News Review

Head- on Train Crash  On May 18, two trains had a head-on crash(相撞)near New York City. Over 250 people were on the trains then. About 60people were hurt, but no deaths were reported.

Travel Time  Tourists came together to the Taishan Mountain, on May1. Over 180,000tourists

visited the place of great interest from April 29 to May 1, during the three-day holiday.

Brave Volunteer   Liao Zhi , a dance teacher from Chengdu who lost her 1-year-old daughter and her legs in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, arrived in Ya’an 13 hours after the earthquake. The dancer said she had had a terrible time herself and knew what people needed most, so she decided to come and offer help.

Tomato Competition   A tomato competition was held in Huainan, Anhui Province, on April

16. The best tomatoes were chosen according to their shape, color and taste. The competition hoped to encourage the farmers to grow better tomatoes.

(   )54. About  ________ people were hurt in the head-on crash.

       A. 18                           B. 29

       C. 60                           D. 250

(   )55. A lot of people visited the Taishan Mountain________.

       A. 13 hours after the earthquake          B. on May 18

       C. during the May Day holiday          D. on April 16

(   )56. Liao Zhi, the dance teacher from________, came to Ya’an to offer help.

        A. Huainan           B. Chengdu   C. Taishan         D. New York

(   )57. The tomato competition in Anhui Province was held to________.

       A. help the people in Ya’an         B. save the people on the trains

       C. forget the terrible time           D. help grow better tomatoes



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2013年重慶市高級(jí)中等學(xué)校招生考試英語(yǔ)A卷 題型:050


  News Review

  Head-on Train Crash On May 18, two trains had a head-on crash(相撞)near New York City.Over 250 people were on the trains then.About 60people were hurt, but no deaths were reported.

  Travel Time Tourists came together to the Taishan Mountain, on May1.Over 180, 000tourists

  visited the place of great interest from April 29 to May 1, during the three-day holiday.

  Brave Volunteer Liao Zhi, a dance teacher from Chengdu who lost her 1-year-old daughter and her legs in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, arrived in Ya’an 13 hours after the earthquake.The dancer said she had had a terrible time herself and knew what people needed most, so she decided to come and offer help.

  Tomato Competition A tomato competition was held in Huainan, Anhui Province, on April

  16.The best tomatoes were chosen according to their shape, color and taste.The competition hoped to encourage the farmers to grow better tomatoes.


About ________ people were hurt in the head-on crash.

[  ]










A lot of people visited the Taishan Mountain ________.

[  ]


13 hours after the earthquake


on May 18


during the May Day holiday


on April 16


Liao Zhi, the dance teacher from ________ , came to Ya’an to offer help.

[  ]








New York


The tomato competition in Anhui Province was held to ________.

[  ]


help the people in Ya’an


save the people on the trains


forget the terrible time


help grow better tomatoes


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2013年初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)考試(重慶卷)英語(yǔ)(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

News Review

Head- on Train Crash  On May 18, two trains had a head-on crash(相撞)near New York City. Over 250 people were on the trains then. About 60people were hurt, but no deaths were reported.

Travel Time  Tourists came together to the Taishan Mountain, on May1. Over 180,000tourists

visited the place of great interest from April 29 to May 1, during the three-day holiday.

Brave Volunteer   Liao Zhi , a dance teacher from Chengdu who lost her 1-year-old daughter and her legs in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, arrived in Ya’an 13 hours after the earthquake. The dancer said she had had a terrible time herself and knew what people needed most, so she decided to come and offer help.

Tomato Competition   A tomato competition was held in Huainan, Anhui Province, on April

16. The best tomatoes were chosen according to their shape, color and taste. The competition hoped to encourage the farmers to grow better tomatoes.

1.About  ________ people were hurt in the head-on crash.

A.18                                   B.29

C.60                                   D.250

2.A lot of people visited the Taishan Mountain________.

A.13 hours after the earthquake             B.on May 18

C.during the May Day holiday                D.on April 16

3.Liao Zhi, the dance teacher from________, came to Ya’an to offer help.

A.Huainan          B.Chengdu          C.Taishan           D.New York

4.The tomato competition in Anhui Province was held to________. the people in Ya’an        the people on the trains

C.forget the terrible time          grow better tomatoes



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011年湖南省湘西市中考英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

LONDON (Reuters) — British milkman Steve Leech, who saved several shops and flats by putting out a fire with 320 pints of milk, was celebrating Thursday after winning a national bravery award.

Leech, 35, named “Hero Milkman” by the National Dairymen’s Association, said that he had noticed smoke coming out of a shop in Cornwall, southern England, while delivering (遞送) milk as usual a year ago.

“I saw the flats up above and thought I’d better do something. So I kicked the door in and started pouring milk everywhere,” Lee told Reuters Thursday.

“When firemen arrived, the fire was almost out,” he said. Firemen said he had helped save the lives of eight people living in the flats above the shops.

It was hard work opening all those bottles, especially since they have tamper-proof lids. But it was even harder trying to explain to my boss where all the milk had gone.”

1. This is a(n) _______ from London.

   A. poster            B. review           C. advertisement        D. news report

2. Leech was awarded the prize for his _______.

   A. hard work     B. brave behaviour

   C. invention     D. patriotic behaviour

3. Which is the correct order of what Leech did about a year ago?

   ①The fire was almost put out.              ②He kicked the door in.

   ③He noticed smoke coming out of a shop. ④He delivered mile as usual.

   ⑤He poured milk everywhere.

   A. ①②③④⑤        B. ④②③⑤①   C. ③④①②⑤  D. ④③②⑤①

4.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests (暗示) that tamper-proof lids add to the difficulty of _______ those bottles.

    A. stealing         B. breaking     C. opening      D. wasting

5. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Leech put out a fire with milk at the age of 34.

   B. Cornwall is in the north of England.

   C. Leech saved eight people in the shops.

   D. The fire was already out before firemen arrived.



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011年廣東省佛山市中考英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

LONDON (Reuters) — British milkman Steve Leech, who saved several shops and flats by putting out a fire with 320 pints of milk, was celebrating Thursday after winning a national bravery award.

Leech, 35, named “Hero Milkman” by the National Dairymen’s Association, said that he had noticed smoke coming out of a shop in Cornwall, southern England, while delivering (遞送) milk as usual a year ago.

“I saw the flats up above and thought I’d better do something. So I kicked the door in and started pouring milk everywhere,” Lee told Reuters Thursday.

“When firemen arrived, the fire was almost out,” he said. Firemen said he had helped save the lives of eight people living in the flats above the shops.

It was hard work opening all those bottles, especially since they have tamper-proof lids. But it was even harder trying to explain to my boss where all the milk had gone.”

1. This is a(n) _______ from London.

   A. poster            B. review           C. advertisement        D. news report

2. Leech was awarded the prize for his _______.

   A. hard work     B. brave behaviour

   C. invention     D. patriotic behaviour

3. Which is the correct order of what Leech did about a year ago?

   ①The fire was almost put out.              ②He kicked the door in.

   ③He noticed smoke coming out of a shop. ④He delivered mile as usual.

   ⑤He poured milk everywhere.

   A. ①②③④⑤        B. ④②③⑤①   C. ③④①②⑤  D. ④③②⑤①

4.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests (暗示) that tamper-proof lids add to the difficulty of _______ those bottles.

    A. stealing         B. breaking     C. opening      D. wasting

5. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

   A. Leech put out a fire with milk at the age of 34.

   B. Cornwall is in the north of England.

   C. Leech saved eight people in the shops.

   D. The fire was already out before firemen arrived.


