_______ the bad weather, the swimming match has been put off.

A. Because of     B. Thanks to    C. With the help of







科目:初中英語 來源:2011年湖南省株洲市中考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Now lots of teenagers like smoking. It's a big problem. Some of them smoke, just for fun and some think smoking looks cool. Others smoke because there are many people around them that smoke.
As we all know, smoking is harmful, especially to students. Some teenagers even steal money so that they can buy cigarettes. Besides, smoking does harm to brains and it can influence studies. Finally, it is bad for health because it can cause diseases.
Therefore(因此), we should protect ourselves from smoking. First, we should learn more about the danger of smoking. Second, we should keep away from people who smoke.
【小題1】Now some teenagers like smoking because_________.
A. smoking is good for them
B. their parents want them to do so
C. they think it is fun
【小題2】From the passage, we know some teenagers steal money in order to _______.
A. buy cigarettes   B. buy books    C. play games
【小題3】Smoking is harmful to_________ .
A. brains              B. legs        C. eyes
【小題4】Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. Smoking can cause diseases.
B. Smoking can influence studies.
C. We shouldn't keep away from people who smoke.
【小題5】The writer of the passage wants teenagers________.
A. to smoke           B. not to smoke       C. not to keep away from smoking


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆浙江長興縣實驗初中九年級下學(xué)期期中調(diào)研英語試卷(解析版) 題型:完型填空

At lunchtime, Bonnie and Ruth sat together like they always did at school. Ruth and Bonnie were best friends and best friends always sat together for lunch. They  1  sandwiches, cupcakes and almost everything.

But today things were   2  . Bonnie looked upset, and Ruth did not know why. “Why are you sad today, Bonnie?” Ruth asked. “Because my daddy    3  his job yesterday,” she said. “And we may have to move. My mom and dad are very unhappy and they always argue. I am   4 . What is going to happen to us?”

Bonnie’s news made Ruth very sad, too. What would school be like   5  Bonnie? What could she do to help her friend? When Ruth went home she told her mom the bad   6 .

“What can I do to help?” she asked.

“I’m not sure, Ruth,” said her mother sadly.

Ruth thought and thought. She thought while she ate supper and she thought while she did homework. She even thought when she brushed her teeth before going to bed.

“What can I do?” she  7 .

The next day was Saturday and Ruth woke up very early. She dressed and ate a quick breakfast,  8  went to find her friends. They all decided to    9  together to help Bonnie. They pulled weeds, played with babies and walked dogs. They even put on a Talent show in Ruth’s backyard. All the adults paid one dollar to watch the   10  sing and dance and do magic tricks. After the performance, the children   11 their money. They had made three hundred dollars! Ruth’s mom took them to the grocery store and they bought food, soap, paper towels, and all kinds of things that a person might need.

When they left the store they went to Bonnie’s house and each of the children   12  carried a bag to the door, rang the doorbell and ran away quickly. They had so much fun with   13  secret surprise! They knew it would make Bonnie very happy.

Ruth felt happy too,   14 she had helped her friend. She knew it wasn’t much, but all she needed to do was to show her friend that she cared   15 . I think Bonnie got the message, don’t you?

1.                A.found          B.cooked         C.shared   D.bought


2.                A.same          B.good           C.right D.different


3.                A.changed        B.lost            C.enjoyed  D.got


4.                A.worried        B.lonely          C.disappointed   D.surprised


5.                A.to             B.with           C.for  D.without


6.                A.story           B.result          C.news D.report


7.                A.dreamt         B.a(chǎn)nswered       C.talked    D.wondered


8.                A.so             B.then           C.a(chǎn)fter D.before


9.                A.work           B.study           C.help D.think


10.               A.parents        B.a(chǎn)ctors          C.students   D.children


11.               A.counted        B.saved          C.sent D.spent


12.               A.slowly          B.quietly         C.seriously  D.patiently


13.               A.their           B.his            C.her   D.its


14.               A.though         B.a(chǎn)nd            C.because of D.because


15.               A.helped         B.cared          C.understood D.realized




科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年廣東省中山市三校九年級第一次聯(lián)合模擬考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:其他題



Connect to the world

Over the past 20 years, the Internet has greatly influenced our world and   1. our lives. The Internet makes it much  2.for people to search for information. For   3., when we write a history report, we don’t have to go to the library. We can find   4. about world leaders and historical events on different websites. Everything we want to know can 5.found at the click of a button.

The Internet helps us to stay connected to family, friends and the world around us. Not long ago, we wrote letters and waited weeks for a reply. Today, when we use QQ, we send and receive messages across thousands of miles in a   6.seconds.

Although the Internet has made our world better in many ways, in some   7. it can be a bad influence. There is a lot of false information on the Internet. It is important not to believe   8. we read on the Internet.

Some teenagers spend too much time  9. Internet games. They may lose focus on their studies.

There are millions of interesting sites to visit and so many wonderful things to do online. How could we live without the Internet nowadays? But try to let the Internet be your   10.servant, not your bad master!



科目:初中英語 來源:2012年外研版初中英語九年級下Module 6 練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


I was sleeping soundly last night when I was awakened by someone’s groans(呻吟).I listened , and heard it was from Sam,a student from Africa. I really wanted to go on sleeping, as I had insomnia(失眠)and had just fallen asleep, but I couldn’t because Sam groaned louder and louder,showing he was seriously ill.

At that time , Robbie,a student from China , also got up to help. We found some pills,got some water , and helped him sit up to take them, hoping this would make his pain go down a little and get over the difficult time. If only daytime would come soon, everything would become easier.

Things went contrary相反)to our wishes. Sam’s condition developed from bad to worse. We telephoned the emergency service , and in no time an ambulance stopped in front of our gate. We helped the medical(醫(yī)療)workers carry Sam to the vehicle,and then both Robbie and I got in and took Sam to the hospital.

We helped him go through many medical examinations. After all kinds of tests,we were told that the final diagnosis(診斷)was appendicitis(盲腸炎). Luckily , Sam didn’t need an operation because we brought him to the hospital in time. He got timely treatment.

After Sam felt much better , we rushed back to prepare ourselves for the class. We were a little tired , but we had certainly done something good,something right.1.Why couldn’t the writer go on sleeping that night?

A.Because he was too excited that day.

B.Because his roommates were watching football games on TV.

C.Because one of his roommates was sick and groaning.

D.Because he was sick.

2. What does “vehicle” in the third paragraph refer to?





3. Why didn’t Sam need an operation?

A.Because Sam didn’t have enough money for an operation.

B.Because Sam was sent to the hospital in time.

C.Because Sam was much afraid of having an operation.

D.This article doesn’t tell us the reason.

4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Sam , Robbie and the writer lived in the same room.

B.Sam was feeling very well after taking some pills.

C.Robbie and the writer also went to the hospital.

D.Robbie and the writer didn’t sleep after they came back from the hospital.



科目:初中英語 來源:2012年仁愛版初中英語八年級下冊第五單元Topic3練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:單詞拼寫


1.He wouldn’ t allow anything to ___ (get in the way of) him doing his job.

2. He was late because his car ___ (break down) on the road.

3. ——The sports meeting might ___(put off) because of the bad weather. ——What a pity!

4. Can you ___(come up with ) a good idea to help her with her English?

5. ____(take it easy) ! He will come back here in half an hour.

6. The dialogue is ____ (make up) of three sentences.

7. Don’t touch them because they don’t ___ (belong to) you.

8. The teacher’s chalk _____ (use up). Will you please bring some?

9. ____(at present) everyone in our class is studying English hard for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

10. The evening party began with an English song and ____ (end up) with a dance.

11. Some boys were talking and laughing ____(noise) when the teacher came in.

12. March 12th is Tree ______ (plant) Day.

13. The more we get together, the ___ (happy) we’ll be.

14. Look! The boy ____(tie) the tree to the top of the stick.

15. The ____ (die) leaves fall on the ground in autumn.

16. _____ (thank) to your help, I won the prize.

17. No man has traveled ____(far) than the moon so far.

18.Do you know ___ (who) son he is?

19. Please keep your eyes ______ (close).

20.My father told me an _____ (usual) story.

21. Michael Jordan is my favorite basketball ____ (play).

22. My wish is _____ (go) to college when I ____ (graduate) from high school.

23. _____ (say) is one thing and ____ (do) is quite another.

24. Does Mr Smith likes us ____ (speak) to him in Chinese?

25.Can rice ____ (grow) in winter?

26. Dr Bethune ____ (know) all over the world.

27. Three ____ (multiply) by two is six.

28. The world’s population is growing faster and faster, we must do _____ (some) to slow down its increasing.

29. Lily writes the most _____ (care) in our class.

30. They never knew what ___ (happen) in a hundred years.


