
回想三年的英語學(xué)習(xí)歷程,豐富多彩的英語課堂活動一定給你留下了許多難忘的印象。請你以“What should we do in English class?”為題寫一篇英語短文,談?wù)勗谟⒄Z課堂上學(xué)生應(yīng)該怎樣做,才能使英語學(xué)習(xí)更有效。

提示:(1)Listen to the teacher

(2)Take part in activities

(3)Be confident in ourselves




參考詞匯:take notes, work in groups with, not be afraid of

What should we do in English class

  In English class, we should ________________________



  Possible version

What should we do in English class?

  In English class, we should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes when necessaryTry to answer questions in English

  We should take part in all kinds of activities, like reading, writing, having discussions and playing gamesWe need to work in groups with our classmates to help each other and learn from each other

  It's very important to be confidentSpeak English loudly in front of the class and never be afraid of making mistakesIn this way, we can make much progress


科目:初中英語 來源:專項(xiàng)題 題型:寫作題

        回想三年的英語學(xué)習(xí)歷程,豐富多彩的英語課堂活動一定給你留下了許多難忘的印象。請你以“What should we do in English class?“What should we do in English class?”為題寫一篇英語短文,談?wù)勗谟⒄Z課堂上學(xué)生應(yīng)該怎樣做,才能使英語學(xué)習(xí)更有效。    
        提示:(l)Listen to the teacher.    
                    (2) Take part in activities.    
                    (3)Be confident in ourselves.    
      參考詞匯:take notes,work in groups with...,not afraid of...
                                           What should we do in English class?
           In English class, we should______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

