher      D. fisherman

5. A. old           B. young            C. excited      D. moved

6. A. spoke     B. said         C. repeated     D. answered

7. A. hands     B. feet         C. eyes             D. face

8. A. kind          B. clever           C. wrong            D. right

9. A. school        B. sea          C. boat         D. river

10. A. still            B. ever         C. never            D. only


