Who gave ________?

  1. A.
    it to you
  2. B.
    you to it
  3. C.
    you it
  4. D.
    it you

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

There are few families in the United States that do not have either a radio or television set. Both of them have become a necessary part of our daily life, keeping us filled with the news of the day, teaching us in many fields of interest, and making us happy with singing, dancing and acting.
Marconl, the Italian inventor, who gave us the radio, probably didn’t know how much his great invention would have done for the world in the years to come. Radio had, perhaps done as much as any other communication tool. Things of the world can be reported to people everywhere a few seconds after they happen. Travelers in or out of–the–way places, ships at sea even astronauts round the earth are able to keep in touch with each other by radio.
Television is another important invention. It lets us see as well as hear the actor. Since its appearance, TV has done a great deal in the daily life of people everywhere. Many programs are now televised in color.
Perhaps the most modern invention is “Telstar”, a “star” moving round the earth. It makes it possible for the people all over the world to be closer than ever before. Now a family in Chicago can watch on TV a motor–car race in Italy, a table tennis competition in Beijing or a volleyball match in Japan as these events are actually happening!
【小題1】The passage tells us that __________ in the U.S.A. have no radio or television set.
A. few families   B. all the families    C. many families   D. a few families
【小題2】Who do you think the writer of the passage is?
A.An Italian. B.A Japanese. C.An American. D.A Chinese.
【小題3】Why does the passage say radio and TV have become a necessary part of our daily life?
A.Because they have touched nearly everything in our life.
B.Because men would not live happily without them.
C.Because they are the only ways to spread information.
D.Because no communication means no life.
【小題4】 What is a “Telstar” used to do according to the passage?
A.To receive and store information only.
B.To move around the earth just like the moon.
C.To give light onto the earth at night.
D.To help send out radio or TV information to the world.
【小題5】 When the writer introduces Marconl in the second paragraph, he means __________.
A.he was just an Italian inventor
B.his invention has done much for the world
C.he had reported much to people all over the world
D.he helped people travel a lot around the world


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2010年江蘇省常州市初中畢業(yè)學(xué)業(yè)考試英語(yǔ)卷 題型:閱讀理解

Imagine there is a bank that puts $ 86, 400 in your account ( 賬戶)each morning. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening the bank writes off( 注銷)the balance that you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Take out every cent,  of course \
Each of us has such a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning,  it puts in 86, 400 seconds. Every evening it writes off,  as it is lost. There is no balance or overdraft 透支) . If you fail to use the day’s savings,  the lost is yours. There is no going back. There is no taking from " tomorrow". You must make good use of it so as to get more in health,  happiness and success!
The clock is running. Make the most of today. To realize the value of ONE YEAR,  ask a student who failed a grade; To realize the value of ONE MONTH,  ask a mother who gave birth to a premature( 早產(chǎn))baby; To realize the value of ONE WEEK,  ask the editor of a weekly newspaper; To realize the value of ONE HOUR,  ask the lovers who are waiting to meet; To realize the value of ONE MINUTE,  ask a person who missed the train; To realize the value of ONE SECOND,  ask a person who just avoided(避免)an accident.
Make good use of every moment that you have. Remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called "The Present".
【小題1】The underlined word "balance" in paragraph 1 means_________.

【小題2】 What is special about the TIME bank we each have?
A.We can store time in it whenever we like.
B.Someone puts $ 86, 400 in it every day.
C.The time in it will surely get lost if you don’t use it.
D.Someone helps you spend your time every night.
【小題3】What can be the best title of the passage?
A.The Bank of MoneyB.The Bank of Time
C.The value of one hourD.The clock is running
【小題4】 In this passage,  the writer tries to tell us_________.
A.what a bank isB.how to save money
C.the difference of time unitsD.to make good use of time


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011-2012學(xué)年遼寧大連甘區(qū)初二下期階段學(xué)習(xí)質(zhì)量檢測(cè)期中英語(yǔ)卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Do you hear the name--Rain? Yes, he is a popular star of South Korea. Rain's music teacher gave him that name. His real name is Jung Ji Hoon. The 27-year-old singer is very good at dancing, too. His eyes are bright and his smiles are sunny.
When he was a child. Rain was very quiet. But in Grade Six. Rain surprised all of his classmates. He danced for them. After the excellent dancing, everyone looked at him in a different way.
Rain's Songs sell well. and he acts in a few TV shows. Rain doesn't want to sing forever ."When I stop singing, I'd like to design(設(shè)計(jì))clothes.Being a designer is my childhood dream."he said.
【小題1】Where does Rain come from?

A.ChinaB.Japan.C.South Korea.D.America
【小題2】Who gave him the name Rain?                        
A.His fatherB.His classmate.C.His teacherD.His mother.
【小題3】Why did Rain surprise his classmates?
A.Because he was good at singing.B.Because he danced well.
C.Because he got a good mark.D.Because he worked hard.
【小題4】What did Rain want to be when he was a child?
A.A singer.B.A dancer.C.A star.D.A designer.
【小題5】What does the passage tell us?
A.Rain is a very popular starB.Rain is a popular designer
C.Rain was very active when he was a child.D.Rain will stop singing next


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2012-2013學(xué)年山東臨沂青云鎮(zhèn)中心中學(xué)初二下期期末質(zhì)量監(jiān)測(cè)英語(yǔ)卷(帶解析) 題型:寫作題

根據(jù)問(wèn)題提示以My best gift 為題寫一篇英文短文。
要求:1. 意思明確, 內(nèi)容連貫, 包含所有提示內(nèi)容。
2. 書寫工整,,卷面美觀。
3. 短文60詞左右。
提示:1. What’s the best gift you have ever received?
2. When did you get it?     
3. Who gave it to you?
4. Why do you like it?
My best gift


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2010年遼寧省大連市九年級(jí)上學(xué)期期中考試英語(yǔ)卷 題型:閱讀理解

The teacher stood before his class of 30 students and was going to hand out the final exam papers. “I know how hard you have all worked to get ready for this test. ” he said. “And because I know you are all able to understand these questions. I am ready to offer a B to anyone who would prefer not to take the test. ’’

    A number of students jumped up to thank the teacher and left the classroom. The teacher looked at the rest students and said. “Does anyone else want to get a B? This is your last chance. ”Two more students decided to go. Seven students stayed. The teacher then handed out the papers. There were only three sentences on the paper: Congratulations! You have received an A in this class. Keep believing in yourself.

    I never had a teacher who gave a test like that. but I think that it is a test that any teacher could and should give. Students who do not have confidence in what they have learned are B students at most.

    The same is true for students in real life. The A students are those who believe in what they are doing because they have learned from both successes and failures. They have learned life’s lessons. whether from school education or from events in their lives,and have become better people. Scientists say that by the age of eight,80% of what we believe about ourselves has already been formed. You are a big kid now and you realize that you have some limits(局限). However,there is nothing you can’t do or leant to be. Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma (珠穆朗瑪峰)said,“We do not conquer the mountain, but ourselves. ”

1.Some students left the classroom because _________.

A. they were happy with the grade the teacher would give them

B. they were allowed to take another easier exam later on

C. they knew the teacher didn’t like them to take the test

D. they thought the exam was so easy that they don’t need to have a try

2.The teacher gave the rest students an A because __________.

A. they answered all the questions in the exam correctly

B. they didn’t believe themselves

C. they believed themselves in what they had learned

D. they had been working hard for each exam

3.The underlined word “conquer’’ means __________ in the passage.

A. 發(fā)現(xiàn) B. 控制 C. 探索          D. 征服

4.What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?

A. He wants us to know what our limits are.

B. He wants us to learn to believe in ourselves.    

C. He wants us to receive school education.

D. He wants us to1earn from B students.


