     After school Jim and Lin Tao go to a food shop near their school. They want to buy something to
eat and something to drink.
Jim: Hi, Lin Tao.    1    
Lin Tao: Yes. I am thirsty now.
Jim:    2   
Lin Tao: I'd like a bottle of water,please.
Jim:    3   
Lin Tao: No, thank you. I'm not hungry.     4    Do you want something to eat? 
Jim: Yes. I'm hungry now. I'd like some biscuits (餅干).
Woman:    5   .
Jim: A small box, please. And a bottle of orange juice.
Woman:    6   
Jim: No, that's all.
Woman: Here you are.
A. Would you like something to eat?
B. Would you like something to drink?
C. How many would you like?
D. What about you?
E. What would you like?
F. Anything else?
1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____ 6._____

科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補(bǔ)全對話,情景問答

             It's a Birthday Party
For whom:  Mary
Time:  Sunday,  May 4,  at 11:00
Place:  Mary's house,  4 New Street 
Come and have fun!
Mary:  Hi, Betty, can you come to my     1        2    ?
Betty: Sure. I'd     3          4           5           6     is it?
Mary: It's at      7    on     8     .
Betty: But where is it?
Mary: In     9     house,  4 New Street.
Betty: OK. I'm     10     soon.


科目:初中英語 來源:專項(xiàng)題 題型:補(bǔ)全對話,情景問答

A: Hi, Mons! I'm going to have a birthday p   1    .  I want to have
    it on Saturday e   2   . Can you come?
B: Oh, I'm going to v   3    my grandfather on Saturday.
A: What about S   4   ?
B: I have to l   5      something.
A: Oh, no. When are you f   6    then?
B: Well, Friday is fine.
A: Friday? That's tomorrow! OK, we can have it then. Can you ask Ali to j   7    us?
B: Sure. When and where shall we m   8   ?
A: Near our school gate at half p   9    four.
B: Great! S  10    you then!
A: Bye!


科目:初中英語 來源:專項(xiàng)題 題型:補(bǔ)全對話,情景問答

miss   shop   idea   receive    soon
Nina:  Are you going to Jane's birthday party, Wendy?
Wendy:  Yes. I    1    her invitation yesterday. Are you going tomorrow, Nina?
Nina:  Yes, of course. I wouldn't     2    her birthday party for anything.
Wendy:  Could you tell me what I should take as a birthday present?
Nina:  I was going to ask the same question.
Wendy:  We must hurry. he    3    , the better.
Nina:  I can't agree more. Well, I'll tell you what. Let's go    4     together right
         now and pick out what she may like.
Wendy: Good    5    !


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補(bǔ)全對話,情景問答

A. Will I be able to go out tomorrow?
B. I really feel terrible.
C. I want to have an injection.
D. Can you give me some pills?
E. What's the matter with you, madam?
F. Are you ill ?
G. I hate injection.
A: Morning! 1    
B: I've got a sore throat and a headache.
A: Do you feel tired ?
B: Yes, my whole body feels weak.  2 
A: I'm sorry to hear that. I'll have to examine you.
    Open your mouth wide so that I can look at your throat.
    Yes. It's very red, I'll have to give you an injection.
B:  3
A: An injection is better than pills.
B: Are you sure? 4
A: But you'd better have an injection first. It is more helpful.
B: OK.  5
A: Probably, if you take a rest today.
B: Good.


科目:初中英語 來源:0112 期末題 題型:補(bǔ)全對話,情景問答

Mum: Bill, you said you would not stay out late after school, didn't you?
Bill: Yes, Mum, I did.
Mum: But it's almost 9 o'clock now. 1            
Bill: Sorry. I've been to the hospital.
Mum: What? 2            
Bill: No. I sent Michael to the hospital.
Mum: Oh, really? 3           
Bill: He had a terrible headache on the way home.
Mum: Is he better now?
Bill: 4           
Mum: Good for you, my dear! I'm very glad you can help others.
Bill: 5           
A. What should I do?
B. Thank you, Mum.
C. Where have you been?
D. What was wrong with him?
E. Yes, he is.
F. Were you sick?
G. Where is the hospital?


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補(bǔ)全對話,情景問答

A. I like to play basketball.
B. He has breakfast at 6:30.
C. I usually play football.
D. That's a good idea.
E.  No, he doesn't.
F. There are forty.
G. Wei fang is.
H. He is a driver.
I.  I watch TV twice a week.
J. Yes, he is.
1. What do you usually do on weekends?
2. Is your father healthy?
3. How often do you watch TV?
4. What does Jeff do?
5. When does he have breakfast?
6. What is your favorite exercise?
7. Does your friend like junk food?
8. How many students are there in your class?
9. Who do you think is your favorite classmate?
10. Let's play volleyball together.
1.____2.____3.____ 4.____ 5.____
6.____7.____8.____ 9.____10.____


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補(bǔ)全對話,情景問答

Peter:    1    ?
Linda: I'm going to be a teacher when I grow up.
Peter:     2   ?
Linda: I'm going to work harder in school this year. And I'm going to get a part-time job.
Peter:    3    ?
Linda: I want to put some money in the bank. I'll need money for college.
Peter:     4   ?
Linda: I want to work with computer.
Peter: That sounds great!
A. What are you going to do this year?
B. Linda, what are you going to be when you grow up?
C. What kind of job do you want?
D. Why are you going to get a part-time job?
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

Tom: What's the time?
Jim: Let me see. Oh, it's five twenty. It's time to go home.
Tom: But I must find Kate. Look at this! It's a nice toy boat. It's Kate's.
        I find it under Bill's chair. I must give her the toy boat. Where's Kate, do you know?
Jim: I think she's in Mrs. Wang's room.
Tom: Let's go and find her.
Jim: OK. (In Mrs. Wang's room)
Tom: Hi, Kate. Is this your toy boat?
Kate: Let me see. Oh, yes. It's mine.
Tom: Here you are. You must look after your things.
Kate: Thank you very much.
Tom: Not at all.
1. The toy boat is _____.
[     ]
A. Jim's
B. Tom's
C. Kate's
D. Bill's
2. The toy boat is _____.
[     ]
A. new
B. nice
C. brown
D. old but nice
3. Who finds the toy boat?
[     ]
A. Tom.
B. Jim.
C. Kate.
D. Bill.
4. The toy boat is _____.
[     ]
A. under the teacher's desk
B. under Bill's desk
C. in Mrs. Wang's room
D. under Bill's chair
5. Where's Kate?
[     ]
A. She's in the classroom.
B. She's in Mrs. Wang's room.
C. She's at home.
D. She's in the room.

