The boy enjoys ________ to music.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
    to listen.

科目:初中英語 來源:0115 模擬題 題型:填空題

拼寫單詞 。 根據(jù)句意和所給音標(biāo)寫出單詞。
1.It will be __________ /'windi/ the day after tomorrow.
2.Everyone else in my class was invited__________ /ik'sept/ me.
3.When prices are __________ /listid/, you can go to the store with the lowest price.
4. He put the book on the ___________/elf/.
5.The little boy waited at the bus stop _________/En'til/ his mother found him.


科目:初中英語 來源:期中題 題型:閱讀理解

  It is Sunday today. Tom is lying in bed. It is eight-thirty. He doesn't want to
get up.  His father is watering the flowers(澆花).  His mother is cooking
breakfast. His sister is doing her homework.
  "Get up,  Tom. "  says his mother,  " Go to help your dad. " Tom  has to
leave the bed, but he finds a math book in his bag. He stdrts to read loudly. "
Three times (乘)  five is fifte.en,  three times six is six-teen. . . " His mother
hears this and  becomes  angry (生氣).   She  asks," What are you reading,
Tom?"  "I don't know. "  " Aren't you reading?"" Yes,  I am, " answers the boy.
" But I am not listening ! "
1. There are _____ people in Tom's family.
A. two      
B. three      
C. four          
2. The family are all busy except(除…以外_____.
A. Tom      
B. Tom's si    
C. Tom's father      
D. Tom's mother
3. Tom doesn't want to get up because          .
A. it is very early              
B. he is very tired
C. he has no homework            
D. he doesn't need to go to school
4. _____, so he begins to read the book.
A. Tom doesn't want to get up to help his father
B. Tom doesn't want to help anyone
C. Tom likes reading very much
D. Tom likes to study math very much
5. Tom's mother is angry because _____.
A. her son doesn't go to help his father
B. what her son is reading is not right
C. her son is reading a math book
D. her son doesn't listen to her


科目:初中英語 來源:月考題 題型:閱讀理解

                                                            Mars Needs Moms!
                                                    ( From:
     Mars Needs Moms! Is an upcoming Disney movie based on the book by Berkeley Breathed. It is set to be
released on March 11,2011 and will be directed by Simon wells and produced by Robert Zemeckis and his studio
Image Movers Digital.
    The movie follows a boy named Milo. Milo is just beginning summer but his mother gives him chores and
tasks like weeding the garden or eating his vegetables. Milo tints (染色) his sister's face purple, but his mother
sees no humor in this. She orders him up to his room. After an argument with his mother in which Milo says "I
don't see what's so special about mothers!" Milo goes to his room. He falls asleep, and does not hear the
rumble (轟隆聲) of the rocket landing outside. Martians enter Milo's house and take away his mother. Milo
wakes up and realizes that he has to rescue her . Milo embarks on (開始) an adventure to rescue his mother.
1. What is Mars Needs Moms?
[     ]
A. A book.
B. A movie.
C. A garden.
D. A boy.
2. Who is Mars Needs Moms directed by?
[     ]
A. Berkeley Breathed.
B. Robert Zemeckis.
C. Simon Wells.
D. Milo.
3. What does the word "Martians" means in Chinese?
[     ]
A. 火星人.
B. 地球人.
C. 外國人.
D. 木星人.
4. The information about Mars Needs Moms is provided by ______.
[     ]
A. China Daily
B. 21st Century
C. Shanghai Star
D. en.wikipedia
5. Why does Milo begin his adventure?
[     ]
A. To wake up his mother.
B. To save his mother.
C. To have a look at Martians.
D. To rescue Martians.

