
1.It’s our duty to                                                       .(盡我們最大的努力去幫助殘疾人)  (try)

2.They closed all the windows                                            (為了房間更加保暖).(order)

3.---Why don’t you go hiking in the mountains at weekends?

---                                      (我害怕蛇) when I am in the forest.    (afraid)

4.---                                            (你是怎樣了解到)the news?   (know)

---Teacher told me by sending a message on the mobile phone.

5.---                                    (你的哥哥長(zhǎng)得是什么樣的)?

---He is of medium build, and he has short hair.    ( look )

6.---Do you often listen to the music while you are doing housework?

--- Yes, it                               (使我放松)when I am busy.    (make)

7.---How long have you been an English teacher?

---                                 (自從我放棄了醫(yī)院的工作)in 2000.    (give)



1.try our best to help disabled people (the disabled)/  try our best to help the people who are disabled;

2.in order to keep the room warmer(warm);

3.I am afraid of snakes;

4.How did you know about /  How have you known about ;

5.What does your brother look like?

6.makes me relax (relaxed)/  makes me feel relaxed;

7.Since I gave up working in the hospital /  Since I gave up the job in the hospital.



1.考察短語(yǔ)try one’s best to do sth盡力做某事。注意不定式符號(hào)to后面動(dòng)詞用原形。

2.考察短語(yǔ)in order to為了,注意to是不定式符號(hào),后面接動(dòng)詞原形。

3.考察短語(yǔ)be afraid of害怕……。

4.考察短語(yǔ)know about了解,知道……的情況。

5.考察短語(yǔ)look like看起來(lái)像……。


7.考察短語(yǔ)give up放棄,交出。本句中up是介詞,后面接名詞或者動(dòng)名詞作賓語(yǔ)。結(jié)合語(yǔ)境可知本句描述的是過(guò)去某時(shí)發(fā)生的動(dòng)作,故一般過(guò)去時(shí)態(tài)。





科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

【小題1】– Waht did your sister do last weekend ?
- She               . (和朋友一起閑逛拍照) (hang)
【小題2】—Can you help me with my mobile phone?
—Sorry. I                                                   (恐怕這部手機(jī)修不好了). (repair)
【小題3】---Does he like reading books?
---Yes. So far, he ______________________________ (已讀完一百多本書了).  (finish)
【小題4】- Do you like the game shows ?
- No, I don’t .              . (事實(shí)上,我無(wú)法忍受它們。) (stand)
【小題5】–Look at                  . (那群正打沙灘排球的人) (group)
- They look so cool .
【小題6】---Bob speaks Chinese quite well.
---Yes, so he does. He _____________________(花半小時(shí)練習(xí)學(xué)漢語(yǔ)) every day.(spend)
【小題7】---What did he tell you just now?
---He ___________________________(告訴我他將邀請(qǐng)我看電影)the next day. (invite)


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2012屆湖北保康中考適應(yīng)性考試英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:翻譯

【小題1】– Waht did your sister do last weekend ?
- She               . (和朋友一起閑逛拍照) (hang)
【小題2】—Can you help me with my mobile phone?
—Sorry. I                                                   (恐怕這部手機(jī)修不好了). (repair)
【小題3】---Does he like reading books?
---Yes. So far, he ______________________________ (已讀完一百多本書了).  (finish)
【小題4】- Do you like the game shows ?
- No, I don’t .              . (事實(shí)上,我無(wú)法忍受它們。) (stand)
【小題5】–Look at                  . (那群正打沙灘排球的人) (group)
- They look so cool .
【小題6】---Bob speaks Chinese quite well.
---Yes, so he does. He _____________________(花半小時(shí)練習(xí)學(xué)漢語(yǔ)) every day.(spend)
【小題7】---What did he tell you just now?
---He ___________________________(告訴我他將邀請(qǐng)我看電影)the next day. (invite)


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2013屆湖北省襄陽(yáng)市襄州區(qū)中考適應(yīng)性考試英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:翻譯

【小題1】—What club do you want to join?
—I want to join the music club,because I’m _____________ (擅長(zhǎng)彈鋼琴).(good)
【小題2】—How did Mr.Ling go to work this morning?
—He took the bus to work_____________________ (而不是步行). (instead)
【小題3】—Mr.Wu is a good teacher.
—Yes,he is __________________(足夠的耐心去花費(fèi)很多的時(shí)間教我們英語(yǔ)).(spend)
【小題4】—Bob,let’s go and play soccer.You?ve been studying for a long time.
—Wait a moment,__________ (無(wú)論這個(gè)問(wèn)題有多么難),I’ll try to work it out.(matter)
【小題5】—John,I didn’t know_________________ (你去年是否取得進(jìn)步). (make)
—Sorry,dad.I forgot to show you my report card.
【小題6】—You look sleepy.Did you stay up last night?
—Yes.I ___________________________________(直到11:00我才去睡覺(jué)). (until)
【小題7】—Mo Yan is a very famous author in the world now.
—Yes,the novels _____________________(他寫的小說(shuō)已經(jīng)被翻譯成了許多種語(yǔ)言).(translate)


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2013屆湖北省襄陽(yáng)市?悼h中考適應(yīng)性考試英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:翻譯

閱讀下列各小題,根據(jù)括號(hào)內(nèi)的漢語(yǔ)提示,用句末括號(hào)內(nèi)的英語(yǔ)單詞或其適當(dāng)?shù)男问酵瓿删渥樱咕渥油暾槨?br />【小題1】It’s our duty to                                                       .(盡我們最大的努力去幫助殘疾人)  (try)
【小題2】They closed all the windows                                            (為了房間更加保暖).(order)
【小題3】---Why don’t you go hiking in the mountains at weekends?
---                                      (我害怕蛇) when I am in the forest.    (afraid)
【小題4】---                                            (你是怎樣了解到)the news?   (know)
---Teacher told me by sending a message on the mobile phone.
【小題5】---                                    (你的哥哥長(zhǎng)得是什么樣的)?
---He is of medium build, and he has short hair.    ( look )
【小題6】---Do you often listen to the music while you are doing housework?
--- Yes, it                               (使我放松)when I am busy.    (make)
【小題7】---How long have you been an English teacher?
---                                 (自從我放棄了醫(yī)院的工作)in 2000.    (give)

