My name      Bill. I’m      English boy. I’m twelve. I’m a middle school student. Li Lei is my      . We’re in the same(相同的) class. Here is a photo      his family. Look, this is his      . He is a policeman(警察). His      is a teacher of English. She is a good teacher. Li Lei has      sisters.       are twins(雙胞胎). Their      are Fangfang and Yuanyuan . We are good __  __, too.

1.A. am        B. is               C. are           D. call

2.A. a          B. an               C. \             D. the

3.A. brother     B. cousin            C. friend         D. teacher

4.A. of         B. in         C. at            D. for

5.A. parents     B. mother           C. grandparents   D. father

6.A. parents     B. mother           C. grandparents   D. father

7.A. a          B. one                C. two           D. three

8.A. We        B. They               C. She           D. He

9.A. name      B. last name           C. family names   D. first names

10.A. family           B. parents              C. friends        D. Names
















1.考查be動詞及語境的理解。My name是第三人稱單數(shù),所以謂語動詞也應(yīng)該用單數(shù)形式is,故選B。



4.考查介詞及語境的理解。a photo和his family構(gòu)成了一種所屬關(guān)系,所以用介詞of表示所屬,其他的介詞in表示“在什么里面”,at表示“在什么場所或時刻”,for表示“為了”;故選A。

5.考查名詞及語境的理解。根據(jù)前面的this is和下一句話He is a policeman可知此處介紹的是他的家人之一,又是男性,所以,先排除A parents和C grandparents,而mother和后面的人稱代詞he也相矛盾,故選D。



8.考查代詞及語境的理解。既然是雙胞胎就是兩個人,可排除表示單數(shù)的C和D;這對雙胞胎是李磊的妹妹,所以排除A we,故選B。

9.考查名詞及語境的理解。Fangfang and Yuanyuan應(yīng)該是名字,name常泛指姓名,last name和family name指姓氏,first name表示名字,且需要用復(fù)數(shù)形式;故D。





科目:初中英語 來源:一課3練 新目標(biāo)英語 七年級(上) 題型:023

用am, is, are填空

My name ________ Bill.


科目:初中英語 來源:2016屆湖北浠水英才學(xué)校蘭溪中學(xué)初一上學(xué)期期中考試英語卷(解析版) 題型:完型填空

 My name       Bill. I’m        English boy. I’m twelve. I’m a middle school student. Lin Hai is my        . We’re in the same class. Here is a picture         his family. Look, this is his       . He is a policeman(警察). His      is a teacher of English. She is a good teacher. Lin Hai has        sisters.        are twins(雙胞胎). Their        are Fangfang and Yuanyuan. They have a cat. We are good        , too.

1.A. am     B. is  C. are                  D. call

2.A.a          B. an C. \             D. the       B. cousin   C. friend             D. teacher

4.A. at       B. in  C. of           D. for

5.A. parents      B. mother C. grandparents                  D. father

6.A. parents      B. mother C. grandparents                  D. father

7.A. a         B. one       C. two                 D. Three

8.A. She    B. He         C. We                 D. They

9.A. name B. names   C. family names                   D. first name

10.A. family       B. parents C. friends           D. names



科目:初中英語 來源:2015屆江蘇省蘇州市八年級上學(xué)期期中模擬英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

My name is Max. I am twelve years old. I have many friends. Most of them are as old as I. Some are older. Some are younger.

My best friend is Bill. He lives near me. We go to the same school and we are in the same class. Bill helps me with my maths homework. I help him with his English homework.

Bill is taller than me. He is quite fat. He doesn't .like sports, so he doesn't get much exercise. We both have black eyes, but Bill's hair is longer. I like sports and I play football or go swimming every day. Every Sunday morning Bill and I play computer games. Sometimes I win. Sometimes he wins.

1.The main idea (????) of the text is _______.

A. Max has many friends

B. Max and Bill go to the same school

C. Max and Bill are best friends

D. Max and Bill like the same things

2.Most of Max's friends are _______.

A. twelve years old

B. older than Max 

C. younger than Max

D. thirteen years old

3.Max and Bill live _______.

A. near each other

B. in different towns

C. in the same house

D. in the school

4.Max helps Bill with _______.

A. his maths homework 

B. his English homework

C. his sports lessons

D. his computer lessons 

5.Max and Bill both like to _______.

A. swim

B. play football

C. play computer games

D. play sports



科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

用am, is, are填空。
1. I _______ Peter Hunt.
2. My name _______Bill.
3. I _______twelve.
4. My family name_______White.
5. _______she Kate?
6. Her name _______Gina.
7. _______your phone number 22335?
8. _______you Tom?
9. It _______my book.
10. My teacher_______Mr Green.

