1. What do you think of the soap opera?(同義句)
_________ do you _________ the soap opera?
2. Tom had to stay at home yesterday.(一般疑問句)
_______Tom _______  to stay at home yesterday?
3. Wear sports shoes for gym class. (否定句)
________   ________  sports shoes for gym class.
4 . It is an interesting book.  (改為感嘆句)
________ _________ interesting book!
5.They are going to have a picnic this Sunday.  (改為一般疑問句)
_________ they going to _________ a picnic this Sunday?
1.How,find  2. Did ,have   3. Don’t, wear   4.What,an   5.Are,have解析:

科目:初中英語 來源:2010年江蘇省徐州市初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)考試英語卷 題型:句型轉(zhuǎn)換

1. What do you think of the soap opera?(同義句)
_________ do you _________ the soap opera?
2. Tom had to stay at home yesterday.(一般疑問句)
_______Tom _______  to stay at home yesterday?
3. Wear sports shoes for gym class. (否定句)
________   ________  sports shoes for gym class.
4 . It is an interesting book.  (改為感嘆句)
________ _________ interesting book!
5.They are going to have a picnic this Sunday.  (改為一般疑問句)
_________ they going to _________ a picnic this Sunday?


科目:初中英語 來源:2012年外研版初中英語八年級上Module 11 練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:句型轉(zhuǎn)換


1.What’s the weather like today?(改為同義句)

             the weather today?

2.What’s the weather like today?(用 the day after tomorrow來代替today改寫句子)

             the weather               the day after tomorrow?

3.It’s always cold in February,             ?(完成反意疑問句)

4.The ice is so thin.We can’t skate on the ice.(改為同義句)

The ice is        thin to              .

5.We’ve learned over two thousand English words.(對畫線部分提問)

             English words        you       ?

6.It’s cold in winter in Beijing.(對畫線部分提問)

                           in winter in Beijing?

7.Mr.King bought the bike two weeks ago.(改為同義句)

Mr.King               the bike         two weeks.

8.I think it’s very cold in Beijing now.(改為否定句)

I        think it’s very cold        Beijing now.

9.I don’t think there will be a film next Sunday,            ?(完成反意疑問句)

10.How long have you known each other?(改為同義句)

      did you        to        each other?



科目:初中英語 來源:2012年外研版初中英語九年級上Module 5 練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:句型轉(zhuǎn)換


1.What were they doing? I don’t know. (合并為一個句子)

I don’t know what _________ _________ doing.

2. There isn’t any water in the glass. (改為同義句)

_________ _________ water in the glass.

3.His brother is not only a singer, but also an actor. (改為同義句)

His brother is a singer _________ _________ as an actor.

4. You mustn’t tell it to anyone. (改為祈使句)

Please _________ _________ it to anyone.

5. You can stay in the museum as long as you like. (對畫線部分提問)

_________ _________ can we stay in the museum?



科目:初中英語 來源:2010年江蘇省初二上學(xué)期期中考試英語卷 題型:句型轉(zhuǎn)換


1. What do you think of the soap opera?(同義句)

_________ do you _________ the soap opera?

2. Tom had to stay at home yesterday.(一般疑問句)

_______Tom _______  to stay at home yesterday?

3. Wear sports shoes for gym class. (否定句)

________   ________  sports shoes for gym class.

4 . It is an interesting book.  (改為感嘆句)

________ _________ interesting book!

5.They are going to have a picnic this Sunday.  (改為一般疑問句)

_________ they going to _________ a picnic this Sunday?



科目:初中英語 來源:2010年江蘇省徐州市畢業(yè)升學(xué)考試英語卷 題型:句型轉(zhuǎn)換


1. What do you think of the soap opera?(同義句)

_________ do you _________ the soap opera?

2. Tom had to stay at home yesterday.(一般疑問句)

_______Tom _______  to stay at home yesterday?

3. Wear sports shoes for gym class. (否定句)

________   ________  sports shoes for gym class.

4 . It is an interesting book.  (改為感嘆句)

________ _________ interesting book!

5.They are going to have a picnic this Sunday.  (改為一般疑問句)

_________ they going to _________ a picnic this Sunday?


