1. The old couple lived in a house made of ________( 木頭).
2. The lights went out, so we had to ________( 點燃) a candle.
3. The dog barked when he heard the ________( 腳步) in the garden.
4. We visited parts of Fujian Province in s________ China.
5. The moon a         quite big and round tonight.
1. wood      2. light      3. steps    4. southern     5. appears

科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

used to,  be careful of,  use up, escape from,  be afraid of
1. Boys and girls,_____the traffic.
2. He has_____all the hot water. 
3. The girl_____the dark, and she never goes out alone at night.
4. Mr Liu _____be an English teacher, didn’t he?
5. A tiger_____the city zoo, so everyone in the city was scared.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. The children's room was in a terrible __________ (雜亂).
2. Look at all those __________ (手提包)! Don't you think they look silly?
3. A group of children who were __________ (領(lǐng)導) by a big boy stole all the things in Billy's shop.
4. __________ (桃子) are so juicy that I like them very much.
5. The two __________ (老板) of the factory see the workers as their friends.
6. Three fourths of the __________ (表面) of the earth is covered by water.
7. I'm not going to tell you about it because it's a __________ (私人的) conversation.
8. Can you see the __________ (閃光燈)? There must be someone taking a photo of us!
9. If you have driving __________ (經(jīng)驗), you can apply for this job.
10. Jack has looked for you __________ (處處).


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. It's very h_______ today. Please open the door.
2. I'm s_______ to know you don't do well in English contest.
3. When I get to their school, they give me a w_______ welcome.
4. I like s_______, because I can swim in the river.
5. Look! Many boys are t_______ photos in the park.
6. She can't stand the _______ (熱度) here.
7. We don't like him, because he is a _______ (壞的) man.
8. It often _______ (下雪) in this city in winter.
9. _______ (每個人) has an English book in our class.
10. Things here are _______ (相當) good.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. Are you a member of the Reading C________, Millie?
2. Jimmy doesn’t e ________playing computer games.
3. Shall we have chicken or duck for d________?
4. Song Xiu is po_______ and helpful.
5. I h_______ you’ll be better soon.
6. Jane is one of the b_______ students in our school.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. His brother is a _________(軍人). He joined the army five years ago.
2. We must _________(面對) these problems and find ways to get over them.
3. The old man _________(將……視為) the poor boy as his own son.
4. ________ (除非) we work hard, we will hardly ever learn English well.
5. There is a popular saying in sports meeting, "________(友誼) first, competition second."


科目:初中英語 來源:月考題 題型:填空題

take out / lead / compare / keep out / cheap / expensive
1. I need a new jacket. This one doesn't ________ the cold.
2. My shoes were really ________. They only cost 10 dollars.
3. Wait before you buy that cell phone. Let's ________ prices at another store.
4. His uncle took him out to dinner at an ________ restaurant, and the food was very delicious.
5. Working hard at English can ________ you to a wonderful world.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. Please speak _______ (輕聲). The baby is sleeping.
2. I seldom go to town because it's two _______ (吵雜).
3. She can _______ (表達) herself in good clear English,
4. There is a _______ (非常小的) country in Europe. There are only a few policemen in it.
5. When you write a poem about nature, you have to write different _______ (景色).


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. I have a good ___________(記憶力), I can remember things in a short time.
2. Jim is unkind, he has few friends, so he often plays ___________ (獨自).
3. We eat about 27,000 kilos of food ___________ (在---期間) our lives.
4. The doctor tried to s___________ the baby's life.
5. Don't ___________ /p?: (r)/ the juice over your clothes.
6. He is ill, so he feels very ___________ /wi: k/.

