
(     )1.
                      A                        B                     C                       D
(     )2.
                      A                        B                      C                      D
(     )3.
                      A                        B                      C                      D
(     )4.
                      A                        B                      C                      D
(     )5.
                      A                        B                      C                      D

1. B  2. A  3. A  4. A  5. B
  • 西城學(xué)科專項(xiàng)測(cè)試系列答案
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    科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2008年江蘇省連云港市初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)統(tǒng)一考試、英語(yǔ)試卷 題型:001


    A.情景識(shí)圖與情景應(yīng)答 聽(tīng)句子或問(wèn)題,從A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,找出與所聽(tīng)內(nèi)容相吻合的圖片或正確的應(yīng)答語(yǔ)。(每句聽(tīng)一遍)

    5ABusy. BSunday. CSunny

    6ASorry, I'm not free. BWith pleasure. CNot at all

    7AGreen. BOrange. CWhite

    8AYes, I am. BYes, who are you? CYes, speaking

    9AI am sure. BI don't like. CYes, please

    10AYes, I will. BNo, I won't. CThanks, I will


    11ADecember 24th. BDecember 25th. CDecember 26th

    12AThe second floor. BThe third floor. CThe fourth floor

    13AAt 620. BAt 630. CAt 640

    14AIn a museum. BIn a library. CIn a bookshop

    15ABy bus. BBy bike. COn foot


    16MrsBrown has a lovely ________ as a pet

    Adog Bcat Cmouse

    17After disappearing, the cat comes back ________

    Abefore lunch Bat lunch Cafter lunch

    18The cat rushes into the room with ________ mice

    Atwo Bthree Cfour

    19Before anyone stops the cat, it puts the mice ________

    Ainto the boxes Binto the chairs Cinto the plates

    20From the story, we know there is a close friendship between ________

    AMrBrown and the cat

    BMrsBrown and the cat

    CMrand MrsBrown


    科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:內(nèi)蒙古呼倫貝爾市2011年初中畢業(yè)生學(xué)業(yè)考試英語(yǔ)試題(人教版) 題型:001











    6.A.He is 45.

    B.He is a teacher.

    C.He is very tall.

    7.A.No, thanks.

    B.It's very delicious.

    C.No, I don't think so.

    8.A.It's made of wool.

    B.It's very cheap.

    C.Thank you.

    9.A.It's very kind of you.

    B.Sorry, she isn't in now.

    C.Hello! What's the matter?

    10.A.Thank you.

    B.Never mind.

    C.You're welcome.


    11.A.Every day.

    B.Once a week.


    12.A.They're new.

    B.They're short and fat.

    C.They look quite different.

    13.A.Four years ago.

    B.Six years ago.

    C.A long time.

    14.A.At school.

    B.At home.

    C.In hospital.

    15.A.Pigs are hard to look after.

    B.He likes pigs very much.

    C.He doesn't want a pig as a pet.


    16.What did the two friends want to do by the river?



    C.Walk the dog.

    17.How was the weather that day?




    18.What did the dog want to do?

    A.Eat some fish.

    B.Follow the friends.

    C.Carry both the caps.

    19.What were the caps different in?




    20.What do we know about the dog?

    A.It was clever.

    B.It was lazy.

    C.It was pretty.




    科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:江蘇期中題 題型:閱讀理解


         How can you think in English? I think the best way is to practice as what a football player does every
    day. During the practice, the football players pass the ball to his teammates over and over again, So they
    won't have to think about passing the ball in the game, they will just do it. You can train yourself to think
    in English in this way. The first (1) _____ is to think _____ the words that you use daily, simple everyday
    words like book, shoe or tree. For example, whenever you see a"book", you should think of it in English
    instead of in your mother language. (2) After you have learned to think of words in English, you'd better
    go on to the next step--thinking of sentences in English.
          (3) 聽(tīng)是學(xué)英語(yǔ)的一個(gè)非常有用的方法。 Listen first and don't care too much about whether you
    fully understand what you're hearing. Try to say what you hear as much as possible. The more you listen,
    the better you learn. After you reach a higher level, start having conversations with yourself in English.
    This will lead you to think in English.
    1. 在(1)句的空白處分別填入適當(dāng)?shù)脑~,使句意完整,上下文通順。
        ___________; ____________
    2. 將(2)句譯成中文。
    3. 將(3)句譯成英文。
    4. 在文中找出與所給句子意思相近的句子。
       If you listen more, you' ll learn better.
    5. 寫(xiě)出或在文中找出最能表達(dá)文章大意的句子。


    科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

    How can you think in English? I think the best way is to practice as what a football player does every day.During the practice,the football players pass the ball to his teammates over and over again,so they won’t have to think about passing the ball in the game,they will just do it.You can train yourself to think in English in this way.The first (1) ________is to think________ the words that you use daily,simple everyday words like book,shoe or tree.For example,whenever you see a“book”,you should think of it in English instead of in your mother language.

    2After you have learned to think of words in English,you'd better go on to the next step--------thinking of sentences in English

    3)聽(tīng)是學(xué)英語(yǔ)的一個(gè)非常有用的方法。Listen first and don’t care too much about whether you fully understand what you’re hearing.Try to say what you hear as much as possible.The more you listen,the better you learn.After you reach a higher level,start having conversations with yourself in English.This will lead you to think in English.







    74.在文中找出與所給句子意思相近的句子。If you listen more,you’ll learn better。





    科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:江蘇中考真題 題型:聽(tīng)力題

    (     )1.
    (     )2.
    (     )3.
    (     )4.
    (     )5. A. Busy.              
    (     )6. A. Sorry, I'm not free.
    (     )7. A. Green.             
    (     )8. A. Yes, I am.         
    (     )9. A. I am sure.         
    (     )10. A. Yes, I will.       
    B. Sunday.         
    B. With pleasure.  
    B. Orange.         
    B. Yes, who are you?
    B. I don't like.   
    B. No, I won't.    
    C. Sunny.        
    C. Not at all.   
    C. White.        
    C. Yes, speaking.                       
    C. Yes, please.  
    C. Thanks, I will.

