___ 8.8 magnitude(震級) earthquake hit Japan on March 11.2011. It caused a huge tsunami(海嘯). _____ number of people lost their lives in the natural disasters.

  1. A.
    A; A
  2. B.
    An; The
  3. C.
    An; A
  4. D.
    A; The
不定冠詞,英語虛詞冠詞的一種,冠詞是虛詞,本身不能單獨(dú)使用,也沒有詞義,它用在名詞的前面,幫助指明名詞的含義。英語中的冠詞有三種,一種是定冠詞(the Definite Article),另一種是不定冠詞(the Indefinite Article),還有一種是零冠詞(Zero Article)。不定冠詞a (an)與數(shù)詞one 同源,是"一個"的意思。a用于輔音音素前,一般讀作e,而an則用于元音音素前,一般讀做en。根據(jù)題意前面地震為泛指,a number of許多的意思,Eight的詞首音素為元音,所以選C。

科目:初中英語 來源:2012年人教初中英語九年級上 Unit 4 練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Sophia Wu, 25, is a young Chinese woman who does business with her family in Santiago, Chile (智利). On February 27, she experienced a night that she will never forget.

  "I was asleep and was woken up by powerful shaking at around 3:30 in the morning. My whole room was moving and I couldn't stand still. I wanted to run downstairs and go outside, but suddenly the wall got broken and the lights in the room went out. The room became so shaky that I couldn't move at all."

  That night an 8.8-magnitude (震級) earthquake hit Chile. Buildings and bridges fell down. Electricity (電) and water services shut down. The Chilean Red Cross reported that about 500,000 homes were destroyed and more than 800 people died.

  The earthquake has been the fifth strongest since 1900. More than 90 aftershocks (余震) followed the earthquake. A tsunami (海嘯) was set off in the Pacific Ocean by the earthquake.

  Scientists say that there are about 500,000 earthquakes in the world each year. Of these, only 20% are felt, and 100 of them cause damage.

  So far, scientists haven't found a way to predict earthquakes. But you can learn to protect yourself during an earthquake. The most important thing to remember is to drop, cover and hold on. So remember to drop to the floor, get under something for cover and hold onto something strong during the shaking.


1. What happened to Sophia Wu on February 27?

A.Her house was burned in a fire.

B.She dreamed a terrible dream.

C.Her family died in a terrible accident.

D.A serious earthquake hit the city she was in.

2. Which is the correct order (順序)?

a. Wu got up and found her whole room was moving.

b. Wu wanted to run downstairs and go out.

c. The wall got broken and the lights went out.

d. Wu was woken up by shaking.





3. Which is TRUE about the Chile Earthquake?

A.It had no aftershocks.

B.It destroyed five million homes.

C.It caused a tsunami in the Pacific Ocean.

D.It has been the fourth strongest earthquake since 1900.

4. From the passage, we know that about     of the earthquakes cause damage every year.





5. How should we protect ourselves during an earthquake?

A.We should run outside as quickly as possible.

B.We should drop, cover and hold on.

C.We should shout loudly for help.

D.We should call 120 quickly.



科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

     Sophia Wu, 25, is a young Chinese woman who does business with her family in Santiago, Chile (智
 利). On February 27, she experienced a night that she will never forget.
     "I was asleep and was woken up by powerful shaking at around 3:30 in the morning. My whole room
  was moving and I couldn't stand still. I wanted to run downstairs and go outside, but suddenly the wall
 got broken and the lights in the room went out. The room became so shaky that I couldn't move at all."
     That night an 8.8-magnitude (震級) earthquake hit Chile. Buildings and bridges fell down. Electricity
  (電) and water services shut down. The Chilean Red Cross reported that about 500,000 homes were
 destroyed and more than 800 people died.
     The earthquake has been the fifth strongest since 1900. More than 90 aftershocks (余震) followed the
  earthquake. A tsunami (海嘯) was set off in the Pacific Ocean by the earthquake.Scientists say that there
  are about 500,000 earthquakes in the world each year. Of  these, only 20% are felt, and 100 of them
 cause damage.
     So far, scientists haven't found a way to predict earthquakes. But you can learn to protect yourself
  during an earthquake. The most important thing to remember is to drop, cover and hold on. So remember
  to drop to the floor, get under something for cover and hold onto something strong during the shaking.
1. What happened to Sophia Wu on February 27?
    A. Her house was burned in a fire.
    B. She dreamed a terrible dream.
    C. Her family died in a terrible accident.
    D. A serious earthquake hit the city she was in.
2. Which is the correct order (順序)?
a. Wu got up and found her whole room was moving.
b. Wu wanted to run downstairs and go out.
c. The wall got broken and the lights went out.
d. Wu was woken up by shaking.
    A. a-b-c-d
    B. d-a-b-c
    C. d-b-a-c
    D. c-a-b-d
3. Which is TRUE about the Chile Earthquake?
    A. It had no aftershocks.
    B. It destroyed five million homes.
    C. It caused a tsunami in the Pacific Ocean.
    D. It has been the fourth strongest earthquake since 1900.
4. From the passage, we know that about    of the earthquakes cause damage every year
    A. 20%        
    B. 10%        
    C. 1%        
   D. 0.02%
5. How should we protect ourselves during an earthquake?
    A. We should run outside as quickly as possible.
    B. We should drop, cover and hold on.
    C. We should shout loudly for help.
    D. We should call 120 quickly.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

       Sophia Wu, 25, is a young Chinese woman who does business with her family in Santiago, Chile
(智利). On February 27, she experienced a night that she will never forget.
       "I was asleep and was woken up by powerful shaking at around 3:30 in the morning. My whole
room was moving and I couldn't stand still. I wanted to run downstairs and go outside, but suddenly
the wall got broken and the lights in the room went out. The room became so shaky that I couldn't
move at all."
       That night an 8.8-magnitude (震級) earthquake hit Chile.  Buildings and bridges fell down.
Electricity (電) and water services shut down. The Chilean Red Cross reported that about 500,000
homes were destroyed and more than 800 people died.
       The earthquake has been the fifth strongest since 1900. More than 90 aftershocks (余震)
followed the earthquake.  A tsunami (海嘯) was set off in the Pacific Ocean by the earthquake.
       Scientists say that there are about 500,000 earthquakes in the world each year. Of these, only
20% are felt, and 100 of them cause damage.
       So far, scientists haven't found a way to predict earthquakes. But you can learn to protect yourself
during an earthquake.  The most important thing to remember is to drop,  cover and hold on.  So
remember to drop to the floor, get under something for cover and hold onto something strong during
the shaking.
1. What happened to Sophia Wu on February 27?
A. Her house was burned in a fire.
B. She dreamed a terrible dream.
C. Her family died in a terrible accident.
D. A serious earthquake hit the city she was in.
2. Which is the correct order (順序)?
a. Wu got up and found her whole room was moving.
b. Wu wanted to run downstairs and go out.
c. The wall got broken and the lights went out.
d. Wu was woken up by shaking.
A. a-b-c-d
B. d-a-b-c
C. d-b-a-c
D. c-a-b-d
3. Which is TRUE about the Chile Earthquake?
A. It had no aftershocks.
B. It destroyed five million homes.
C. It caused a tsunami in the Pacific Ocean.
D. It has been the fourth strongest earthquake since 1900.
4. From the passage, we know that about         of the earthquakes cause damage every year.
A. 20%        
B. 10%        
C. 1%        
D. 0.02%
5. How should we protect ourselves during an earthquake?
A. We should run outside as quickly as possible.
B. We should drop, cover and hold on.
C. We should shout loudly for help.
D. We should call 120 quickly.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

___ 8.8 magnitude(震級) earthquake hit Japan on March 11.2011. It caused a huge
tsunami(海嘯). _____ number of people lost their lives in the natural disasters.
A.A; AB.An; TheC.An; AD.A; The


科目:初中英語 來源:2011江蘇鹽城中考英語試卷 題型:單選題

___ 8.8 magnitude(震級) earthquake hit Japan on March 11.2011. It caused a huge
tsunami(海嘯). _____ number of people lost their lives in the natural disasters.

A.A; AB.An; TheC.An; AD.A; The

