精英家教網 > 初中英語 > 題目詳情
     Selina is a fifteen (1) y_____ -old girl. She is very careless (粗心的). So her parents often 
(2) t_____ her to do or not to do something,     
     One day, when Selina came home, she (3) f_____ a 100-yuan bill (鈔票) on the table in the 
(4) d_____ room. "How great!" she said to herself. "l am surprised that Mom gives me so (5) m_____ 
money today. "But when she took up the bill, she found there was a piece of paper (6) u_____ the ill. 
On the paper it reads:  
Dear daughter:    
     It is your grandmother's (7) b_____  today, Please stay at home and (8) w_____ for us. We'll go 
to your grandmother's home. (9) B_____  remember: this bill is not for you. I put it here in order to 
attract you. Please (10) p_____  it where it was after you read the paper.
1. year   2. tell     3. found   4. dining   5. much      
6. under 7. birthday   8. wait    9. But  10. put

科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. —What's the m____ with Jim?
    —I think he has a sore back.
2.—What are you doing on vacation? 
   —I am going c_____.
3. I often r_____ my bike to school. What about you?
4. May is the f______ month of the year.
5.How do you make a banana milk s_____?
6.I'm going to be a basketball p_____ in the future.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1.Bob's mother is Mary. Mary's         is Bob.
2.This is a p         of his family.
3. Lily is my c        ,my aunt's daughter.
4.That's a photo of my f        . Look!These are my father and mother.
5. I'm Anna's brother.Anna is my s        .


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. My mother's sister is my a        .
2. That's my mother.I'm her d        .
3. Miss White is my English teacher.S         is a good teacher
4. Jeff and Helen are Jim's p        .Jim is their son.
5. The boy is not my brother.He is my f        .


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. Although it was expensive, we _____ (決定) to buy it.
2. Who _____ (發(fā)現) America first?
3. I like eating _____ (脆的) cookies. They are hard,dry and easily broken.
4. I met her by a _____ in a crowded bus.
5. A c _____ means a hundred years.

