     Nobody is happy all the time, but we should try to be happy as often as possible. We cannot change the
(1) p______, but we can enjoy the present, and look to the future. Learn to accept that things aren't going to
be good all the time, and you will find your days much easier to get through. If you always think why you're
not good at (2) a ______, your life well become more and more boring. Change the way you think about and
your life will change. Looking (3) a______ carefully, you will realize how lucky you are to have the things
you have already had ---- a loving family, great friends, or a (4) s______ job. Many people don't know they
are angry with themselves, not with others. So, you should be open up completely to yourself and learn to
be your own best friend. Be honest with yourself. What do you want out of life? What makes you (6) r______
happy? Who do you want to be? Don't hold yourself back. The happiest days of our lives are the days when
we see a smile on the face of a person whom we (7) c______ about. Even helping a stranger can make you
realize how much you really have, because of how much you can give.
1. pastime  2. anything  3. around  4. successful  5. really  6. care

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

useful,  visit ,  travel,  knowledge,  two,  with,
popular,  come,  but,  advantage,  other,  in
Travel is useful to us in at least three ways.
First, by【小題1】_ we can enjoy the beautiful scenery (風(fēng)景)of different places. We can see【小題2】our own eyes many things which can not be read about in books, and__【小題3】__some famous cities and scenic spots.
【小題4】_, we will meet people with different interests and see strange and different things when we travel. We can get ideas of the conditions and customs of  【小題5】_ people, taste different foods and local favors (偏愛) if we like._【小題6】_ this way, we can understand how different other people live.
Third, travel will not only help us gain (獲得)【小題7】_ of geography and history and other knowledge,_【小題8】__will also help us keep healthy and make us less narrow-minded (才智有限的).
With all these _【小題9】_ of travel, it is no wonder(難怪) that travel has now become more【小題10】 than ever in China.


科目:初中英語 來源:2011--2012學(xué)年廣東省佛山中學(xué)九年級(jí)第一次質(zhì)量檢測英語試卷 題型:選詞填空


useful,  visit ,  travel,  knowledge,  two,  with,
popular,  come,  but,  advantage,  other,  in
Travel is useful to us in at least three ways.
First, by【小題1】_ we can enjoy the beautiful scenery (風(fēng)景)of different places. We can see【小題2】our own eyes many things which can not be read about in books, and__【小題3】__some famous cities and scenic spots.
【小題4】_, we will meet people with different interests and see strange and different things when we travel. We can get ideas of the conditions and customs of  【小題5】_ people, taste different foods and local favors (偏愛) if we like._【小題6】_ this way, we can understand how different other people live.
Third, travel will not only help us gain (獲得)【小題7】_ of geography and history and other knowledge,_【小題8】__will also help us keep healthy and make us less narrow-minded (才智有限的).
With all these _【小題9】_ of travel, it is no wonder(難怪) that travel has now become more【小題10】 than ever in China.


科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年福建省鳳城中學(xué)教研片初一下學(xué)期期中英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:選詞填空


Amy is thirteen. She comes from ____81____. She’s in China with her ____82____ now. She’s a student in No.2 High School. She likes her school and all of her ____83____. She thinks they’re very ____84____ to her. She likes Chinese, too. But she can’t ____85____ Chinese very well. Amy____86____up very early every morning. She____87____ some milk and bread for breakfast. And she goes to school ____88____ bike.  She is never late.
In the evening, she does ____89____ homework and reads newspapers. She goes to bed at nine. She’s very___90____every day.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年湖北省利川市龍船中學(xué)八年級(jí)下學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:選詞填空

綜合填空 選擇方框中的單詞并用其適當(dāng)形式填空。每空限填一詞。

An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a farmer. Every day he ____【小題1】_____out with his brushes, and painted from morning to evening. And then when it got _____【小題2】______, he went back to the farm and had a good dinner _____【小題3】______he went to bed.
At the end of his holiday, he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, “No, I don’t want_____【小題4】_____. Please give me one of your___【小題5】_____. In a week the money will be used up, but your picture will ___【小題6】_____be here.” The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for __【小題7】_____such kind of things ____【小題8】______his pictures. The farmer smiled and said again, “It’s not that. I have a son in London. He wants to ___【小題9】_____an artist. When he comes home next month, I’ll show him your picture. Then he will not want to be an artist any___【小題10】___, I think.”


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年山東聊城莘縣初一第二學(xué)期期末檢測英語卷(解析版) 題型:單詞造句

綜合填空:閱讀短文,從方框中選擇適當(dāng)?shù)脑~并用其正確形式填空,使短文通順意思完整 。每空限填一詞,每詞限用一次, 有兩個(gè)詞是多余的。共10分。


  try,  how,  what,  if,  can,  wonderful, 

  much  ,shop , read,  glass , down , put.


Tom lived away from town . One day he went into town to buy something in the shop . and after he bought1. ________ he wanted, he went into a restaurant and sat2.________ at the table. When he looked round, he saw

some old people3.________ eyeglasses on before4.________ their books, so after lunch he went to a shop to buy 5.________, too. He walked along the road, and soon found a 6. ________.

The man in the shop made him 7.________ on a lot of glasses, but each time Tom said, “ No, I can’t read with these. ”

The man became 8.________ and more puzzled (困惑) . At last he said, “ Excuse me, but 9.________ you read at all?”

“ No, I can’t! ” Tom said, “10.________ I can read, do you think I will come here to buy glasses? ”


