The dog grabbed the baby ________ its mouth.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

        take    fall    be   find  drive    
I am a taxi driver in London. I 91_____________ a taxi driver for nearly ten years. It’s a nice job most of the time. I alwaysworkat night, because there is too much traffic during the day.
At 11 pm last Sunday,I 92 ______________a woman home from a party. She had her little dog with her. When we got to her house, she found that she lost her key. So I waited in the car with the dog and she climbed in through the window.”
I waited and waited. After half an hour, I decided 93______________ out what was going on. I tied the dog to a tree and started to climb in through the window. The next thing I knew was that the police came. They thought I was a thief. Luckily the woman came downstairs. She         94 _____________ asleep and forgot about the dog and me!
“Thank you for coming in time, or I will 95______________ to the police station.” I said to her.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Jack was too heavy and didn’t have a girlfriend. He felt very sad and went to a doctor for help. The doctor told him to eat less and exercise often.
One day, Jack was sitting by the road with his dog. Then a policeman came over. Jack stood up and began to run down the road. The policeman saw that and ran after him at once. After a few minutes the policeman caught Jack.
“Where are you going?” said the policeman. “Why did you begin to run when you saw me?” “Oh, no,” said the young man, “I am just doing exercise . Because I am too heavy, the doctor told me that I must run every day.”
“Oh, I see,” said the policeman. “sorry. You run to help yourself to keep healthy. That’s so good!” Then he ran after Jack to help him.
【小題1】Jack wanted to          .
A. be good at running                          B. makes friends with the policeman
C. help himself to lose weight(重量)
【小題2】At first the policeman found the young man          .
A. was sitting and playing near the river
B. was playing with his dog by the road
C. was sitting by the road with his dog
【小題3】Who ran faster?
A. Jack.                           B. The policeman.                       C. The dog.
【小題4】Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A. The policeman thought Jack was a bad man.
B. The doctor told Jack to run after the policeman.
C. The policeman said sorry to Jack.
【小題5】At last, the policeman ran after Jack because he          .
A. wanted to help Jack to lose weight                 B. wanted to be a good policeman
C. wanted to keep healthy as well


科目:初中英語 來源:2016屆江蘇省南通市七年級第一學期第一次月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:補充句子


Li Ming: Excuse me, Wu Dong. Whose black dog is this? Is it y_1._? 

Wu Dong: Let me h_2._ a look. Oh, no, it’s not m__3._.

Li Ming: Li Lei, look at the dog b_4.__ the tree. Is it yours?

Li Lei: S__5.__, it isn’t mine. My dog is black and w____6._. I think it looks l_7._ Ma Lin’s.

Li Ming: W_8._is Ma Lin?

Li Lei: He is my friend. Look! He’s over there. L_9._ go and ask him.

Li Ming: Ok, Let’ s go.

Li Lei: Hi,   Ma Lin. Is that dog yours?

Ma Lin: Oh, yes, it’s mine.

Li Lei: It’s a lovely dog! D_10._ lose it.

Ma Lin: Yes, thank you.



科目:初中英語 來源:2015屆江蘇省鹽城市八年級上學期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

Jack     his pet dog every day. The dog must feel sad when he’s alone all day long.

A. should walking          B. should to walk        C. had better walk           D. had better to walk 



科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2011學年江蘇省江陰市初二下學期期中考試英語試卷 題型:閱讀理解

Dogs like living with people. A dog can be a very good friend. He can do a lot of things for people.

Some dogs help people to look after sheep, other dogs help them to find lost (丟失的)children. And some of the dogs can help the blind(盲人)do things.

Many years ago there was a ver dog. His name was Seeing Eye dog. Now we can see this kind of dogs all over the world. They are working for the blind. The Seeing Eye dog is strong ,good and easy to train(訓練).He helps the blind to walk from place.

Before a dog becomes a Seeing Eye dog, he must go to a training school for about three months. First the dog has to learn to sit or stay when he hears the trainer’s call. In his next lesson the dog learns to make his trainer across busy streets.

The dog has many things to learn. And in every lesson he must to do one thing again and again many times.

At the end of the training schooled must take tests. When he passes the tests, the Seeing Eye dog will do things by himself.

Now he can help blind people. The new master(主人)may be a man, a woman, or even a child. It takes the dog and his blind master about a month to learn to work and live together.

1.We can see the Seeing Eye dog           .

A.only in the country

B.only in small cities

C.a(chǎn)ll over the world

D.only on the busy street

2.What can the Seeing Eye dog do?

A.Look after sheep

B.Help blind people

C.Find lost children

D.Train blind people

3.How long will it take the dog and his blind master to learn to work and live together?

A.One year

B.Five years

C.About a month

D.A week


