The ice isn’t ______________ to skate on.

  1. A.
    thin enough
  2. B.
    enough thin
  3. C.
    thick enough
  4. D.
    enough thick
根據(jù)漢語意思,可知答案為C,表示足夠厚,enough 修飾形容詞位于其后。

科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學年江蘇儀征大儀中學初二上期期中考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:單選題

--- Be careful. The ice is not thick enough ___________.
--- Thanks. I ___________. walk on; willB.for walking; walk on it, walk; to


科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年四川省實驗學校九年級2月入學考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單詞拼寫


1.You can’t i_________ what life will be like in 50 years’ time?

2.--The old man is so wise and he must read many different kinds of books.

   ---Yes, He knows everything and I think he is k_________.

3.The young man was full of energy. And after having a short rest, he c_________ working.

4.Parents must pay more a_________ to children. Also children should learn to thank their parents.

5.Two years ago, Mr Green p_________food and clothes for his big family.

6.When the ice is h_________,it turns into water.

7.Sending m_________to your friends instead of writing to them helps save a lot of your time.

8.Without my p________ , don’t touch my things.

9.His parents were satisfied with him because he s_________ in passing the difficult exam.

10.Both of the businessmen felt sorry as their talk b_________off without an agreement.



科目:初中英語 來源:2012年外研版初中英語八年級上Module 11 練習卷(解析版) 題型:句型轉換


1.What’s the weather like today?(改為同義句)

             the weather today?

2.What’s the weather like today?(用 the day after tomorrow來代替today改寫句子)

             the weather               the day after tomorrow?

3.It’s always cold in February,             ?(完成反意疑問句)

4.The ice is so thin.We can’t skate on the ice.(改為同義句)

The ice is        thin to              .

5.We’ve learned over two thousand English words.(對畫線部分提問)

             English words        you       ?

6.It’s cold in winter in Beijing.(對畫線部分提問)

                           in winter in Beijing?

7.Mr.King bought the bike two weeks ago.(改為同義句)

Mr.King               the bike         two weeks.

8.I think it’s very cold in Beijing now.(改為否定句)

I        think it’s very cold        Beijing now.

9.I don’t think there will be a film next Sunday,            ?(完成反意疑問句)

10.How long have you known each other?(改為同義句)

      did you        to        each other?



科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學年江蘇儀征大儀中學初二上期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

 --- Be careful. The ice is not thick enough ___________.

--- Thanks. I ___________. walk on; will

B.for walking; will walk on it, do walk; to



科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇省東臺市八年級上學期期中考試英語卷 題型:單詞拼寫


  1. Millie fell off her bike yesterday. L____, she wasn’t badly hurt.

2. —Why do you think it’s quite p____ for us to arrive there before 8:00 a.m.?

   —Because it’s not far from here.

3. The little girl likes dancing very much so she never feels b_____ when she practises dancing every day..

4. — What a high building! Do you know its h_____?   

— Yes. It’s about 92 metres high.

5. —Is Fu’an Middle School a m_____ one?

   — Yes. There are 640 girls and 723 boys in it.


6. As we all know Shanghai is one of the biggest ____(城市) in our country.

7. It’s warmer today. So the ice is much _____(薄) than it was yesterday.

8. In the end, our school football team ____(贏) the most important match of the year.

9. —Did you have a good time in the park last Sunday?

   — Yes. We all enjoyed ____(我們).  

10. —How many _____(猴子) are there in the zoo?

   —It’s hard to count them! Because they’re running and jumping all the time.


