1.By comparing with others, you will find your problems are not so terrible.(劃線部分提問)
              you find your problems are not so terrible?
2. It is interesting to send English messages to friends on a mobile phone.(改為感嘆句)
              interesting thing it is to send English messages to friends on a mobile phone!
3. It would be nice if we could get a room with a kitchen so we could cook our town meals.(改為同義句)
It would be nice if we could get a room             a kitchen so we could cook our own meals.
4. Being a volunteer is great.(改為反義疑問句)
Being a volunteer is great,               ?
5. The woman teacher asked the students “ Can you understand what I am saying?”(改為間接引語)
The woman teacher asked the students             could understand what she was saying.

【小題1】How will
【小題2】What an
【小題3】which has
【小題4】isn’t it
【小題5】if/ whether they

解析【小題1】對于做某事方式提問用疑問詞how,后跟一般疑問句,助動(dòng)詞will提前,故本題空格處填How will。
【小題2】感嘆句修飾名詞thing用what,名詞為可數(shù)名詞單數(shù),在元音因素前用不定冠詞an,interesting第一個(gè)音為元音,故本題空格處填What an。
【小題3】本題修飾名詞room為一個(gè)定語從句,先行詞為物,關(guān)系詞可用which,從句謂語動(dòng)詞用has,故本題空格處填which has。
【小題4】反義疑問句前半句為肯定,后半句用否定結(jié)構(gòu)isn’t,故本題空格處填isn’t it。
【小題5】動(dòng)詞后跟一般疑問句作為賓語從句,通常用if或whether來引導(dǎo),意思為是否,故本題空格處填if/ whether they。


科目:初中英語 來源:期末題 題型:閱讀理解

     Last night's final 110m hurdles race in the Athletics World Championships in South Korea was perhaps
  the most anticipated (預(yù)期的) game for Chinese audience. the nation's TV station CCTV even make a
 special short propaganda (宣傳) film for Liu. However, it now becomes the most controversial (爭議的)
 race. Cuban Dayron Robles won the race but was disqualified (取消資格) after making contact with Liu 
 Xiang, causing Liu almost tripped over the last hurdle and ended up in the second place.
     Moments after finishing the final 110m hurdles race, Liu Xiang mentioned to the Chinese media hat he 
 was hit by Robles during the race, but he said that he blamed nobody and 'It's just a game'. An hour later 
 Robles was disqualified by the organizing committee, and Liu was 'promoted' to the second place.
     On Liu's microblog page, he posted an entry later the night, saying, "I'm a little disappointed. But I'm
 still pretty confident in myself. The only thing I would blame is I didn't run fast enough, still need to train
Thank you for your care and support. Now I just want to go back home and enjoy my vacation!"
     Now on the Internet, the name "luó bo sī" (蘿卜絲, Radish, nickname of Dayron Robles, because the 
 Chinese name has a similar pronunciation as Robles. ) is everywhere.  Heated discussion is going on online
  and especially on the microblog website like Sina.com, where the topic with the key words "luo bo s?" is 
 rated as the hottest topic with more than 7497 entries posted on the topic in just one hour.
任務(wù)一:閱讀短文 ,回答問題
1. What prize did Liu Xiang get?
2. Why did Cuban Dayron Robles lose the gold medal?
3. He said that he blamed nobody.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
He said that he _____ blame _____.
任務(wù)三: 把文中劃線句子翻譯成漢語。
4. _______________________________.
5. _____________________________.

