A Survey About "To Whom do You Go When in Trouble?"

Dear editer:
I am asked to do a survey   "Whom do you ask for help  when you are in trouble?".and the result is as follows: 58% of the students who areasked  say  they will turn to their friends or classmates,because they are at the same age, and they are easy to talk with and easily understanding deeply each other .30% say they will turn to their teachers and parents,because they love them ,protect them and they are believed in and experenced .only 12% think they will turn to nobody .because they are hard to talk with anybody. Such are what the students are thinking when they are in trouble .What advise you can give us?What should we do to help the students?
Sincerely yours,

解析這是一篇要點(diǎn)作文,先要審題,這是給某報(bào)社編輯寫的信,寫作時(shí)首 先要注意書信格式,稱呼,正文,署名等,然后是正文,要寫清寫全要點(diǎn),不要逐字逐句翻譯,可以適當(dāng)整理加工材料,也可以適當(dāng)添加讓文章更流暢。不要出現(xiàn)明顯的語法錯(cuò)誤,盡量用簡(jiǎn)單句,也可以可以用一些高級(jí)的句型。


科目:初中英語 來源:2011年山東省青島市中考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Sitting on a chair all day in school can make anyone want to move around. So, more and more teachers are letting students have a ball. By sitting on exercise balls instead of chairs, teachers find students' posture (姿勢(shì)) and attention improve.
Dottie Pownall, a fifth-grade teacher in West Virginia, USA, has been using balls as chairs since December 2008. "The students love them", she says. Pownall took a survey of her students. She found that 80% of the students thought sitting on the balls helped them pay more attention to what they were learning.
The teacher, Pisa Witt, felt so strongly about the use of balls as chairs, she started Witt Fitt. This company encourages the use of the balls. And the company educates not only teachers but also students on how to use them. "Our products are used in 24 states, three provinces in Canada, Puerto Rico ('波多黎各) and Japan," says Witt. "Research shows that sitting on the balls makes them sit up straighter. You can slouch (低頭垂肩地坐) on a ball," says Witt, "but it feels awful." Because the students are moving, their blood (血液) increases. That carries more oxygen (氧氣 to the brain (大腦), so the kids have more energy and can focus longer.
"Furthermore, they're fun." says Pownali.
【小題1】 What will happen if a student sits on a chair all day in school? The student will _________.

A.pay more attention to his lessons B.be fun
C.like to move aroundD.sit up straighter
【小題2】 How long has Dottie Pownall used the balls?
A.About three years. B.Only one year.
C.In 2008. D.Since he was a fifth-grade teacher.
【小題3】 In how many countries are the balls used as the students' chairs?
A.Four. B.Three. C.Two. D.One.
【小題4】Teachers choose balls instead of chairs because sitting on balls helps the kids___________.
A.improve the students' posture and attentionB.slouch on the chairs
C.have funD.Both A and C are correct answers.
【小題5】Which is better for kids to study in class, sitting on a chair or sitting on a ball?
A.Sitting on a chair.B.Sitting on a ball.
C.They are the same.D.We don't know.


科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學(xué)年陜西省九年級(jí)下學(xué)期階段考試英語卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

A large number of people in the world eat fast food. Whenever you go into a fast food restaurantyou can see lots of people enjoying their meals there. But do you know in which country people like fast food best?

????????????? The English people are the world’s biggest fans of fast food,while the French (法國(guó)人) are the least interested in quick meals,according to a survey done last year.

????????????? The survey of thirteen countries shows 45% of the English people say they can’t give up fast food because it’s delicious. And 44% of Americans and 37% of Canadians say the same.

????????????? The French,proud of their delicious and high-class cuisinedon’t like fast food. 81% of them think it is unhealthy,followed by 75% of the Japanese.

????????????? How about the Chinese? How often do you have hamburgers or fried chicken? It doesn’t matter whether you like Western fast food or Chinese food. The most important thing is to keep a balanced diet.

1.From the survey we know____________ like fast food best.

A. the Chinese????????????? ????????????? B. the French????????????? ? C. the Japanese????????????? ????????????? D. the English

2.The survey shows____________? of Americans like fast food.

A.37%????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B.44%????????????? ????????????? ? C.75%????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D.81%

3.According to the survey,some people can’t give up fast food because____________ .

A. it’s cheap????????????? ????????????? B. it’s safe????????????? ? C. it’s delicious????????????? ????????????? D. it’s healthy

4.The word “cuisine” in the passage means____________ .

A. food????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. house????????????? ????????????? ? C. water????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. country

5.The survey is about____________ .

A. Western countries????????????? ????????????? B. fast food????????????? ? C. restaurants in the world????????????? ????????????? D. Chinese food



科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年重慶市九年級(jí)第二次診斷性測(cè)試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

The French spend more time sleeping and eating than anyone else among the world's rich people, according to a survey.

The average French person sleeps almost nine hours every night, more than an hour longer than the average Japanese and Korean, who sleep the least in a survey.

And while more and more French people have meals at fast food restaurants, they still spend more than two hours a day eating.

That means their meals are twice as long as those of the average Mexican, who spends just over an hour a day on food.

The Japanese spend close to two hours a day eating and drinking, placing them third behind New Zealanders. The Japanese like to spend their free time watching television or listening to the radio. This takes up 47 percent of free time in Japan.

Turks, on the other hand, spend more than a third of their free time staying with their friends.The survey showed that the difference between work and free time within certain countries is clear.

As for Italians, men have nearly 80 minutes a day of free time more than women. Much of the additional work time of Italian women is clearly cleaning the house.

1.Japanese and Korean people usually sleep about _______ a night.

A.six hours          B.eight hours        C.nine hours         D.ten hours

2.The third paragraph mainly tells us _________.

A.French people are used to having fast food

B.French people are used to having sandwiches

C.French people spend much time eating

D.French people spend little time eating

3.How long does a Mexican spend in eating?

A.One hour         B.Two hours         C.Three hours       D.Four hours

4.It takes Japanese _______ of free time to watch TV or listen to the radio.

A.two thirds         B.a(chǎn)bout half         C.one third          D.a(chǎn)ll



科目:初中英語 來源:河北省模擬題 題型:閱讀理解

     The 14-year-old Zhang Lei was riding home when a man suddenly jumped out from the roadside,
pulled him off his bike and rode to run off. Zhang was fairly scared, but he didn't run after the robber.
Instead, he found a telephone quickly and called the police at 110.    
     "Safety is the most important in such a situation, "Zhang said, remembering what his teacher had
told him in his first-aid class (急救課). "An adult is much stronger than you. It is not safe to run after
an adult."  
     Zhang is a student at Shenzhen Bao' an Middle School in Guangdong. His school is the first in China
to have first-aid education. The students at the school must take the class once a week.    
     Teenage safety has become a serious problem recently. According to a 2009 survey, about 16,000
teenagers die in all kinds of accident in China every year.
       Bao' an School said that the first-aid classes are to teach students skills so that they can save
themselves in unusual situations.    
Sun Yan, 12, described her favorite first-aid lesson."I performed as a stranger knocking at a door. A
classmate stood inside the door and asked several questions before letting me in. Then we changed roles
and did it again. "Sun said,"We learned a lot while having fun at role-playing."    
      "The teacher told us not to go out alone, especially at night. We would hit their eyes or noses if
someone tried to do bad things to us. Then  we should quickly run into a crowded place," said Wang
Ying, a 13-year-old girl.    
1. 判斷正誤(“T”表示正確,“F”表示錯(cuò)誤)。
    (     )  It is not safe to run after an adult who is stronger than you. 
2. What happened to Zhang Lei that day?   
3 .Where should we run if we met a bad person?
4.  將文中畫線句子譯成漢語。
5. What's the best title of the article? 


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

We  31  a survey about different  32   transportation last week. We asked students   33   their favorite kinds of transportation.  34  are some of the results. Most students come to school   35  bike and they like  36   bikes. Of course, bikes are   37   than cars and buses. Some students like cars   38  they are safer than bikes. Cars are also faster than bikes and buses. Among some students, buses are not popular, because they often have  39  passengers. Buses are also dirtier and more crowded. However, not many people  40  afford a car.

31. A. did                                   B. make                               C. have

32. A. kind of                      B. kinds of                          C. a kind of

33. A. from           B. With               C. about

34. A. Here                          B. There                         C. They

35. A. on                             B. by                                     C. ride

36. A. by                             B.    on                                  C. riding    

37. A. cheaper                     B. more expensive    C. cheap

38. A. though                       B. because                      C. but

39. A. too much                   B. a lot                           C. too many

40. A. can                       B. could                       C. may

