Psychology(心理學(xué))tells us that many people hate to take risks. But it is good for us to take risks, especially when the risk is to achieve a desired(渴望的) result. In that way, we become stronger and braver.
Our human nature should be to take risks, but some people just sit and wish they didn’t have the fear to move on. This is because they failed a few times in their lives. Please step out and don’t let the past hold you back from living life to the fullest. Move forward and move on! In studying the psychology of taking risks, we find that human nature provides us with the desire to experiment and take chances.
Risk taking is a great advantage that allowed our ancestors(祖先) to become stronger and stronger day by day. By taking risks they fought off enemies and discovered new territories(領(lǐng)土). This attitude has become a part of our modern culture. Riding a roller coaster is a common risk taking activity. Even each person seems to enjoy the risk although they have the understanding that it is dangerous. This psychological and biological (生物學(xué)的) connection creates an interesting connection between what is unsafe and what humans enjoy.
Getting in a car each day is a risk. Getting out of bed is a risk, too. We need to take risks so that we can complete many things. Astronauts take risks when they get inside a rocket(火箭); however, the things they achieve are great. Businessmen take a risk when they buy parts of a company. However, without doing that, they could not make more money.
We need to take risks so that we can gain(獲得) something. It is impossible to move forward in life, earn money, enjoy a relationship, play a sport, or do anything else without taking a risk. It is all part of the game. It’s one of the most important parts of life.
【小題1】Some people don’t want to take risks, mainly because ___________.
A.they are too lazy to move on
B.they feel pleased with the present life
C.they have failed several times before
D.they show little interest in the strange world outside
【小題2】What does the underlined part “This attitude” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Taking risksB.Fighting off enemies
C.Discovering new territoriesD.Becoming stronger and stronger
【小題3】What can we infer from the passage?
A.Daily life is full of risks.
B.The safest place has the greatest risk.
C.People should take risks when they are young.
D.We can always achieve our goals by taking risks.
【小題4】 Businessmen take a risk in order to __________.
A.sell parts of a company
B.complete many things
C.make more money
D.get inside a rocket
【小題5】What would be the title for the passage?
A.Taking risks is easier said than doneB.Risks taken by ancestors
C.Live our life to the fullestD.No risk, no gain.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Never go into a supermarket hungry! This is a good piece of advice. If you go shopping for food before lunchtime, you’ll probably buy more than you plan to. Unfortunately, however, just this advice isn’t enough for shoppers these days. Modern shoppers need an education in how and how not to buy things at the store. First, you check the weekly newspaper ads. Find out the items that are on sale and decide if you really need these things. In other words, don’t buy anything just because it’s cheaper than usual! Second, never let “New and Improved!” or “All Natural” on the front of a package influence you. Instead, read the list of contents on the back. Third,compare prices: that is, you should examine the prices of both different brands(品牌)and different sizes of the same brand.
Another suggestion for shoppers is to buy ordinary items instead of famous brands. Ordinary items in supermarkets come in plain packages. These products are cheaper because producers don’t spend much money on packing or advertising. However, they are still of high quality. In the same way, in buying clothes, you can often find high quality and low prices in brands that are not famous. Shopping in discount clothing stores can help you save a lot of money. Although these stores aren’t very attractive, and they usually do not have individual dressing rooms, not only are the prices low, but you can often find the same famous brands that you find in high-priced department stores.
Wise shoppers read magazine ads and watch TV commercials(商業(yè)廣告),but they do this with one advantage: knowledge of the psychology behind the ads. In other words, will-informed shoppers watch for information and check for misinformation. They ask themselves questions: Is the advertiser hiding something in small print at the bottom of the page? Is there any real information in the commercial, or is the advertiser simply showing an attractive image? With the answers to these questions, shoppers can make a wise choice.
【小題1】 The author gives ________ suggestions to the shoppers in the passage.
【小題2】We can learn from the passage that ____________________.
A.ordinary items are not so attractive because of the lower prices .
B.we can’t buy items with words like “New and Improved” or “All Natural”.
C.the advertisers are always showing misinformation in the commercial. 
D.the quality of ordinary items can be as good as that of famous brands.
【小題3】The author’s main purpose of writing the passage is to advise shoppers _________________. buy ordinary items instead of famous brands to buy ordinary things in supermarkets to make a proper decision while shopping
D.not to believe advertisements or commercials


科目:初中英語 來源:2011年天津市中考英語試卷 題型:閱讀理解

Nowadays, computer games are becoming more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops along busy streets have been made into small game houses in order to get more money. These places are always crowded with people, especially young boys.
In the computer game houses, people spend a lot of money competing (較量) with the machines. It's hard for one to win the computer, but one can make progress after trying again and again. People have a kind of gambling psychology(賭博心理) when they play computer games.The more they lose, the more they want to win. When class is over, the school boys run to the nearby computer game houses.Little by little! (漸漸地), they forget all about their lessons and fall far behind others. Some of them can get enough money from their parents. But some of them are not lucky enough to get the money. They begin to take away other students' money and become thieves.
【小題1】Who always go to the computer game houses?

A.Young girlsB.Young childrenC.Young studentsD.Young boys.
【小題2】People made small shops into small game houses in order to ______.
A.make computer games more popularB.get more money people to learn computer betterD.make people happy
【小題3】What must be brought to play games in the game homes?
A. Tickets.   B Paper    C. Cards.   D. Money.
【小題4】What will happen to the boys if they keep going to the game houses?
A.They will win a lot of money.
B.They will make a lot of good friends there.
C.They will fail in their study and even break laws.
D.They will live a happy life in the future.
【小題5】What is the passage mainly about?
A.Game houses have a bad effect on young boys.
B.More and more small shops have been made into game houses.
C.Young boys spend a lot of money playing computer games.
D.People play games better after trying again and again.


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇省徐州市中考模擬英語卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

閱讀填詞 (共10小題,每題1分,滿分10分)
Never go into a supermarket hungry! This is a good piece of advice. If you go shopping for food before lunchtime, you’ll probably buy more than you plan to. Unluckily, however, just this advice isn’t enough for consumers (消費者) these days. Modern shoppers need an education in how and how not to buy things at the store. First, you check the weekly newspaper advertisements. Find out the items that are on sale and decide if you really need these things. In other words, don’t buy anything just because it’s cheaper than usual! “New and improved!” or “All Natural” on the front of a package (包裝) influence you. Instead, read the list of ingredients (原料) on the back. Third, compare prices: that is, you should examine the prices of both different brands(商標(biāo)、牌子) and different size of the same brand.
Another suggestions for consumers is to buy ordinary items(商品) instead of famous brands. Ordinary items in supermarkets come in ordinary packages. These products are cheaper because producers don’t spend much money on packing or advertising.
The quality, however, is usually as good as the quality of well-known name brands. In the same way, in buying clothes, you can often find high quality and low prices in brands that are not famous. Shopping in discount clothing stores can help you save a lot of money. Although these stores aren’t very attractive, and they usually do not have individual dressing room, not only are the prices low, but you can often find the same famous brands that you find in high-priced department stores(百貨商店).
Wise consumers read magazine ads and watch TV commercial (廣告), but they do this with one advantage: knowledge of the psychology (心理) behind the ads. In other words, well-informed(消息靈通的) consumers watch for information and check for misinformation. They ask themselves questions. Is the advertiser hiding something in small print at the bottom of the page? Is there any real information in the commercial, or is the advertiser simply showing an attractive image? With the answer to these questions, consumers can make a wise choice.

Main topic: suggestions for   【小題1】  
Never go into a supermarket when you 【小題2】 hungry!
Need an education in how and how not to buy things at the store.
Buy ordinary items instead of famous 【小題3】 
    Read ads with   【小題4】  of the psychology behind the ads.
  【小題5】 for the suggestions
It is 【小題6】 to buy more than you plan to
Consumers can make a wise【小題7】
    The prices of  【小題8】  
items are lower because producers spend   【小題9】
money on packaging.
sometimes don’t tell the


科目:初中英語 來源:2011年江蘇省南京市江寧區(qū)中考英語一模試卷 題型:閱讀理解

Psychology(心理學(xué))tells us that many people hate to take risks. But it is good for us to take risks, especially when the risk is to achieve a desired(渴望的) result. In that way, we become stronger and braver.

Our human nature should be to take risks, but some people just sit and wish they didn’t have the fear to move on. This is because they failed a few times in their lives. Please step out and don’t let the past hold you back from living life to the fullest. Move forward and move on! In studying the psychology of taking risks, we find that human nature provides us with the desire to experiment and take chances.

Risk taking is a great advantage that allowed our ancestors(祖先) to become stronger and stronger day by day. By taking risks they fought off enemies and discovered new territories(領(lǐng)土). This attitude has become a part of our modern culture. Riding a roller coaster is a common risk taking activity. Even each person seems to enjoy the risk although they have the understanding that it is dangerous. This psychological and biological (生物學(xué)的) connection creates an interesting connection between what is unsafe and what humans enjoy.

Getting in a car each day is a risk. Getting out of bed is a risk, too. We need to take risks so that we can complete many things. Astronauts take risks when they get inside a rocket(火箭); however, the things they achieve are great. Businessmen take a risk when they buy parts of a company. However, without doing that, they could not make more money.

We need to take risks so that we can gain(獲得) something. It is impossible to move forward in life, earn money, enjoy a relationship, play a sport, or do anything else without taking a risk. It is all part of the game. It’s one of the most important parts of life.

1.Some people don’t want to take risks, mainly because ___________.

   A. they are too lazy to move on

   B. they feel pleased with the present life

   C. they have failed several times before

   D. they show little interest in the strange world outside

2.What does the underlined part “This attitude” in Paragraph 3 mean?

   A. Taking risks                          B. Fighting off enemies

   C. Discovering new territories           D. Becoming stronger and stronger

3.What can we infer from the passage?

   A. Daily life is full of risks.

   B. The safest place has the greatest risk.

   C. People should take risks when they are young.

   D. We can always achieve our goals by taking risks.

4. Businessmen take a risk in order to __________.

   A. sell parts of a company

   B. complete many things

   C. make more money

   D. get inside a rocket

5.What would be the title for the passage?

   A. Taking risks is easier said than done    B. Risks taken by ancestors

   C. Live our life to the fullest              D. No risk, no gain.


