She ________ me she was going to Beijing, but she didn't ________ me the time.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
tell sb.sth.告訴某人某事.前面半句的時(shí)態(tài)是一般過去式.talk表示“談?wù)摗,speak一般用于“說某種語言”.

科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆山東省濰坊市初中學(xué)業(yè)水平考試二模英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Ellen Parker was worried about her health. She could not walk very quickly and it was difficult for her to climb stars. She was soon out of breath (氣喘吁吁).
“I suppose I had better go to the doctor,” she thought.
She went to the doctor and told him her problem.
“I’m not surprised at all,” he said. “It’s obvious what your problem is.”
He looked her over then gave her some advice.
“If you don’t do what I say, Mrs. Parker,” he said, “you will have a heart attack. It could kill you.”
Ellen Parker was very worried as she left the doctor’s. She knew that she had to take his advice but it would not be easy and it would take time.
The next day she went shopping. The first shop she went into was a butcher’s shop (肉鋪).
“I’d like ten pounds of steak (牛排), please,” she said.
“Certainly, madam,” the butcher replied and went into the cold room and found a large piece of steak. He brought the huge piece of meat back into the shop and put it on the scale (天平).
“That’s just under ten pounds,” he said.
“That big enough,” Mrs. Parker said.
The butcher worked out the price.
“At $4.99 a pound that will be $49.50, please. Would you like me to cut it up into smaller pieces for you?”
“Oh, I don’t want to buy the meat,” Mrs. Parker said.
“If you don’t want to buy it,” the butcher replied angrily, “why did you ask me to get it for you?”
“My doctor told me that I am over-weight and I have to lose ten pounds. I wanted to see what ten pounds of meat looked like.”
【小題1】Why did Ellen Parker visit the doctor?

A.She had had a heart attack.
B.She had a problem with her health.
C.She was unhappy about her weight.
D.She could not sleep well.
【小題2】What did the doctor advise her to do?
A.To lose weight. B.To eat more meat.
C.To come and see him again. D.To look after her heart.
【小題3】Why did Ellen Parker ask for ten pounds of steak?
A.She wanted to buy some for dinner.
B.She wanted to lose weight.
C.Her doctor had told her to eat steak.
D.She wanted to see what ten pounds of meat looked like.
【小題4】What was Ellen Parker’s real problem?
A.She ate too much steak.
B.She weighed too much.
C.The doctor did not know.
D.She could not walk very quickly.


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆湖北省宜昌中學(xué)九年級(jí)下學(xué)期第一次月考英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Millvina Dean, Titanic’s last Survivor(幸存者), died on May 31,2009 at a nursing home(療養(yǎng)院) in Southampton.. She was 97 and had been in poor health for several weeks.
Ms Dean was the youngest among the ship’s 705 survivors. She was only 9 weeks old when the Titanic sank on the night of April 14, 1912. She survived with her mother and her 2-year-old brother. Her father, Bertram Dean, died in the sinking.
Millvina Dean never married. For many years after the sinking,she never spoke of it to people around her. But that changed after September 1, 1985 when the wreck(殘骸)of the Titanic was discovered. That set off a wave of interest in the ship, especially after the movie Titanic.“They found the wreck and after that, they found me,” she said.
In the last 20 years of her life, she went to the US, Canada and Europe to take part in events related to the sinking. She said all that she knew of what happened during the sinking was learned from her mother.
She moved to the nursing home because of her falling health. In order to pay the living costs there,she began to sell her Titanic souvenirs(紀(jì)念品).
Ms Dean had never seen the movie Titanic. She explains the movie would make her think of what had happened to her father, so she didn’t want to see it.
【小題1】Millvina Dean was _______ when the Titanic sank.

A.nine weeks old
B.twelve weeks old
C.two years old
D.twenty years old
【小題2】Why did the Deans take the Titanic ?
A.They were going on a holiday
B.They were going to a party in the US
C.We can’t find out the reason from this passage.
D.They were going to visit their grandparents in
【小題3】The underlined words “set off” mean ______ in the passage.
A. leave   B. start     C. improve    D record
【小題4】Millvina Dean didn’t say anything about the Titanic until _______.
A.she was ill.
B.she was dying
C.the wreck of the Titanic was discovered
D.20 years later
【小題5】From the passage above, we can’t infer (猜測(cè)) that _________. hundred and five people survived in the Titanic sinking
B.Millvina Dean’s father died in the sinking
C.The wreck of the Titanic was found in 1985
D.Ms Dean wanted to see the film Titanic very much


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年江蘇東臺(tái)實(shí)驗(yàn)中學(xué)中考模擬英語卷(解析版) 題型:完型填空

Christmas was coming and my ten-year-old Alice told her father and me that she wanted a new bike.  Her bike was too   1  , and it needed repairing as well.

As Christmas   2 ,  her dream for a bike seemed to disappear, we thought, for she didn't say it again. We were busy  3  some beautiful story books, a doll house, a holiday dress and toys. Then to our surprise, on December 24, she said she really wanted a bike more than   4 .

Now we didn't know   5  to do. It was just too late. We were busy with Christmas dinner and packing  6  presents, parents' presents, a brother's present and friends' presents till midnight. So there was   7  time to take to buy the "right hike" for our little girl. Thinking we were parents who would make their child unhappy, we felt sorry and   8 .

Suddenly my husband had an idea. "What about making a little bike with clay (黏土) and writing a note that she could trade in (交換) the model bike for a real one?" So he spent the next five hours carefully __9__ with clay to make a small bike.

  10  Christmas morning, we were so excited for Alice to open the little box with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note. She opened and read the   11  loudly. She looked at me and said, "So, does this mean I can trade in this bike for a real  12 _?" Smiling, I said, "Yes!" Alice had tears in her eyes when she replied, "I would  13  trade in this beautiful bike Daddy made me. I __14 _ keep it than get a real bike. This is the best Christmas present   15  I have ever got in my life!"

1.                 B.old            C.beautiful  D.modern


2.                A.came nearer     B.was over        C.went by  D.passed


3.                  B.bought buy    D.buying


4.                A.something else   B.a(chǎn)nything else     C.else something D.else anything


5.                A.what            C.why D.where


6.                A.children        B.children's       C.boy  D.girls


7.                A.enough             C.much D.still a little


8.                A.happy          B.excited         C.sad  D.a(chǎn)ngry


9.                B.worked         C.working work


10.               A.In             B.On            C.At    D.For


11.               B.story           C.note  D.newspaper


12.                B.ones           C.some D.a(chǎn)ny


13.               A.usually         B.certainly        C.never D.of course


14.               A.a(chǎn)m going to     B.would like to     C.had better D.would rather


15.               A.who           B.those          C.what  D.that




科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年湖北省九年級(jí)下學(xué)期第一次月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Millvina Dean, Titanic’s last Survivor(幸存者), died on May 31,2009 at a nursing home(療養(yǎng)院) in Southampton.. She was 97 and had been in poor health for several weeks.

Ms Dean was the youngest among the ship’s 705 survivors. She was only 9 weeks old when the Titanic sank on the night of April 14, 1912. She survived with her mother and her 2-year-old brother. Her father, Bertram Dean, died in the sinking.

Millvina Dean never married. For many years after the sinking,she never spoke of it to people around her. But that changed after September 1, 1985 when the wreck(殘骸)of the Titanic was discovered. That set off a wave of interest in the ship, especially after the movie Titanic.“They found the wreck and after that, they found me,” she said.

In the last 20 years of her life, she went to the US, Canada and Europe to take part in events related to the sinking. She said all that she knew of what happened during the sinking was learned from her mother.

She moved to the nursing home because of her falling health. In order to pay the living costs there,she began to sell her Titanic souvenirs(紀(jì)念品).

Ms Dean had never seen the movie Titanic. She explains the movie would make her think of what had happened to her father, so she didn’t want to see it.

1.Millvina Dean was _______ when the Titanic sank.

A.nine weeks old

B.twelve weeks old

C.two years old

D.twenty years old

2.Why did the Deans take the Titanic ?

A.They were going on a holiday

B.They were going to a party in the US

C.We can’t find out the reason from this passage.

D.They were going to visit their grandparents in

3.The underlined words “set off” mean ______ in the passage.

A. leave   B. start     C. improve    D record

4.Millvina Dean didn’t say anything about the Titanic until _______.

A.she was ill.

B.she was dying

C.the wreck of the Titanic was discovered

D.20 years later

5.From the passage above, we can’t infer (猜測(cè)) that _________. hundred and five people survived in the Titanic sinking

B.Millvina Dean’s father died in the sinking

C.The wreck of the Titanic was found in 1985

D.Ms Dean wanted to see the film Titanic very much



科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Millvina Dean, Titanic’s last Survivor(幸存者), died on May 31,2009 at a nursing home(療養(yǎng)院) in Southampton.. She was 97 and had been in poor health for several weeks.
Ms Dean was the youngest among the ship’s 705 survivors. She was only 9 weeks old when the Titanic sank on the night of April 14, 1912. She survived with her mother and her 2-year-old brother. Her father, Bertram Dean, died in the sinking.
Millvina Dean never married. For many years after the sinking,she never spoke of it to people around her. But that changed after September 1, 1985 when the wreck(殘骸)of the Titanic was discovered. That set off a wave of interest in the ship, especially after the movie Titanic.“They found the wreck and after that, they found me,” she said.
In the last 20 years of her life, she went to the US, Canada and Europe to take part in events related to the sinking. She said all that she knew of what happened during the sinking was learned from her mother.
She moved to the nursing home because of her falling health. In order to pay the living costs there,she began to sell her Titanic souvenirs(紀(jì)念品).
Ms Dean had never seen the movie Titanic. She explains the movie would make her think of what had happened to her father, so she didn’t want to see it

  1. 1.

    Millvina Dean was _______ when the Titanic sank.

    1. A.
      nine weeks old
    2. B.
      twelve weeks old
    3. C.
      two years old
    4. D.
      twenty years old
  2. 2.

    Why did the Deans take the Titanic ?

    1. A.
      They were going on a holiday
    2. B.
      They were going to a party in the US
    3. C.
      We can’t find out the reason from this passage
    4. D.
      They were going to visit their grandparents in
  3. 3.

    The underlined words “set off” mean ______ in the passage.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.

    Millvina Dean didn’t say anything about the Titanic until ______.

    1. A.
      she was ill
    2. B.
      she was dying
    3. C.
      the wreck of the Titanic was discovered
    4. D.
      20 years later
  5. 5.

    From the passage above, we can’t infer (猜測(cè)) that ______.

    1. A.
      seven hundred and five people survived in the Titanic sinking
    2. B.
      Millvina Dean’s father died in the sinking
    3. C.
      The wreck of the Titanic was found in 1985
    4. D.
      Ms Dean wanted to see the film Titanic very much

