【小題1】That is Mary’s photo.(將句子變?yōu)閺?fù)數(shù)句)
_______are Mary’s___________..
【小題2】Your key is on the floor. (對劃線部分提問)
              your key?
【小題3】My name is Mary Smith.(對劃線部分提問)
______  _______ name?
【小題4】Is that your pencil? (作否定回答)
No, ______  ______.
【小題5】My brother has a computer.(變一般疑問句)
______ your brother ______ a computer?

【小題1】Those photos
【小題2】Where is 
【小題3】What’s your
【小題4】it isn’t
【小題5】Does have

解析【小題1】本題改為復(fù)數(shù),主語那個(gè)改為那些those,名詞照片應(yīng)該改為復(fù)數(shù)形式photos,故本題空格處填Those  photos。
【小題2】對地點(diǎn)提問的用where,后跟一般疑問句,be動(dòng)詞is提前,故本題空格處填Where is 。
【小題3】詢問別人姓名可用what,后跟一般問句,故本題空格處填What’s your。
【小題4】一般疑問句否定回答的結(jié)構(gòu)為人稱代詞加否定結(jié)構(gòu),代替事物用it,is的否定結(jié)構(gòu)為isn’t,故本題空格處填it isn’t。
【小題5】主語為單數(shù)第三人稱,謂語動(dòng)詞為一般動(dòng)詞,用助動(dòng)詞does構(gòu)成一般疑問句,后跟動(dòng)詞原形have,故本題空格處填Does have。


科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆四川省仁壽縣聯(lián)誼學(xué)校初三下學(xué)期第一次調(diào)考英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Mr. Green and his wife had a dog. When they went out, they always left the dog inside the house. One evening they wanted to go to the cinema, so they left the dog in the house and locked the door and their garden gate. They went off in their car.
When the film was finished, they went home. They opened the gate and put the car away. When they came to the front door, they found that the glass in the door was broken. The door was not locked and it was open. A robber! They went in and quickly looked in all the rooms to see if the robber had taken their things. However, everything was in the right place and nothing at all was missing.
The dog was sleeping in the sitting-room. The wife was angry with the dog.“Why didn’t you guard(保衛(wèi))the house?”she said. The dog was pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. Green. It began to wag(搖)its tail and then it went to a comer of the room and picked up something in its mouth. It went to the wife and dropped the thing at her feet. When she went to pick it up, she was very surprised. Can you guess what the dog’s present was ?It was a man’s finger!
The end of the story is this. Mr. Green telephoned the police and told them everything. Three days later the police caught the robber. They found him easily.
【小題1】That evening Mr. Green and his wife __________.

A.took their dog to see a film
B.left the dog alone at home
C.went home before the film was finished
D.locked the door and could not open it
【小題2】The robber stole(偷)__________.
A.everything from the house
B.something expensive from the house
C.nothing from the house
D.a(chǎn) car from the house
【小題3】Why was the woman angry with the dog? _________
A.Because she thought it had made the room dirty.
B.Because she thought it had broken the glass.
C.Because it wouldn’t go to the cinema with her
D.Because she thought it hadn’t guarded the house.
【小題4】The robber was caught easily because __________.
A.the police knew him
B.the police happened to meet him
C.Mr. Green know where he lived
D.he had one of his fingers
【小題5】Mr. Green and his wife would _________.
A.like their dog more than before
B.drive the dog away from their home
C.let the dog bring home more presents
D.a(chǎn)sk the police to take the dog away


科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年江蘇省泰興市實(shí)驗(yàn)中學(xué)初二下學(xué)期期中英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

【小題1】That old printer doesn’t print as__________(quick) as this new one.
【小題2】It’s ________ (meaningful) experience I have ever had. I’ll never forget it.
【小題3】—How does the robot work properly?   —Oh, it _______ (control) by the computer.
【小題4】On the _________(five)day, we went to the cultural centre of Hong Kong.
【小題5】There __________ (not be) much pollution in our hometown two years ago.
【小題6】The _________ (mouse) in the computer room are useless. Please throw them away.
【小題7】Someone knocked at the door while Jim __________(sweep) the floor.
【小題8】—What's wrong with your TV set?    —The picture_________ (not come) out yet.
【小題9】I don’t think we need to bring everything with _________ (we) when traveling.
【小題10】The aim of the charity show is _________(raise) money for Project Hope.


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆浙江省寧波市江北區(qū)初三學(xué)業(yè)模擬考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:選詞填空

Have you ever __【小題1】__ that some people can’t read or write __【小題2】__ they usually have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write and they have to remember things; they cannot write them down in a little __【小題3】__. They must remember dates, names, songs and __【小題4】__; so their memories are being exercised the whole time.
So if you want a good memory, learn from these people: __【小題5】__ remembering.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年安徽桐城黃崗初中初一上期階段測試(二)英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:句型轉(zhuǎn)換

【小題1】That is a brown quilt (畫線提問)
【小題2】Are these English books? (改為單數(shù)句)
                                    English book?
【小題3】 She can spell her name.(改為否定句)
She                        spell her name.
【小題4】 I have a volleyball.(改為一般疑問句)
                                   a volleyball?
【小題5】This is a photo of her family.(寫出同義句)
This is                                  .


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年江西省景德鎮(zhèn)市八年級下學(xué)期期末質(zhì)量檢測英語卷(帶解析) 題型:選詞填空

important, friend, mean, them, stand, itself, child, remember, age, weather, pleasant, feel
Have you heard of small talk? It 【小題1】________ that the conversation is about some little things, which are not 【小題2】________. You can make small talk when 【小題3】_________ in line in the supermarket or while waiting for the bus. Though the topics in small talk aren’t important, small talk 【小題4】________ is very important. It makes people 【小題5】_________relaxed; It breaks the silence; It shows 【小題6】________ and good manners; And it makes time pass 【小題7】________.
In small talk, it’s important 【小題8】________ to smile and keep the conversation relaxed. It’s also good to show a sense of humor. You could talk about the 【小題9】_________ , an interesting story on TV, a sports event, a play or a movie, and you could ask parents about their 【小題10】_________.

