Eddie is lazy enough _________all day without _________.

  1. A.
    asleep;to move
  2. B.
    to sleep:to move
  3. C.
    to sleep;moving
  4. D.
考查固定句型。形容詞+enough to do sth.“足夠......可以做某事”句意“艾迪太懶了整天睡覺(jué),連動(dòng)都不動(dòng)一下。”asleep是形容詞,排除A;D用的代名詞,排除D;without是介詞,排除B。故選C。

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:022

(根據(jù)首字母填空)Eddie always gets up l______.He is too l______.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:填空題

1.  _____(最后),I finished my homework before supper.
2.  People in the 1980s _____(穿著) clothes like these.
3.  I _____ (試) on many clothes , so I felt very _____ (累).
4.  This story is not interesting at all. It’s very _____ .
5.  I can carry that light bag. It’s not _____ enough.
6.  Do you often watch football _____on TV?
7.  Eddie is a very l_____dog. He is sleeping all the time.
8.  Trainers are usually very c_____.
9.  The students r_____ a lot of money for Project Hope.
10.That building over there looks very _____ (現(xiàn)代的). Who _____ (設(shè)計(jì)) it?


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:填空題


1. I'd like to b ________ a football for my son.
2. She can't go to s ________ at night at the moment.
3. Mr. Dai is the h ________ of our school.
4. Can you m ________ model planes, David?
5. My grandparents are b ________ teachers.
6. There are a lot of good books in our school l________.
7. Do we have enough f________ in the fridge (電冰箱)?
8. You cannot buy a new pen from the shop. It is c________ now.
9. Can I a________ you a question, Eddie?
10. Sorry, I can't play basketball with you today. I am very b________.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. Sandy doesn't like badminton, so she s____ plays badminton.
2. If you want to be h_____, you should eat fruit and vegetables.
3. You should not a_____ eat noodles for supper. You should try other food.
4. You are not fit, and you should change your l_____.
5. Eddie is very lazy and he never e_____.

