---______ bad weather yesterday!
---Yes. It caused a few traffic accidents.

A.WhatB.What aC.HowD.How a


科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學(xué)年浙江省九年級上學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:完型填空

When our children were younger, it was popular for city people to buy a small farm in the country and       a few animals there.

One of our new neighbors        ducks. They seemed very lovely; however, they were       to run around in their yard and the neighbors’ yards—      ours. Our vegetables were their favorite food. Often we would “shoo” the ducks home and want to know_      there wasn’t a fence to keep them.

One day, I asked her if she      her ducks were bringing trouble to my garden. She told me that they were her   _   and he was away traveling. My attitude (態(tài)度) to her was bad. We realized that our neighbors were not planning to build a        , so our son built one .The ducks now stayed in their own yard. I didn’t see my neighbor again       months later.

A women’s church group asked me to       at their mother and daughter party. The topic was “Love”. Much to my       ,the first woman I saw when I walked into the church was my neighbor. I knew I could not speak about love to them when I hadn’t been     __ my neighbor. So I walk        to her and said sorry for my attitude. She forgave(原諒)me and then we talked a lot     _ .

Do you have anybody like that in your life? Let me encourage(鼓勵)       ,if at all possible, go to clear the air between you.

1.A. put                                B. keep                                 C. send                                  D. take

2.A. bought                              B. sold                                    C. dropped                           D. showed

3.A. made                             B. allowed                            C.  invited                           D. chosen

4.A. except                              B. but                                      C. without                   D. including

5.A. what                              B. why                                   C. if                                        D. when

6.A. saw                                B. understood                     C. thought                            D. realized

7.A. husband’s                     B. daughter’s                       C. wife’s                                D. grandma’s

8.A. fence                                      B. house                               C. home                                D. room

9.A. after                              B. before                              C. until                                  D. while

10.A. speak                                   B. talk                                    C. say                                     D. tell

11.A. happiness                            B. disappointment              C.sadness                             D. surprise

12.A.worried about                    B. patient  with                  C. strict with                         D. annoyed with

13.A. up                                B. along                                 C. around                             D. down

14.A. angrily                        B. seriously                          C. happily                    D. carefully

15.A. us                               B. you                                   C. ourselves                         D. Yourselves



科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆度山東省泰安市八年級上學(xué)期期中學(xué)業(yè)水平測試英語卷 題型:單項填空

Too bad! We have _____ food  at home today.

A. few        B. a little        C. little              D. much



科目:初中英語 來源:模擬題 題型:補全對話,情景問答

1. — Hello, Liming, have you got an e-mail a_______?
    — Oh, yes. It's longyu@hotmail.com
2. — Could you tell me if there is a f _______ from Beijing to Guangzhou on November 26th? 
    — Just a minute, please. I have to c_______ my computer.
3. — Why were you shouting, Tom? 
    — The line was bad. We couldn't hear each other c_______.
4. — What's the knife made of? 
    — It's made of m_______.
5. — What are you doing, Lucy? 
    — I'm making a card. Tomorrow is Teachers' Day. I'll give Mr Wu my best w_______.
6. — Hi, David! Here's a book. It's written by Bill Gates. Most of our classmates are i_______ in it. 
    — Really? I'm sure I'll like it.
7. Ten hundred makes a t_______.
8. He may f_______ his Chinese exam if he misses so many lessons.
9. — We're going to have a p_______ to the island tomorrow. Are you coming with us? 
    — Great! I'd love to. I think it must be exciting.
10. — Han Mei drew a nice elephant yesterday. 
      — I think she'll be a good p_______ in the future.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:句型轉(zhuǎn)換

同義句轉(zhuǎn)換, 每空一詞。  
1. She was first in the competition. 
    She ______ _______ _______ in the competition.
2. We couldn’t go there because the weather was bad. 
    We couldn’t go there _______ _______ the bad weather.
3. Sam started to learn how to swim at the age of three.
    Sam started to learn how to swim ______________ _______ three.
4. Mike is so young that he can’t go to school.
    Mike is _______ _______ _______ go to school.
5. People called him "a talented boy".
    He _______ ________ "a talented boy".  


科目:初中英語 來源:上海模擬題 題型:閱讀理解

        We all like getting into gossip (閑聊). Studies s    1     that gossiping
releases (釋放) our emotions and reduces tension (緊張). Research has
proved that in the USA, gossiping can make people more democratic (民主,平等). It is a way of free expression. While gossiping, people
communicate with a free mind.
        Gossiping h   2     us shift (轉(zhuǎn)移) our interest to others. When we gossip, we seldom discuss our own
problems. We generally discuss another person who is not present. Doing so, we laugh away our own cares.
Sometimes we feel sorry for a person involved in a particular problem. And we also come up with solutions to his problems. More happiness flows into our lives when we help and guide a person we are t    3     about.
        But, be aware of the dangerous side of gossiping! Gossiping can be harmful if you h     4     others on
purpose. When you start speaking i     5      of someone, you start criticizing others for nothing. When you
gossip with an ill-will, it makes you tense. Tension naturally comes to you when you try to make others tense. 
       Why do people talk badly about each other? People pass bad remarks about others simply out of hatred (憎恨), fear, envy (妒忌), and greed. The person making insulting (侮辱性的) remarks thinks his listener will keep
the talk a s    6    , but gossiping travels faster than the wind! And still faster when the gossiping is bad!     
        We all gossip at one time or another. After gossiping, people feel l    7     and relaxed. But purely bad
gossiping makes us tense and envious of others.

