Who is ________ P.E.teacher?

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:走向優(yōu)等生同步學(xué)習(xí)與測(cè)評(píng)英語(yǔ)七年級(jí)(上) 題型:014

Who is _______ P.E. teacher?

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科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011-2012學(xué)年江蘇省姜堰市仲院初級(jí)中學(xué)初二下學(xué)期期中英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

We use the Internet for many things: business, shopping, writing letters, talking to people, finding information, and so on. In recent years, a new kind of English has grown on the Internet. There’s no real word for it yet, so we’ll call it e-talk. People don’t like typing too much. To save time, they turn phrases (短語(yǔ)) into a few letters called acronyms(首字母縮略詞). Acronyms are often used in chat rooms.
Some of them are:
BTW(by the way)     BRB (be right back)
LOL (laughing out loud) IMO (in my opinion)
People also use many abbreviations. They are shortened forms of words. Some common abbreviations are:
info (information)    puter (computer)    pic (picture)      sec (second)
We usually don’t see people when we communicate on the Net, so people have new ways to show feelings. Most people use their keyboards to draw “feeling”, such as:
: ) (happy)     :-( (sad) ;    : P (joking)   : O (surprised)
These days, many forums have picture feelings. For example:
happy          sad         angry        cool
There are even whole new words, like ‘newbie’ (someone who is new on a chat board or forum). When you write something bad about someone else, it’s called ‘flaming’ the person.
It takes time to get used to e-talk. Also, different groups in the Net have their own special ways of communicating. Newbies sometimes have to ask other people what they mean. As the Internet grows, e-talk will continue to grow and change.
【小題1】 Why do people type acronyms?

A.To show their feelings.
B.To make jokes.
C.Because people can type them quickly.
D.In this way, newbies won’t understand them.
【小題2】What does “My puter is not working well. :-( ” mean?
A.The person is happy about getting a new computer.
B.The person has to go away from their computer.
C.The person is angry at somebody.
D.The person is sad that his computer is having problems.
【小題3】If someone is angry, what may he type?
【小題4】E-talk will probably_________.
A.keep changing
B.stay the same
C.be used by people on the telephone
D.be easy for newbies to understand
【小題5】People can do the following through the Internet except _________.
A. doing shopping                B. writing diaries
C. eating foods                   C. playing games


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. Be c_____ of the dog that does not bark.
2. I haven't seen my cat for two days. I'm very w_____ about her.
3. Taiwan b_____ to China forever.
4. Three monkeys e_____ from the zoo. And it made us feel afraid.
5. He's always running for e_____ every morning.
6. She m_____ the bus and went late to school.
7. It's crucial that I study for it because it c_____ 30% to the final exam.
8. I'm really a_____, because I can't find my backpack.
9. Mark Twain is Mary's f_____ author.
10. You can't wake a person who is p_____ to be asleep.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:


Lin Hua:________________1____________________

Han Xiao:My favorite subject is P.E.

Lin Hua:Why do you like P.E.?


Lin Hua:How many P.E.classes do you have in a week?


Lin Hua:Who’s your P.E.teacher?


Lin Hua:Do you like him?


A.I have two in a week.             B.Yes,he’s friendly, but he’s very strict.

C.Because it’s exciting and relaxing.   D.What’s your favorite subject?

E.Mr. Li is.    F.I like him

