【小題1】---What club do you want to join?
---I _________________(擅長打籃球). I want to join the sports club.(be)
【小題2】---Why didn’t your grandfather go to school when he was young?
---Because he was ___________________(太窮而不能上學).(too)
【小題3】---What should we do first?
---Let’s go to see _______________________(孩子們是否已經(jīng)睡著了).(fall)
【小題4】---Do you often shop online?
---Yes, of course. I think more and more teenagers ______________________(將對網(wǎng)上購物感興趣).                                 (take)
【小題5】---I’d like to live in Henan Province.
---Really? Then you _____________________(你得習慣于每餐吃面條).(use)
【小題6】---Do you know the old lady?
---No. ________________________(但是她使我想起了去世幾年的奶奶).(remind)
【小題7】---Why did Tom call you this morning?
---He told me ______________________(我去年買的那部手機已經(jīng)修好了).(repair)

【小題1】am good at playing basketball
【小題2】too poor to go to school
【小題3】if(whether) the children/kids have fallen asleep
【小題4】will take an interest in shopping on line(online shopping)
【小題5】have to be used to eating noodles
【小題6】But she reminds me of my grandmother who has been dead for several years
【小題7】the mobile phone that(which) I bought last year had been repaired

【小題1】考查短語,be good at擅長做某事,注意at是介詞,后面接名詞或者動名詞作賓語。短語play basketball打籃球,play后面不加冠詞。
【小題2】考查短語too……to太……而不能做某事。To是不定式符號,后面接動詞原形。短語go to school去學校。
【小題3】考查if(whether)引導的賓語從句。短語fall asleep睡著。
【小題4】考查短語take an interest in對……感興趣。In是介詞,后面接名詞或者動名詞作賓語。
【小題5】考查短語have to 不得不,to是不定式符號,后面接動詞原形;be used to習慣于某事,to是介詞,后面接名詞或者動名詞作賓語。
【小題6】考查短語及定語從句。remind sb of sth讓某人想起某事。下文先行詞作定語從句的邏輯主語,指人,故引導詞用who。


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆湖北省襄陽市谷城縣九年級中考適應(yīng)性考試英語卷(帶解析) 題型:補充句子

完成句子 (本大題滿分14分,每小題2分)
【小題1】---How about climbing the mountains?
---It’s too hot outside. I _________________________(寧愿呆在家里也不愿出去) (rather)
【小題2】---Where’s Bob now?
--- I ______________________a car accident (有人告訴我他因為車禍可能送到醫(yī)院了)   (may)
【小題3】---What do you think of Li Ping?
--- He is ____________________(這么不友好,我們不想和他交朋友) (that, friend)
【小題4】---How is your English study?
---Very good. I __________________ go to school. (在我沒上學之前我就對學英語感興趣). (before)
【小題5】---Do you exercise every day?
---Yes. It ____________________ (我花半小時的時間練習騎車) every morning.  (take)
【小題6】---Earthquakes make many people homeless in Lushan.
---The government ___________________ (正千方百計為他們提供住房).     (provide)
【小題7】---Could you tell me _______________ (她盼望見到的人是否很容易相處)? (look, get)
---Of course, he is.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年湖北省襄陽市谷城縣九年級中考適應(yīng)性考試英語卷(解析版) 題型:補充句子

完成句子 (本大題滿分14分,每小題2分)

1.---How about climbing the mountains?

---It’s too hot outside. I _________________________(寧愿呆在家里也不愿出去) (rather)

2.---Where’s Bob now?

--- I ______________________a car accident (有人告訴我他因為車禍可能送到醫(yī)院了)   (may)

3.---What do you think of Li Ping?

--- He is ____________________(這么不友好,我們不想和他交朋友) (that, friend)

4.---How is your English study?

---Very good. I __________________ go to school. (在我沒上學之前我就對學英語感興趣). (before)

5.---Do you exercise every day?

---Yes. It ____________________ (我花半小時的時間練習騎車) every morning.  (take)

6.---Earthquakes make many people homeless in Lushan.

---The government ___________________ (正千方百計為他們提供住房).     (provide)

7.---Could you tell me _______________ (她盼望見到的人是否很容易相處)? (look, get)

---Of course, he is.



科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年湖北省襄陽市襄城區(qū)中考適應(yīng)性考試英語卷(解析版) 題型:補充句子


1.---What club do you want to join?

---I _________________(擅長打籃球). I want to join the sports club.(be)

2.---Why didn’t your grandfather go to school when he was young?

---Because he was ___________________(太窮而不能上學).(too)

3.---What should we do first?

---Let’s go to see _______________________(孩子們是否已經(jīng)睡著了).(fall)

4.---Do you often shop online?

---Yes, of course. I think more and more teenagers ______________________(將對網(wǎng)上購物感興趣).                                 (take)

5.---I’d like to live in Henan Province.

---Really? Then you _____________________(你得習慣于每餐吃面條).(use)

6.---Do you know the old lady?

---No. ________________________(但是她使我想起了去世幾年的奶奶).(remind)

7.---Why did Tom call you this morning?

---He told me ______________________(我去年買的那部手機已經(jīng)修好了).(repair)



科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

完成句子 (本大題滿分14分,每小題2分)


66. ---- Can you come to my birthday party?

   ---- Sorry, I can’t. I                           . (have)

67. ----Does he do exercises every day?

   ----Yes. It                            evry morning. (take)

68. ---- Do you know anything about the singer?

   ----Yes. I hear she                            at the age of six. (sing)

69. ----- Did you go to the movie last night?

   ---- Yes. But by the time I got there, the movie                          . (for).

70. ---- I’ve waited here for along time. It’s too late.

   ---- Bon’t worry. You                           . (until)

71. ---- what do you think of the hotel?

   ----They                           . (enough)

72. ---- Could you tell me                            ? (put)  

   ---- Sorry, I don’t know.

