      George and his friend Peter were fond of deer-hunting, and whenever they had a free day during the
deer-hunting season, they took their guns and went off into the forest.
      One Saturday they were sitting on a stone eating their sandwiches (三明治) and drinking their coffee
when they saw a man walking through the snow towards them. He was dressed in deer-hunting clothes,
but he had no gun with him. When he got nearer, the two friends saw that he was following a deer's foot
prints. They were both very surprised to see a man following a deer without a gun. So when he reached
them, they stopped him and asked him whether any thing was wrong and whether they could help him.
The man sat down beside them, accepted a cup of coffee and told them his story.
      Like them, he had gone out deer-hunting that morning with a friend. They had seen a deer with very
big horns (角), and had followed it for some time. Then he had fired at it, and it had fallen just where it
stood. He and his friend had run over to examine it, and he had said to his friend "This deer's horns will
make a wonderful rack (架子) for my guns when I get it home." He had then put his gun in the deer's
horns and stepped back to see exactly how they would look as a gun rack on the wall of his study. He
had been admiring the effect when the deer had suddenly jumped up, shaken itself and ran away, carrying
his gun firmly stuck in its horns.
1. This is a story about _____.
[     ]
A: how to hunt deer during the hunting season
B: a hunting experience of George and Peter
C: how a hunter lost his weapon while deer-hunting
D: how deer sometimes fool their hunter
2. When did George usually go hunting?
[     ]
A: When his friend Peter was tree.
B: Any day when he and Peter didn't have to work during the hunting season.
C: When he had his weapon ready.
D: On Saturdays.
3. The person without a gun ____.
[     ]
A: was wearing clothes special for deer-hunting
B: had forgotten to take a gun with him
C: had placed his gun on the head of a wounded deer to have a rest
D: had killed a deer before losing his gun
4. The deer ran away ____.
[     ]

A: when it woke up from sleep
B: with the hunter's gun stuck in its horns
C: after the hunter had lost his gun
D: because the hunter had missed his shot

5. It was ____ that made him lose his gun.
[     ]
A: the big horns of the deer
B: his friend
C: his wish to make his study more beautiful with the horns
D: the deer-hunting that morning
1. C   2. B   3. A   4. B   5. C
  • 1加1閱讀好卷系列答案
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  • 53English系列答案
  • 考綱強(qiáng)化閱讀系列答案
  • 年級(jí) 高中課程 年級(jí) 初中課程
    高一 高一免費(fèi)課程推薦! 初一 初一免費(fèi)課程推薦!
    高二 高二免費(fèi)課程推薦! 初二 初二免費(fèi)課程推薦!
    高三 高三免費(fèi)課程推薦! 初三 初三免費(fèi)課程推薦!

    科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

         Ge Fei and Gu Jun are Chinese girls. They like playing badminton (羽毛球) very much. Jordan is an
     American. He likes basketball very much. Yao Ming is a basketball player,too. He is a Chinese boy. Kong
     Linghui is a good Chinese player. He likes ping-pong very much. Jim Green likes playing baseball. He's an
     Englishman. Lucy and Lily are English girls. They like playing volley-ball. 
    1. Are Ge Fei and Gu Jun Chinese girls?
    2. Does Jordan like basketball?
    3. Is Yao Ming a baseball player?
    4. What sport does Kong Linghui like?
    5. Do Lucy and Lily like playing volleyball?


    科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

         Maria is an English girl. She was born (出生) on January 11, 1990. Now she studies at No. 1 Middle
    School in Beijing. She likes watching movies. Ge You is her favorite Chinese movie star. She often plays
    sports. She likes playing volleyball. Her favorite color is red. She has lots of red pants, T-shirts and shorts.
    She likes them very much, but she doesn't like skirts or hats. She likes shopping, too. She has a great bag
    collection. She has many kinds of bags in many colors.
    Name 1_____
    Birthday January 11, 1990.
    School 2_____
    Hobbies (愛好) 3_____
    Favorite star 4_____
    Favorite color 5_____


    科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

    Films in Feiyang Cinema This Week
    ·Chinese film(2004)
    ·Directed (導(dǎo)演)by Feng Xiaogang
    ·Mainly acted by Liu Dehua, Liu Ruoying, Ge You,
        Li Bingbing
    ·From Monday to Wednesday, at 8:00 p.m.
    ·Ticket Price: RMB 35.
    ·Chinese Hong Kong film (2004)
    ·Directed by Zhou Xingchi
    ·Mainly acted by Zhou Xingchi, Yuan Hua, Liang
    ·From Wednesday to Friday, at 8:00 p.m.
    ·Ticket price: RMB 40
    ·American film (2004)
    ·Directed by Alfonso Cuaron
    ·Mainly acted by Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint,
        Emma Waston
    ·From Friday to Sunday, at 7:30 p.m
    ·Ticket Price: RMB 30 (Half on Sunday for children)
    ·American film (2004)
    ·Directed by Wolfgang Petersen
    ·Mainly acted by Julian Glover, Brian Cox,
        Nathan Jones, Adoni Maropis
    ·From Tuesday to Thursday, at 8:00 p.m
    ·Ticket Price: RMB 45

    1. You can see _____ foreign films in Feiyang Cinema this week.
        A. one                  
        B. two                  
        C. three                
        D. four
    2. If you want to see the film which was directed by Feng Xiaogang, go to the cinema on _____ .
        A. Monday        
        B. Thursday            
        C. Friday            
        D. Saturday
    3. Children can pay only _____ when they want to see a film on Sunday.
        A. 5            
        B. 10                      
        C. 15            
        D. 20
    4. You can see the film _____ on Saturday.
        A. Troy                                        
        B. Harry Potter
        C. A World Without Thieves              
        D. Kungfu Hustle
    5. Which of the following is TRUE?
        A. Liu Dehua acted in the film Kungfu Hustle.
        B. The ticket price of the four films is the same.
        C. All the films start after 8 o'clock in the evening.
        D. The four films were released (發(fā)行) in the same year.


    科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解


    Films In Feiyang Cinema This Week


      Chinese film (2004)

      Directed(導(dǎo)演) by Feng Xiaogang

      Mainly acted by Liu Dehua,Liu Rouying, Ge You, Liu Bingbing

      From Monday to Wednesday, at 8:00 p.m.

      Ticket Price; RMB ¥35


      Chinese Hong Kong film ( 2004)

      Directed by Zhou Xingchi

      Mainly acted by Zhou Xingchi, Yuan Hua, Liang Xiaolong

      From Wednesday to Friday, at 8:00 p.m.

      Ticket price: RMB ¥38


      American film ( 2004)

      Directed by Alfonso Cuaron

      Mainly acted by Daniel Hadeliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Waston

      From Friday to Sunday, at 7:30 p.m.

      Ticket Price: RMB ¥32 ( half on Sunday for children)


      American film ( 2004)

      Directed by Wolfgang Peterson

      Mainly acted by Julian Glover, Brian Cox, Nathan Jones, Adoni Maropis

      From Tuesday to Thursday, at 8:00 p.m.

      Ticket Price: RMB ¥40

    1You can see ________ foreign films in Feiyang Cinema this week.

         A. one    B. two   C. three    D. four

     2If you want to see the film which was directed by Feng Xiaogang, go to the cinema on _______.

         A. Monday   B. Thursday    C. Friday   D. Saturday

     3 Children can pay only ______ when they want to see the film Harry Potter on Sunday.

         A. ¥10     B. ¥15      C. ¥16       D.  ¥32

    4You can see the Chinese film ________ on Thursday.

         A. Tory     B. Harry Potter    C. A World Without Thieves  D. Kungfu Hustle

    5Which of the following is TRUE?

         A. All the films start after 8 o’clock in the evening.

         B. The ticket price of the four films is the same.

        C. The four films were released( 發(fā)行) in the same year.

        D. Liu Dehua acted in the film Kangfu Hustle.

        Hello, children and parents. Thank you all for coming to this meeting. I’d like to tell you

    that we will receive some money from the society (社會(huì)) for our school trip to Singapore.

    Since we are sure to get the money, it is time to make a plan. We are sure that the trip will be very exciting for the children. The children will be able to learn a lot about other people and culture on this trip.

    Lisa is with us tonight. Lisa, where are you? Put up your hand, Lisa, so that the people can see who you are. Thank you. Lisa went on the trip last year and she will be happy to tell you of her experiences and answer any question you might have.

    We only have five months to organize the trip. From my experience I can tell you that there must be many tourists in Singapore! People like there.


    6The main idea of this speech is about ________.

       A. schools in another country      B. getting a job in another country

       C. n studying in another country   D. a school trip to another country

    7 The speaking thinks that the trip will ________.

       A. be exciting       B. go on without leaders

       C. be not so good    D. cost little money 

    8________ will help pay some money for this trip according to the text.

      A. The school   B. The speaker  C. The society  D. Lisa

    9 Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

      A. The students going on the trip will spend nothing.

      B. The students are able to learn a lot during their trip.

      C. The speaker may come from Singapore.

      D. Lisa is from Singapore and knows very well about the coming trip.


    科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

                                                          Films in Beijing Theater This Week 
                                                                 HARRY POTTER (Ⅲ)
    American film
    Director: Alfonso Cuaron
    Starring: Daniel Radcliffe,
                  Rupert Grint,
                  Emma Watson
    Time: From Monday to Wednesday, at 6:00 p. m.
    Ticket Price: ¥20
                                                                KUNGFU HUSTLE 
    Chinese film
    Director: Zhou Xingchi
    Starring: Zhou Xingchi,
                  Liang Xiaolong, 
                  Yuan Hua
    Time: From Wednesday to Friday, at 9:00 p. m.
    Ticket Price: ¥16
                                                             A WORLD WITHOUT THIEVES
    Chinese film
    Director: Feng Xiaogang
    Starring: Liu Dehua,
                 Liu Ruoying,
                 Ge You,
                 Li Bingbing
    Time: From Friday to Sunday, at 6:30 p. m.
    Ticket Price: ¥18 (Half on Sunday for children)
    American film
    Director: Wolfgang Peterson
    Starring: Julian Glover,
                  Brian Cox, 
                  Nathan Jones,
                  Adoni Maropis
    Time: From Tuesday to Saturday, at 9:30 a. m.
    Ticket Price: ¥14
    1. There will be ____ in Beijing Theater this week.
    [     ]
    A. one Chinese film
    B. two Chinese films
    C. three American films
    D. four foreign films
    2. If an adult with his child goes to Beijing Theater to watch A world Without Thieves on Sunday, they
        will spend ____ on the film.
    [     ]
    A. ¥30
    B. ¥24
    C. ¥27
    D. ¥21
    3. If you are free on Friday morning, you can see the film ____ in Beijing Theater.
    [     ]
    D. TROY
    4. You can see three films on ____ or ____.
    [     ]
    A. Wednesday; Friday
    B. Tuesday; Wednesday
    C. Thursday; Friday
    D. Saturday; Sunday
    5. From the poster (海報(bào)), we know ____ is both a director and actor.
    [     ]
    A. Alfonso Cuaron
    B. Feng Xiaogang
    C. Wolfgang Peterson
    D. Zhou Xingchi

