精英家教網 > 初中英語 > 題目詳情
(     )1. A. Hi, Dale. I'm Jim.      
(     )2. A. Jim Smith.              
(     )3. A. It's 543-2156.          
(     )4. A. It's black.              
(     )5. A. Yes, I am.              
(     )6. A. I can spell it.          
(     )7. A. It's yellow.            
(     )8. A. Yes, they're my parents.
(     )9. A. No, they're my friends.  
(     )10. A. That's a picture.      
B. Thanks.                  
B. Smith.                    
B. It's my phone.            
B. It's a book.              
B. Yes, it is.              
B. B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L.          
B. It's her pencil case.    
B. Yes, she's my mother.    
B. No, she isn't.            
B. Yes, it's yellow and blue.
C. Good.                      
C. Jim.                        
C. It's my ID card.            
C. No, it isn't.              
C. Yes, it's your key.        
C. Spell it,  please.          
C. No, it's red.              
C. I don't know.              
C. Yes, she's my aunt.        
C. No, it isn't. It's a map.  
1-5 ABACB  6-10 BAAAC

科目:初中英語 來源:四川省成都市2011年高中階段教育學校招生統(tǒng)一考試英語試題 題型:001



1.A.Is that true?

B.That's right.

C.I'm sorry to hear that.

2.A.You can't.

B.Hold on, please.

C.Who are you?


B.I think so.

C.I'm glad you like it.

4.A.Are you Mark?

B.Nice to meet you.

C.I don't know you.

5.A.Any kind is okay.

B.I'm not hungry.

C.I'd like some coffee.

6.A.I'm sorry.I have to study for my math test.

B.No, I'm not interested in any party.

C.Happy birthday.I'm sure to come.


7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10._________


11.A.In the country.

B.In a school library.

C.In a bookstore.

12.A.It began at 8∶15.

B.It began at 8∶30.

C.It began at 8∶45.




14.A.Not so good.

B.Not so bad.

C.Not so boring.

15.A.The Main Post Office.

B.The Central Gym.

C.The City Library.

16.A.He wants to find a new job.

B.He wants to change his pen for a new one.

C.He wants to buy another new pen at the same store.

17.A.It's OK to go skating.

B.It's good to stay at home.

C.It’s nice to visit the space museum.




19.A.Because he has caught a cold.

B.Because he wants to sleep far some more time.

C.Because he worked until almost midnight yesterday.

20.A.He is next to Jane.

B.He is in front of Jane.

C.He is on Cindy's left.


21.Where did the story happen?

A.In front of the building.

B.Near the speaker's house.

C.Inside the local restaurant.

22.Why did the speaker and his wife eat something at a restaurant?

A.Because they had enough time.

B.Because they saw a homeless man.

C.Because they were too hungry to go on driving home.

23.When did the speaker notice the homeless man?

A.Before breakfast.

B.During breakfast.

C.After breakfast.

24.Why did the homeless man stand in front of the restaurant in the speaker's opinion?

A.Because he wanted to keep warm.

B.Because he wanted to drink something warm.

C.Because he wanted to ask for something for his dog.

25.Which of the following impressed the speaker most?

A.The homeless man had no money to buy food for himself.

B.The homeless man bought food for the dog with all his money.

C.The homeless man wore dirty and thin clothes on such a cold day.


科目:初中英語 來源:四川省中考真題 題型:聽力題

(     )1. A. Yes, I’d like to.       
(     )2. A. Who are you?             
(     )3. A. Please tell me the way.  
(     )4. A. Yes, I’d love to.       
(     )5. A. He’s reading
                a newspaper.
(     )6. A. Not at all.              
B. No, I’m busy.                  
B. I am Jim.                        
B. It’s across from the hotel.     
B. Thank you for
     your great help.  
B. He does some cleaning.          
B. Yes, please.                   
C. Sorry, I don’t know.                  
C. Hold on, please.                         
C. Sorry, I’m not a policeman.            
C. Yes. That would be nice. 
     Thank you.     
C. He’s a bank clerk.                     
C. Yes, I do.                             


科目:初中英語 來源:四川省中考真題 題型:聽力題

(     )1. A. Is that true?                              
(     )2. A. You can't.                                 
(     )3. A. Really?                                    
(     )4. A. Are you Mark?                              
(     )5. A. Any kind is okay.                          
(     )6. A. I'm sorry. I have to      
          study for my math test.
B. That's right.                      
B. Hold on, please. 
B. I think so.                        
B. Nice to meet you. 
B. I'm not hungry. 
B. No, I'm not interested
    in any party.
C. I'm sorry to hear that.          
C. Who are you?                     
C. I'm glad you like it.            
C. I don't know you.                
C. I'd like some coffee.            
C. Happy birthday.
     I'm sure to come.


科目:初中英語 來源:期末題 題型:聽力題

(     ) 1. A. Yes, I am.          
(     ) 2. A. I'm in Grade 1.     
(     ) 3. A. It's blue         
(     ) 4. A. He is my father      
(     ) 5. A. No, I'm not please
B. I'm Jane           
B. She is in Class 3.   
B. They are blue     
B. She is my mother     
B. Yes, please       
C. I'm 13             
C. I'm in Class 3.       
C. They are blue shoes        
C. She is a teacher      
C. Sorry, thanks      


科目:初中英語 來源:期末題 題型:聽力題

(     ) 1. A. It's a bus    
(     ) 2. A. It is Michael  
(     ) 3. A. I am from Cuba  
(     ) 4. A. Yes, I am    
(     ) 5. A. Here you are   
B. It is yellow   
B. It's Maria's   
B. She is from Cuba    
B. Yes, he does    
B. Me, too        
C. It's hers      
C. It's a dress 
C. She is Maria                
C. No, she isn't  
C. No, thanks      

