The captain isn't hungry.He ________.

[  ]

A.already ate

B.have eaten already

C.has already eaten eating


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

Yao Ming, the centre of the Chinese National Men’s basketball team, joins the Houston Rocket in the 2002 NBA. The 2.2 m, 120kg basketball star becomes the first one to come from a foreign (外國(guó)的) team. Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in September, 1980. His mother is a leader of the Chinese National Women’s Team. His father plays basketball, too. Yao Ming is welcome in China. He becomes a very important basketball player in China Basketball Association. It’s short for CBA.
During the 2000-2001 seasons, he gets 27.1 scores for the Shanghai Oriental(東方) Sharks in every match. Yao Ming joins the Houston Rockets in November, 2002. He says this is a new start in his basketball life. He world do his best to learn from the NBA and improve(提高) himself. Sport analyst(分析家) Bill Walton says, “Yao Ming is very strong. He has the capability(能力) of changing the future(未來(lái)) of basketball.”
【小題1】The Houston Rockets is the name of a _______ team.
【小題2】Both Yao Ming’s father and mother are ___________.
【小題3】Yao Ming ________ in CBA during the 2000-2001 seasons. 
A.doesbadlyB.isn’tgoodC.isin AmericaD.doeswell
【小題4】Yao Ming _________ the Houston Rockets in November, 2002.
A.doeshisbesttojoinB.isa teacherin
【小題5】Sport analyst Bill Walton thinks Yao Ming can __________. 
A. learn from the NBA.
B. change the future of basketball 
C. improve himself
D. becomes the captain of the Houston Rockets.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

Victoria Middle School Report         Student: Jenny Brown
good work all year
does well this year
very interested in it and does a very good job
A little weak in this subject
not really interested and needs to improve
captain of girls’ soccer team, and also on the basketball team
Total Grade
Date:1/4/10       Signed: Ms Ding
【小題1】Whose school report is it?
A.Victoria’sB.Ms Yang’s
C.Jenny Brown’sD.We don’t know
【小題2】Which subject of the following was Jenny best at?
【小題3】How did Jenny do in sports?
A.WellB.So-soC.Very badly.D.Badly.
【小題4】From the report, we can know that Jenny       . good at computer
B.does well in Chinese science better than math the captain of the basketball team
【小題5】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Jenny is very interested in English.
B.Jenny is the best student in her class.
C.Jenny doesn’t do well in math at all.
D.Jenny does well in all the subjects.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2013屆江蘇東臺(tái)頭灶鎮(zhèn)中學(xué)九年級(jí)下期中考系列化模考訓(xùn)練英語(yǔ)卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

It’s a long-awaited day for China. The navy now has its first aircraft carrier(航空母艦), Liaoning.
It’s a unique experience to get to know the life in the carrier. The carrier is just like a small city on the sea. It has all the functions for daily life. There are 4 words to sum up its characters: big, small, much and high. The carrier Liaoning is such a huge one that the total length of the whole corridor(過(guò)道)could reach over 20 kilometers. But the living space for the sailors(水手)is quite small. That’s because the carrier is designed for researching purposes, rather than comfortable living. Over 1,000 sailors, both men and women, are living onboard. They are arranged among over 3,000 tiny rooms below the deck. For visitors, it’s so easy to get lost. So the first thing the new sailors have to learn is their way around. The number of female sailors is much less than that of the males, taking about 5 percent of the total. But they play a key role in carrying out some special missions.
Also, you will be surprised by the high level of education of today’s sailors. The captain said that over 90 percent of the sailors are college graduates. Six hold Doctor’s Degrees and 45 have a Master’s. The whole team is young but vigorous(朝氣蓬勃的). The complex work on the carrier requires high management abilities for the commanders onboard(在船上).
【小題1】Why do we visitors get lost easily inside the carrier?

A.Because they don’t have a map.
B.Because the living space is quite small.
C.Because there are too many corridors for rooms.
D.Because the corridor inside the carrier is too long.
【小題2】What does the word “high” in Line 6 refer to(指代)?
A.The aircraft carrier is high since it is just like a small city.
B.Most of the soldiers received good education.
C.The expense(花費(fèi))to run a carrier is high.
D.The high-level of their training.
【小題3】Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Liaoning is our country’s first aircraft carrier.
B.Most of the sailors on the carrier are college graduates.
C.There are far fewer women sailors than men sailors on the carrier.
D.It is comfortable for the sailors to live in the carrier.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011-2012學(xué)年江蘇宜興外國(guó)語(yǔ)學(xué)校初二下學(xué)期期中考試英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

One day three Frenchmen who did not know English very well were talking about the English language.
The first Frenchman said, ‘I heard someone shout ‘look out’ ,I put my head out of a window and a basin of water fell on me. It seems that ‘look out’ may mean ‘don’t look out!’
The second one followed, ‘ I was once on a ship and heard the captain(船長(zhǎng)) shout, ‘All hands on the deck(甲板)’ I put my hands on the deck and someone trod(踩)on them.’
The third one told his friends his experience too, ‘One early morning I called on my English friend and the maid(女傭) said, ‘He is not up yet, come back in half an hour.’ When I went again for him, she said, ‘He’s not down yet.’I said, ‘If he’s not up and he is not down, where is he then?    What a strange language it is!’
【小題1】What is the possible meaning of “l(fā)ook out” in this passage?

A.Put your head out and look outsideB.Be careful
C.Come out and have a lookD.Both A and B
【小題2】When the captain shouted. “All hands on deck”, he really meant to tell____________.
A.Everyone on the ship to put his hands on the deck
B.All the sailors(水手)to put their hands on the deck
C.All the sailors to come up to deal with (處理)some trouble
D.Everyone on ship to gather (集合)on the deck
【小題3】What did the maid mean when she said, “He’s not up yet”?
A.He has not risen to his feet yet.
B.He’s not back yet.
C.He has not got up yet.
D.He was ill in bed.
【小題4】Where was the third Frenchman’s English friend then?
A.He was at a party.
B.He was at work.
C.He was in his bedroom.
D.He was in the bathroom.
【小題5】What do you think was the three Frenchmen’s real trouble?
A.English is too difficult to understand.
B.They didn’t use the language so often.
C.They knew nothing about the English idioms.(成語(yǔ)\習(xí)慣用語(yǔ))
D.They were not sure about the English grammar.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2012年外研版初中英語(yǔ)八年級(jí)上Module10 練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:單詞拼寫

1.The play Teahouse shows the a    life in China between 1898 and 1945.

2.Lao She was b   in Beijing in 1899.

3.Las She was n   a “People’s Artist” and “Great Master of Language”.

4.Teahouse gives a wonderful w   to everyone from China and from all over the world.

5.The captain falls in love with Maria and m   her.

6.The story brings the audience to the end of the         (抗日) War in 1945.?

7.The girl is very pretty and she sings very        (優(yōu)美).

8.The story starts in 1898          (在……期間) the Qing Dynasty.

9.He wrote many plays,       (小說(shuō)) and short stories.

10.The boy often practises p   football with his classmates.


