It is getting colder by the day. When I was putting out my autumn clothes, a brown woolen*  sweater caught my eye and reminded       of this time last year.

It was on a cold morning that my mother came into my bedroom with the sweater. She said it was rather cold outside and asked me to wear it to school. “I spent the whole        weaving* the sweater,” she told me.

   The sweater was so unfashionable and       that I was not pleased with it. After mom went out to work, I         the ugly sweater to a corner. I would rather catch a cold than wear it. I thought my classmates would laugh at me. I       a thin uniform and went to school.

   Before I walked into the classroom, I heard Lana’s voice: “Look at my overcoat. My father bought it in Hong Kong.” Connie said: “My scarf is      , too”

   I looked through the window and was surprised to see all the girls in colorful winter clothes        me. They showed their clothes to each other and laughed     . Suddenly, I felt inferior* to them.     wasn’t my family as rich as theirs? I wanted to wear beautiful clothes, too.

  A strong cold wind blew and I sneezed. During class I felt terrible. The       said I had caught a cold. “ You should wear thick clothes today, ” she said. I suddenly thought of my mom. She said the same thing to me      I didn’t listen.

  As soon as I got home I fell asleep on the sofa. I     of a woman weaving. She was my mother! She spent the whole night making a sweater for me. But I neither thanked her nor wore it.

  When I opened my _______, my mother was smiling at me. Her eyes were full of worry and care. I held her in my arms. “Sorry, mom, I should        have complained about that sweater. ”

   Two days later, I wore the warm and comfortable woolen sweater to school. Some of my classmates laughed at me. But I didn’t      . I know mom’s love is more important than money.

1.A. me                B. him         C. her           D. you

2.A. morning            B. afternoon          C. night       D. day

3.A. comfortable          B. beautiful    C. ugly     D. thin

4.A. threw                B. gave      C. stored      D. showed

5.A. put up               B. put on           C. put off      D. put away

6.A. cheap         B. expensive      C. usual           D. soft

7.A. with          B. without       C. except     D. against

8.A. sadly         B. quietly            C. luckily               D. happily

9.A. How          B. Why      C. When       D. Where

10.A. doctor             B. reporter        C. actor            D. player

11.A. and         B. but            C. so            D. or

12.A. heard              B. talked             C. thought             D. dreamed

13.A. books              B. doors              C. windows         D. eyes

14.A. always             B. usually            C. sometimes      D. never

15.A. care                 B. agree              C. refuse    D. realize





















1.考查代詞及語境的理解。句意:當我拿出我的秋裝,一件棕色的羊毛衣引起我的注意,使我想起去年的這個時候。me我, him他, her她, you你。remind sb of sth使回想起,我拿出的秋裝使我想起,故答案選A.

2.考查名詞及語境的理解。句意:我用整晚織的這件毛衣。morning早上,afternoon下午,night晚上,day白天。spend time doing sth花時間做某事。It was on a cold morning是個寒冷的早晨,和 asked me to wear it to school.讓我穿上它上學,可知是花費整晚織出的毛衣,故答案選C.

3.考查形容詞及語境的理解。句意:毛衣又不時又丑陋,我不喜歡它。comfortable舒服的, beautiful美麗的, ugly丑陋的,thin瘦的。unfashionalbe不時尚的,根據(jù) I was not pleased with it. 我不喜歡它,可知也是貶義詞,故答案選C.

4.考查動詞及語境的理解。句意:媽媽出去上班后,我就把這件丑毛衣扔在角落里了。threw扔, gave給,stored儲存, showed展示。根據(jù) I was not pleased with it. 我不喜歡它,可知隨著后的動作會是扔在角落里,故答案選A.

5.考查動詞短語及語境的理解。句意:我穿上瘦校服上學了。put up貼,put on穿, put off     推遲, put away收起。 uniform制服。根據(jù)語境可知作者嫌毛衣丑穿校服上學,故答案選B.

6.考查形容詞及語境的理解。句意:我的圍巾也很貴。cheap便宜的,expensive貴的,usual通常的,soft 軟的。根據(jù)My father bought it in Hong Kong.我爸爸在香港買的,可知圍巾也應該是高檔的,故答案選B.

7.考查介詞及語境的理解。句意:我透過窗戶看,吃驚地發(fā)現(xiàn)除了我所有的女孩都穿著五顏六色的冬裝。with和,without沒有,except除了,against反對。根據(jù)I put on thin uniform and went to school.我穿了薄校服上學,可知答案選C.

8.考查副詞及語境的理解。句意:她們互相展示著她們的衣服,開心地大笑。 sadly悲傷地,quietly安靜地,luckily幸運地,happily幸福地。女孩們炫耀自己的新衣服給同學看,當然是開心地大笑,故答案選D.


10.考查名詞及語境的理解。句意:醫(yī)生說我感冒了。doctor        醫(yī)生,reporter記者,actor    演員,player運動員。根據(jù)During class I felt terrible.上課期間我感覺難受,可知會去看醫(yī)生,故答案選A.

11.考查連詞及語境的理解。句意:她對我說過同樣的話但我沒聽。and和,but但是,so所以,or或者。根據(jù)I put on thin uniform and went to school.我穿了薄校服上學,可知我沒聽有聽媽媽的話,故答案選B.

12.考查動詞及語境的理解。句意:我夢到了一個女人在織毛衣。heard聽到,talked談論,thought認為,dreamed夢想。根據(jù)As soon as I got home I fell asleep on the sofa.我一到家就在沙發(fā)上睡著了,可知我是在做夢,故答案選D.

13.考查名詞及語境的理解。句意:當我睜開眼睛時,我媽媽正微笑著看著我。books書, doors門,windows窗戶,eyes眼睛。根據(jù)As soon as I got home I fell asleep on the sofa.我一到家就在沙發(fā)上睡著了,可知是睡醒睜眼,故答案選D.


15.考查動詞及語境的理解。句意:但我不在乎。care在乎, agree同意,refuse拒絕,realize認識到。根據(jù)I know mom’s love is more important than money.我知道媽媽的愛重于金錢,所以不在乎同學的嘲笑,故答案選A.




科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年浙江省九年級上學期期中測試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

 --- ________it was yesterday because of the storm! 

---So it was!

A.What bad weather            B. What a bad weather

C.How bad a weather           D. How bad weather



科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年浙江省瑞安市九年級元月調考模擬考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:其他題


Once I went shopping on my first visit to Macao. Coming from cold and cloudy England, I enjoyed the sun and dressed in a T-shirt and a short skirt. Not having much c_____1. to enjoy the sun in England, my legs were very white. In England this is not a fashionable look at all . Most women spend every sunny day out t_____2. to get darker skin(皮膚). The darker the skin, the better the look. I have tried to get darker but nothing w____3. for me!

   As I walked around one shop, the two shop assistants kept looking at my legs all the time, talking each other in Chinese. I began to feel u____5.and  asked my friend if we could leave. After we left the shop, she asked me what was wrong . I c____6.about the shop assistants being very impolite . They must be talking about my white skin. My friend laughed. “They weren’t laughing at you. They were saying how nice your legs were. Many Chinese women want to have white skin like yours. In fact, there are many beauty products(美容產品)  in the shops to make skin whiter and a lot of money is s_____7. on them.”

   It just s____8. that we are never happy with what we have. The grass is much g______9.on the other side. If the women of the West and East thought the s_____10.way, Western women wouldn’t spend so much money on beauty products that makes skin darker and women from the East wouldn’t need to use cream that makes skin whiter.



科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年浙江省瑞安市九年級元月調考模擬考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

--Is Mary in the classroom?

   -- No. She______ to the library.

A. goes              B. had gone        C. has gone      D. would go



科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年浙江省溫州市六校九年級上學期期末聯(lián)考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:選詞填空


if  healthy  advice  realize  enough

1.Dave is not old ________to drive a car. He is only thirteen years old.

2.You should consider my ________ when you go there.

3.Keep smiling and have a happier, ________ and better life.  

4.Mr. Clark will get angry ________you don’t return the book on time.

5.Nothing can prevent us from         our “Chinese Dream”



科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年浙江省溫州市六校九年級上學期期末聯(lián)考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

My dream hometown is an amazing place without any ________.

A.  population        B. traffic         C. pollution      D.  advertisements



科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年浙江省溫州地區(qū)九年級上學期第一次月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:其他題


1.Kent has lots of work to do every day. He can’t fall asleep at night.

2.8-year-old Dongdong has a sweet tooth. He has already had four bad teeth.

3.Linlin’s father just can’t give up drinking.

4.Betty is putting on weight but can’t stop eating.

5.Nina has a high fever because of the flu. She has such a big headache that she can’t go to school.  A. Dr. Yang is good at helping people give up drinking.

B. Dr. Smith has different kinds of false teeth for people who are over 20.

C. Dr. Li is good at treating flu (fever, cough etc.)

D. Dr. Chen has a lot of experience in helping patients get enough sleep.

E. Dr. Wright is always ready to offer help on eating problems.

F. Dr. Liu has great skills in fixing bad teeth and communicating with kids to win their trust.



科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年浙江省溫州地區(qū)九年級上學期第一次月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

---Who’s that boy?

       ---Liang Bo. He is___ very popular singer in Voice of China.

A. the       B. an       C. a        D. /



科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年浙江省桐鄉(xiāng)市九年級上學期基礎調研英語試卷(解析版) 題型:其他題


1.He promised his father that he _______________(give) up smoking this year.

2.I did what I can _____________(help) my brother with his English study.

3.The accident suddenly_______________(happen) while the lights were changing to red.

4.Everyone agreed that we should stop the factories ______________(pour) the dirty water into the river.

5.They think you’d better not ____________(join) this club this year.


