1.Tom ________(真正地)likes Kevin Johnson's movies.
2.I also like funny and_______(令人激動的)movies.
3.  Young people often go to a movie on________(周末).
4.It's a very________ (成功的)action movie.
5.   Do you know the two_________ (學(xué)生的)names?
1.really 2.exciting 3.weekends 4.successful 5.students'

科目:初中英語 來源:專項題 題型:填空題

1. He thinks Shaolin Temple is an a_____ movie.    
2. Eric's grandfather can's sing but he can p______.    
3.That little boy plays the p_____ very well.    
4. My uncle is a great m_____ .    
5. His father wants to l_____ about art.    
6. Please give my best w_____ to your grandparents.    
7, My aunt usually takes a s_____ every morning.    
8. S_____ is Bob's favorite subject.    
9. Cindy's h_____ teacher is Mr Black.    
10. T_____ for your great dinner.


科目:初中英語 來源:專項題 題型:填空題

1. His sister doesn't like F_____ fries.    
2. The Greens usually have eggs for b_____.    
3. Jackie Chan and Jet Li are s_____ action movie actors.    
4. Can you h____  me with chess?    
5. They s_____ these green shorts for five dollars,    
6. Her birthday is N_____18th.    
7. When is your English speech c_____ ?    
8. Does Ben's sister want to go to a m_____ ?    
9. Mrs Brown likes comedies and she likes Beijing O_____.  
10. We all think thrillers are very s_____.


科目:初中英語 來源:專項題 題型:填空題

1. Those boys don't like _____(花椰菜).  
2. My father has a sports _____(收藏品).  
3. Let's play _____(籃球)after school.  
4. Your book is _____(在……底下)the desk.  
5. They _____(需要)three music books.  
6. I want to go to a movie this _____(周末).  
7. Li Hao's _____(叔叔)is in London.  
8. Here is Linda's family _____ (照片 ).  
9. How do you _____ (拼寫) this word?  
10. What's your uncle's telephone _____ (號碼) ?


科目:初中英語 來源:專項題 題型:填空題

1. My _____(生日)is June sixth.  
2. Most(大多數(shù))kids thinks documentaries are very_____(無聊的).
3. Wu Li wants to have a _____(聚會)at school.  
4. Is _____(九月)tenth Teachers' Day(教師節(jié))?  
5. December is the _____(第十二)month of the year.  
6. The yellow _____(毛衣)is thirty dollars.  
7. They have some shoes at a very good _____(價格). 
8. You can _____(買)shorts for only ten dollars each.  
9. The hat is too _____(小的).  
10. They eat _____(健康的)food every day.


科目:初中英語 來源:專項題 題型:填空題

1. What's your sister's favorite _____(學(xué)科)?  
2. Some girls think math is very _____(困難的).  
3. Mr Miller is our P.E. _____(教師).  
4. These kids love to _____(聽)to Mrs Brown.  
5. What time do your parents _____(通常)get up?  
6. Mikc ofren does his _____(家庭作業(yè))at seven-ten in the evening.  
7. What's Jeff's e-mail _____(地址)?  
8. Why do you want to _____(加入)the art club?  
9. Can your uncle play _____(國際象棋)?  
10. He wants to be a great _____(演員).

