
66. My brother can play basketball __________ (good)

67. Millie wants to join the ___________ (draw) Club.

68. It’s Friday. Our ___________ (parent) meeting is coming soon.

69. I’m __________ (real) happy to see all of you here.

70. Yao Ming is a famous basketball __________ (play).


66. well  67.Drawing  68. parents’   69. really   70. player



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

The computer plays an important part in our everyday life. It is one of the great _36__ in the world in the  twentieth century. It works for us not only at home, in the offices, in big shops, __37__ at schools. Today it is used __38__ many ways. It really brings the world large wealth (財(cái)富) and happiness.

The first computer in the world was __39 _ Enid. It was built in America in 1946. It was large and heavy. __40__ it was born, it has been developing very fast. Until now it has gone __41__ four periods(時(shí)期,階段)and changed a lot. There’re many kinds of computers. Computers are getting smaller and smaller and computing faster and faster. It becomes more and more __42__.

The computer can do most of the things for  the people. It can help us to __43  _ about the real world more quickly, to learn __44__ we want to learn and to think for ourselves. __45__ a student in the twenty-first century, you must work hard at it.

(   )36 A. inventions     B. discoveries          C. inventors

(   )37 A. also             B. but also             C. too             

(   )38. A. in             B. to                        C. by              

(   )39. A. found          B. invented                C. called        

(   )40. A. For            B. Since                 C. When      

(   )41. A. by               B. across               C. through         

(   )42.A. serious                B. harmful.            C. helpful

(   )43.A. know                 B. tell                     C. talk

(   )44.A. what            B. that                  C. who

(   )45.A. For             B. As                   C.To


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

Kate isn’t very ______.She likes to stay at home and read.

A. kind          B. outgoing        C. funny         D. quiet


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

  Going to a friend’s house is very interesting. You may spend time with a friend and get to know where he lives. So remember to be polite.

  When to arrive

  The first thing to remember is that when a friend invites you over, you need to arrive on time. If your friend tells you to come “around 3:00”, that means you can turn up a little bit after 3:00. But usually it is a good idea to arrive at the right time.

  What to bring

  Often it is also nice to bring something to your friend’s house. This could be a box of chocolates for you two to share, or maybe a movie so that you can watch it together. You can also bring some flowers. A little gift is a nice way to show your friend that you are excited to be at his house.

  How to greet

  When you visit your friend’s house, you may also meet his parents. You should tell them who you are and they may tell you their names. As a child, I went to visit my friend Paul. I called his parents by their first names John and Mary. But now I know it is more polite to call them Mr. or Mrs. Smith. This will show them more respect and then they may tell you to call them by their first names. Another way to show respect is to call them Madam or Sir.

It is a cool thing to visit a friend’s house. Be polite to your friend and your friend’s parents, and you will be invited again!

61. If you are told to get to your friend’s house around 5:00 pm, it is polite to arrive at

_________ pm.

A. 5:02    B. 4:50     C. 4:30     D. 6:30

62. When the writer was a child, he called his friend’s father_________.

A. Smith   B. John     C. Mary     D. Mr. Smith

63. When you visit a friend, it’s polite to _________________.

A. arrive at his house half an hour early

B. bring something to your friend’s house

C. call his parent’s first name

D. make a lot of noise

64. The passage mainly tell us _______________________.

A. when to arrive at your friend’s house

B. how to greet people

C. what to bring to your friend

D. how to be a good visitor

65. The passage may be from__________________.

A. a notice on a wall       B. a letter to a friend

C. an article in a magazine D. a news story in a paper


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

---Let’s _______together.

---OK, be quick, or we’ll miss the early bus.

    A. go home   B. to go home  C. go to school   D. to go to school


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

Tick, tick, tick! Good morning, Jim! It’s 6:30 now. It’s time  _36 __ up. Do you know me? I’m your new friend. My name is Clock. Look at me. I have no _ 37_ ,  _38__ I can walk with my hands. I have no mouth, but I  _39_ _ speak to you. Now please listen to  ___40_ . Today is Monday. You have many things to do. Classes  _41_ at 8:00. You have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. After 3:40 you have a basketball match _ __42__ Class Two. You come  _43_ at 5:40. You have supper at 6:00. You  _44_ CCTV news at 7:00. And you go to bed at 9:30. Now please get up quickly and have your breakfast or (否則) you will be  _45_ .

(   )36. A. get            B. gets          C. to get            D. getting

(   )37. A. hands          B. head          C. feet            D. leg

(   )38. A. and           B. but           C. so             D. or

(   )39. A. can’t          B. mustn’t        C. must             D. can    

(   )40. A. I            B. my           C. mine             D. me

(   )41. A. begin          B. begins        C. beginning         D. to begin

(   )42. A. to           B. with         C. and              D. for

(   )43. A. home          B. to home       C. your home        D. at home

(   )44. A. see B. read C. watch D. look at

(   )45. A. early          B. happy        C. glad            D. late


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:



1.       在育才中學(xué)七年級(jí)二班;

2.       學(xué)校不大但是很漂亮,有36個(gè)班級(jí),教室又干凈又明亮;

3.       有一個(gè)大操場(chǎng),經(jīng)常放學(xué)后在操場(chǎng)上進(jìn)行體育活動(dòng);

4.       最喜歡踢足球,并希望能成為一名優(yōu)秀的足球運(yùn)動(dòng)員,在世界杯中踢球;

5.       ……

My name is Tom. I _______________________________________________________________








科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

—Mom, could I have a part-time job?  

—No, dear. You are not_________.   

A. enough calm   B. enough old  C. young enough      D. old enough


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

Every student is _____ to obey the school rules.

A. suppose                   B. supposed                    C. ought

