
  Mother came into the room and asked her two d  1   to help her with the cooking.Elder sister-Lisha was r  2   a book about Africa.Younger sister-Liya went into the room and h  3   her mother.After a while she came to call Lisha.

  Lisha answered, “ I’m not at h  4  .I’m in Africa.There are m  5   flowers and birds there.” Liya went back.

  After a moment, Liya came back, and ate s  6  .Lisha asked, “ What are you eating?” “ I’m eating ice cream.This is the s   7   piece.I have eaten mine.I’m eating yours.”

  Lisha said a  8  , “ Why do you eat m  9  ?”

  Liya answered, “ Mother doesn’t k  10   when you will come back from Africa.The ice cream will melt if it is kept for long.It can’t wait for long.”


1.daughters 2.reading 3.helped 4.home 5.many 6.something 7.second 8.a(chǎn)ngrily 9.mine 10.know


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:053


  When Mr. Lorry left university, he got a j_______ in a big company, but after he had been there for a few years, he decided that he would like a c_____ He also wanted to get a more i_____ position, so that he could get more money, and maybe also do more interesting w______, so he put an advertisement(廣告)i_____ several newspapers, saying what experience he had had.

  O______ of the answers he received was from another man who was looking for a job too. This man w_____ to him,Dear Sir, when you g_______ a new job, please be kind e_______ to give my name and my address to your present boss, as l have been trying to find a position like y_______ for a long time.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:053


  Children and adults enjoy playing w(1) kites. There are a lot of kite festivals and competitions in China, Japan and m(2) other countries. But kites are not just play things. They can be used in many o(3) ways.

  Kite flying has been p(4) in China for more than two t(5) years. Scientists have u(6) kites for a long time. They used them for studying w(7) and for testing new kinds of flying machines. Recently scientists have developed many new kinds of kites. Some of them can pull boats, or lift a man easily. Some can f(8) like a plane.

  Some kites are really beautiful works of art. People are i(9) in kites, because kite flying is an art and a science and also it is f(10) .


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:053


  Here's a part of an e-mail answer from Joe giving some advice to his son in college.When I was young, I often met t______ (1) about what to do and what not to do. My grandmother told me not to worry about those things. I o______ (2) did them once a year or once a lifetime. I_______ (3) I should try to do well those things, and I do them every day. For example, I need to eat every day, so I should learn how to c________ (4). I need to talk to o_______ (5) every day, so I should learn how to work with d________ (6) people and know how to s________ (7) well. I walk every day, so my s________ (8) should be all right and comfortable(舒服). Every night I sleep, so my bed should let me have a good rest. Taking care of the e________ (9) things m_______ (10) that you do a better job of the one things in a lifetime as well.


科目:初中英語 來源:101網(wǎng)校同步練習(xí) 初二英語 外研版課標(biāo)本 外研版課標(biāo)本 題型:053


  It is interesting to visit another country, but there are sometimes problems when we d  1   know the language very well.It may be difficult to talk with the people there.We may not know h  2   to use the telephone.We may not know how to do shopping.

  In a foreign country we might not know w  3   to eat or order in a restaurant.It is not easy to d  4   to tip(付小費)waiters or taxi drivers.When we n  5   help, we might not know how to ask for help.It is not pleasant to have an experience l  6   that.A  7   a short time, then we learn what to do a  8   what to say.We learn to e  9   life in another country, and we may be sorry to l  10  


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:053


  Flies(蒼蠅)usually live in rubbish(垃圾). Let's look at a fly, and see w__1__ it flies. First it flies out of the window; second, it s___2___ on some dirty things in the street; and third, it flies back to the house and w___3__ over your food.

  When a fly walks on the dirty things in the street, its f___4__ have got some germs(細菌)from them. When the fly walks on your f____5___ with its dirty feet, it leaves the germs on your food. What can you learn from this?

  First, we learn that we m___6___ leave dirty things in the street or on the g___7___ near our house.

  Second, we learn that all food must be c___8___ so that flies may not get to it.

  Third, we learn that flies often c____9___ germs and we must kill them a___10___ soon as we see them.

