
  Nearly every parent says that we never grow up.In fact, we are maybe 16 or 17 years old.In their eyes, we are always little ones and always do wrong things.For example, when I need to stay at home, alone, they always worry about me and my life without them.

  Most.parents always think that they have offered the best things they can to make their children live in a comfortable world.They buy their children pretty clothes, cool shoes, strange.but expensive.school things, and always a thousand-yuan-cost bike.They think that they have done everything they can to their dear little children.In return, they only want their little ones give them good results in the examinations.But why their little babies still can't understand them? Why? Does it mean that they still want.more material things? No.As a matter of fact, what they want is a true family..What does a true family mean? I think it means a place where we can hide ourselves from the outside cold world.From here, we can get warmth, we.can get consolation(安慰), and we can get happiness.And one important thing is that we should be stronger and more confident in the outside world because we know that we have a family.

  So I think that parents should save their money and sit down to talk with their child to let them know that they have a true family, so the child and his parents could understand each other better and better.Then, will, no, be, a , one, child, little, as, regarded ________.

1.What do parents always think of us children?


2.What do parents want from their children?


3.Who lives a better life, a child with a true family or one without a true family?







  1.Our children are always little ones and always do wrong things

  2.They want their children give them good results in the examinations.

  3.A child with a true family


  5.Then no one will be regarded as a little child.


科目:初中英語 來源:2011湖北省十堰市中考英語試題 題型:053


  There is no way that you cannot have any embarrassing moments.You can’t control everything that happens, so you’re going to be in an embarrassing situation one day.So how can you solve this problem? The answer is to control your actions and try not to get upset.

  ◆Remember that you'll probably laugh about it in a few days, so try to see the funny side of it right away.

  ◆If it is something so embarrassing that you feel you will never laugh about it, please remember that the _________(1)will be over after some time.

  ◆Ask your friends to give you a break and not to make fun of you.If you’ve done the same for them, they’re more likely to agree to give you a break.

  Always remember that you are not alone.Everyone has embarrassing moments.While you are sure that everyone is going to remember this moment forever, that fact is that they’ll probably forget it very soon.Most of us remember the moments in which we feel embarrassed, but very few of us remember other people’s embarrassing moments.

  Most people have short memories.So while you may never forget the moment when your skirt was torn(撕裂)in gym class, most of the other people probably forget it at once.Although a short memory may not be a(n)_________(2)thing when you are trying to remember facts in a history test, it is useful when you are trying to forget life’s most embarrassing moments.





2.It can be inferred(推斷)from the passage that _________ when you fall down after making a speech.

A.everyone will remember the moment forever

B.you may never forget the moment

C.other people will feel embarrassed

D.you will not remember the moment




4.According to the passage, why does the writer say “you are not alone”?


5.What’s the main idea of the passage?

It’s mainly about how to _________ when you are embarrassed.

