詞匯運用 兩個學(xué)生正在網(wǎng)上聊天, 請根據(jù)上下文意思幫助他們補全單詞。

A: Hi, How R U?

B: Fine, thanks. Yesterday morning I saw your father in the street, I went up to talk to him, but he said he didn’t know me. I was confused.

A: It (1)_________(不可能)be him! My father was at home studying English at that time.

B: Oh, sorry! I made a mistake. But why is your father studying English now?

A: He wants to (2) __________(提高)his English. He has been studying English for only one year. Last month he went to have a business talk with an American in New York, he was (3) ___________(應(yīng)該)to arrive at 9:00 a.m., but he was 30 minutes late, by the time he got there, the American had already left. He sat outside the meeting-room for a long time, felt sad and (4) _________ (饑餓的), he even didn’t know (5) i_____________ there’s a good place to eat.

B: What a pity! He should have studied English really hard and know some customs of the English-speaking countries

A: You’re right. I really need to come up with some good ideas and help him with his English, now I am teaching him to study English (6) b_________ listening to tapes.

B: Good. Have you ever been to another country?

A: Not (7) y____________. I’d like to go to France some day.

B: Me too. I’d like to go somewhere relaxing. BTW, next Saturday is my friend Sam’s birthday, I was (8) __________(邀請)to his birthday party, but I don’t know what present I should take.

A: If I (9) w__________ you, I would buy a CD of Jay Chou. Most teenagers like singers who sing their own songs. Listening to his songs usually makes us feel relaxed.

B: Thanks. Are you free 2night? How about (10)_____ (見面) 4 dinner and then c a movie?

A: OK, that’s great!

1—5              can’t   improve    supposed      had        if   

6—10            by     yet        invited         were      meeting


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:


1.There is a bird in the tree. It is singing.

   A. There is a bird sing in the tree.     B. There is a bird to sing in the tree.

   C. There is a bird singing in the tree.   D. There is a bird is singing in the tree.

2.—What are you going to do?

Nothing much. Why?

A. I’m busy.     B. I’m OK.     C. I’m right.     D. I’m free.

3.With his aunt’s help, the little boy can go on with his study.

   A. Thanks to    B. Under       C. Thanks for    D. Over

4.Jack is having a day off.

   A. working a whole day         B. having a rest

   C. away from work for a day     D. having a meeting

5.I am free on any day except weekend next week.

A. Saturday or Sunday          B. every day

C. Monday to Friday            D. Monday or Friday


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

The new D-type trains can run at speeds (速度)of 200 to 250 kilometres       hour.The trip from Shanghai to Beijing only takes lo hours now.

A.a(chǎn)                         B.a(chǎn)n                       C.the


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

--Tony,         you           smoking?

--Yes.Drinking tea is my favorite now.

A.will; stop          B.did ; stop            C.would; stop              D.have; stopped


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

--Wow, so many new houses! I can’t believe that.It used to be a poor village.

--Yes.       has changed here.

A.Nothing           B.Something          C.Everything          D.Anything


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

-- Alice fell off her bike and hurt her leg badly yesterday.

--- _________.

A. Well done                 B. No problem              C. Sorry to hear that D. Is she all right?


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

There is not many differences between the two. I really don’t know ___________.

A. what should I choose                   B. which I should choose   

C. which should I choose                        D. what I should choose


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

In the exam, _____ you are, ____ mistakes you’ll make.

A、careful , little                                       B、the more careful , the less

C、more careful , the fewer                       D、the more careful , the fewer


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

I bought a pink dress and a red one for my sister,but she liked ____________ of them.

A.neither           B.a(chǎn)ll                 C.none

