Hello Sandy,

We have just returned form our holiday. We went with our friends,Edward Smith and his wife Tina, to the Yorkshire Moors. It is a beautiful natural park. There are lots of places to walk on the tops of the hillsmiles of grassland with no people,just sheep and birds.

? Edward had just come out of hospital and he could not walk as far as before. However, this meant that we walked in the mornings, and then stopped at a restaurant for lunch each day before returning to the place we lived in. Edward and I slept in front of the fire all afternoon, while the ladies went for another walk. Very pleasant!

I took lots of photos from the place we lived in, across the valley (山谷)below us, of the morning sunrise, and the mist(迷霧)in the valley. Also, in England, the old steam-powered trains are very popular. I took many photos of the train.

Yesterday we had the first snow of this winter. It is very early. We usually have snow in January. It rained all day, then snowed in the evening .Today we have bright sunshine! Both Jenny and I are well. I dont know if I told you, in the last e-mail , that Jenny is now working in a hotel. Although she has to work hard, people there are nice, and she is enjoying the work.

Please write to us to tell us your news.

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Yours,?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Victor

1.What can they see on the tops of the hills??

A. Sheep and birds?? B. Snow.?? C. Many people.?? D. Forests.

2.Why couldnt Edward walk very far?

A. Because he didnt like walking.???? B. Because he was in hospital.

C. Because he was weak then.???????? D. Because his wife didnt go.

3.Whats the season now?

A. Spring?????? B. Winter???? C. Summer??? D. Autumn

4.Where does Jenny work now?

A. In a computer company????? B. In the hospital

C. In a restaurant????????????? D. In a hotel

5.Victor wrote to tell Sandy _____.

A. he just came back from his holiday???

B. Edward could not walk as far as before

C. they had the first snow of this winter?

D. how things were going with the holiday.










1.細(xì)節(jié)理解題.根據(jù)短文第一段miles of grassland with no people,just sheep and birds 描述,可知在山頂上能看到山羊和鳥.故選A.

2.細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)Edward had just come out of hospital and he could not walk as far as before.描述,可知愛(ài)德華不能走得很遠(yuǎn)是因?yàn)樗麆偝鲈,還很虛弱。故選C。

3.細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)正文第四段Yesterday we had the first snow of this winter.描述,可知這個(gè)季節(jié)是冬季。故選B。

4.細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)正文第四段that Jenny is now working in a hotel. 描述,可知珍妮現(xiàn)在正在一家賓館工作。故選D。

5.主旨大意題。根據(jù)短文第一段We have just returned form our holiday.及本文描述,可知本文主要講述了自己在假期中的一些經(jīng)歷。故選D。



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:專項(xiàng)題 題型:閱讀理解

    I first met Windy, a six-year-old girl, on the beach near where I lived. Every time when I felt unhappy, I
drove to the beach. She was building sand house or something else there. She looked up, her eyes were as blue
as the sea.
    "Hello." She said. I answered, but didn't really want to stop her."I'm building." she said again. I saw that.
"What is it?" I asked her."Oh, I don't know. I just like the feeling of the sand."
    Oh, that's good, I thought, and took off my shoes to join her. A sandpiper (一種水鳥) flew by. She told me
that it would make me happy. I felt better then.
    On my next visit, I learned that Windy lived in a summer cottage (小屋) and didn't go to school, even though
it was winter. Soon after, my mother died, and I rushed to the beach to be alone. I didn't want to say anything
when Windy came up to me."Why?" she asked.
    I turned to her and shouted, "Because my mother died!" "Oh," she said quietly, "then today is a bad day."
    A month later, I went to the beach but couldn't find Windy. I missed her so much that I visited her house. I
learned that Windy had died of leukemia (白血病), but left a picture of a sandpiper for me, to make me happy.
1. The writer drove to the beach because _________.
[     ]
A. a six-year-old girl lived near there
B. Windy's eyes were as blue as the sea
C. she didn't feel happy
2. The writer felt better _________.
[     ]
A. because she took off her shoes
B. when she stopped the girl from playing
C. after she learned that a sandpiper would bring her joy
3. On her next visit to the beach, the writer learned ________.
[     ]
A. that the girl's name was Windy 
B. how to build a summer cottage
C. that Windy didn't go to school
4. Why did the writer rush to the beach soon after? Because ________.
[     ]
A. her mother died
B. she wanted to be alone
C. she thought Windy must be there
5. Why did Windy left a picture of a sandpiper for the writer? Because she thought that _________.
[     ]
A. the writer liked the sandpiper
B. it would make the writer happy
C. the writer missed her


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:北京模擬題 題型:閱讀理解

     Imagine that you are the first person ever to see Hawaii. What would be the first thing you would set
foot on?
     The beach, naturally. There are hundreds of miles of beaches on the twenty islands of Hawaii. These
islands cover l,600 miles and are about 2,300 miles west of California. Most of them are covered with fine
white sand. They are thought to be among the finest beaches in the world.
     Another wonderful thing about the beaches of Hawaii is the water temperature. The year-round average
(平均) temperature of the water at the famous Waikiki Beach is 23℃!
     The same is true of air temperature. In fact, there are no real seasons in Hawaii. There is a difference of
only two or three degrees between the hottest day of summer and the coldest day of winter. That's why the
Hawaiians don't have a word for weather in their language.
     Perhaps the nicest thing about Hawaiian beaches are the waves. The earliest settlers (定居者) in Hawaii,
the Polynesians, quickly leamed how much fun it was to ride the waves. They developed a sport which is
now very popular on the islands called body surfing. You go out into the ocean, wait for a big wave to come
towards you, jump on it, and ride it all the way to the beach.
     Now imagine once again that you are the first person ever to set foot in Hawaii. What do you think would
be the second beautiful thing you would notice? Would it be those strange triangles ( 三角形狀物) rising out
of the water hundreds and hundreds of meters high? What are those beautiful things? They are volcanoes (火山), of course. These volcanoes are not just a part of the islands. They made the islands at first. Because of
them the islands are still growing.
     The most famous volcano on Hawaii is Mauna Loa. It is the world's most active volcano. It has been
erupting (噴發(fā)) for thousands of years. Even when it isn't erupting, smoke comes out of the earth from a
thousand little holes.
     In 1950 Mauna Loa erupted for twenty-three days. That erupting produced the greatest amount of lava (熔巖) in modem history. In 1960 it erupted again. That time it added a kilometer of beach to the island. Because
Mauna Loa has erupted so often, it has become the biggest (but not the tallest) mountain in the world.
     These volcanoes could be dangerous to the population of Hawaii. In fact, hello, the second largest city in
Hawaii, is built just under Mauna Loa. The volcano could erupt at any time. Most people believe that it will
erupt sometime in the next twenty-five years. But the people of Hilo do not seem worried. They live with the
danger as part of their lives.
1. According to the passage, what are the two most beautiful things in Hawaii?
A. Waves and cities.
B. Beaches and language.
C. Volcanoes and beaches.
D. Volcanoes and people.
2. Which is NOT the reason why the Hawaiians don't have a word for weather in their language?
A. There are no real seasons in Hawaii.
B. The temperature of the water at one of the beaches is always 23℃.
C. The Hawaiians feel almost the same in the hottest day and coldest day.
D. There is not much difference in air temperature all the year round in Hawaii.
3. What should be the meaning of "body surfing"?
A. Riding waves.
B. Body-building.
C. Sea bathing.
D. Jumping into the sea.
4. It can be inferred that _______ according to the passage.
A. volcanoes are more active because the area of the island is enlarging
B. the visitors to Hawaii can probably see more than one active volcano
C. Mauna Loa is the tallest mountain in the world because it has erupted so often
D. people in Hilo are sure that more visitors will come because of volcanoes

