
 One day Mr. Li and Mr. King go to London to see a friend. They don’t know much English and London. They can’t find their friend’s home. They walk in the street for a long time. Then they see a man near a bus stop. They go up to him and ask the way. The man smiles but says nothing. Then he puts his hand into his pocket and takes out a book. He opens the books and reads, “I’m sorry, I don’t speak English.” In the evening they find their friend’s home with the help of a policeman.


1.Mr. Li and Mr. King know much about London.

2.They can’t speak much English.

3.The man near the bus stop helps them find their friend’s home.

4.They don’t see any policemen in London.

5. The man near the bus stop can’t speak much English just as Mr. Li and Mr. King.










1.根據(jù)第二句They don’t know much English and London.可知該句是錯誤的。

2.由They don’t know much English?芍麄兌糜⒄Z很少。

3.由In the evening they find their friend’s home with the help of a policeman.可知是警察幫他們找到他們的朋友家。


5.由he puts his hand into his pocket and takes out a book. He opens the books and reads, “I’m sorry, I don’t speak English.”可知



科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:050


 One day, Mrs Green went to see a film with her friendBefore they left the home, Mrs Green put on wrong shoes, one with a thick sole (鞋底) and the other with a thin oneWhile she was walking in the street, she didn' t feel well, for one shoe was higher than the otherShe said to her friend:

 Is there something wrong with my legs today? Why is one of my legs long and the other short?

 Her friend looked at her shoes and laughedShe told her that she was wearing the wrong shoesShe looked down and found that it was really soShe asked her friend to go back home and get the other pair

 A moment later, her friend ran back and she was sorry to say,There is no need to change themThe pair at home is the same, one with a thick sole and the other with a thin sole


(1) Mrs Green didn' t feel well because______.   

[  ]

Athere is something wrong with her leg

Bher shoes were broken

Cone of her shoe soles was thicker than the other

Dshe didn' t like her friend

(2) Mrs Green knew that she wore wrong shoes after______.   

[  ]

Ashe was walking in the street

Bher friend told her

Cshe saw a film

Dher friend went back home

(3) ______went home to get another pair.   

[  ]

AMrs Green

BSome friends

CMrs Green' s friend


(4) Mrs Green' s friend ______ shoes for her

[  ]


Bdidn' t bring


Ddidn' t buy

(5) Mrs Green' s friend was______.   

[  ]


Bnot nice


Dnot clever


科目:初中英語 來源:1+1輕巧奪冠·優(yōu)化訓練 英語 七年級下冊 (外研版)銀版 外研版 題型:050


  Next week, there aren't going to he any classes in Li Lei's class.They are going to work on a farm.They are going to help the farmers pick apples.Jim is very happy because he thinks picking(摘)apples is much better than having classes.After work they are going to swim in a small river near there.Some of them are going to fly kites on a hill.Then they are going to have a picnic there.

  They are going to leave at 7∶00 next Monday and meet on the road outside the school gate.The farm is far from them.How are they going there?They are going there by bus.


Li Lei and Jim are in the ________ class.

[  ]








Mr Hu's


Jim like picking apples than ________.

[  ]




flying kites


having classes




They are going to work on the farm for ________.

[  ]


one day


two davs


about a week


next week


They are going to swim ________ in a small river.

[  ]


before work


after work


when they came back


in the morning


They are going there ________.

[  ]


on foot


by bus


by bike


by plane


科目:初中英語 來源:2012年外研版初中英語七年級上Module9練習卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


 One summer morning a tiger is walking near(附近) a lake. He wants to eat something. He is very hungry. In the lake, a duck is swimming(游泳).“That is my breakfast,” thinks the tiger.

“Good morning, Mr. Duck!” says the tiger.

“Go away, you bad tiger!” says the duck.

“I want to tell you something about your friend, Miss Chicken. If you don't come, I'll go. Good bye. Mr. Duck.”?

“Wait a minute,” says the duck. “Tell me!”

The tiger looks around(周圍),“I don't want other animals to know it. Come up to me,” says the tiger. Then Mr. Duck swims to the tiger. As soon as(一……就……) he gets to the bank(湖岸),the tiger gets it and eats it up.

He laughs best that laughs last.笑到最后的人才笑得最好。

1.The tiger wants to find ______.

A.a(chǎn) duck

B.some food

C.some water

D.a(chǎn) chick

2.The tiger pretends(假裝) he is_______ to the duck.




D.friendly (友好的)

3.The duck _______ from the tiger.



C.wants to see?

D.wants to know something about his friend

4.At last(最后),the tiger_______ .

A.eats the duck?

B.eats the chick

C.is afraid?

D.tells something about the chick

5.What's the best title(題目) of the story?

A.The Duck?

B.The Tiger

C.The Tiger's Breakfast?

D.Miss Chicken



科目:初中英語 來源:2012年仁愛版初中英語七年級下冊第八單元topic 3練習卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


 One cold winter morning, an old woman had to go to see her doctor. When she walked into the doctor’s office, she told him that her right leg hurt and sometimes she could not walk. She asked him what was wrong. She told him that she had never had such a feeling(感覺)before.

The doctor checked(檢查)the old woman carefully, then he said, “You’re in good health for a woman of your age. I think the trouble in your right leg is just a matter of old age catching up with you. We get all kinds of illness(疾。゛s we get older. The trouble will almost certainly end in spring.”

“I don’t think so, doctor!” she said. “My left leg is well, and it’s the same age as my right one.”

1.When did this story happen(發(fā)生)?

 A. One cool autumn morning.  B. One cold spring morning. 

C. One cold winter morning.  D. One hot summer afternoon.

2.What was wrong with the old woman?

 A. She ate little food every day.  B. One of her legs hurt. 

C. Her hands were both hurt.  D. Her head hurt badly.

3.The doctor said when next spring comes, the old woman ____.

 A. will die  B. will feel better  C. should come back   D. will hurt her left leg

4.What did the doctor think of the woman?

 A. She was young enough  B. She was not ill 

C. She got all kinds of illnesses  D. She must do a lot of exercise in spring 

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

 A. The doctor and the woman were the same age.  

B. The woman’s right leg was longer than her left one.  

C. The woman’s trouble didn’t come in spring.  

D. The woman caught a train to see the doctor.


