
 Five months ago, I went to Beijing on business, While I was coming out of the Beijing Railway Station, a middle-aged woman came to me with a younger woman.

 “Hi, sir, where did you come from?” she asked.

 “I've just come from Hefei.” I answered at once, thinking that people in Beijing were so kind.

 “My younger sister came from the northeast. She needs a little bit of money to send a telegram(電報)to her family asking to post her some money. Can you lend her some? My sister is too shy to ask. I felt sorry for them . Maybe some day I would also get into such trouble. So I gave them enough money to send a telegram.

 Five days later, I was coming into the Beijing Railway Station to take the train back to Hefei. Almost at the same place, another middle-aged woman came to . Hi, sir, where are you going?

 “I'm going to Anhui.

 “I'm from the northeast. I want to send a telegram to my home for some money. Can you ...?

 Once bitten, twice shy(一次被咬,下次膽。.I shook(搖)my head.

 “No .There are too many people like you. I just can not afford(提供)it!

 The woman made a long face at once.

 “If you have no money, that's all right . But what are you saying?

 “I'm saying there are too many strangers asking me to give them money to send telegrams, I raised ( 提高)my voice, Then she said something in a low voice and went away.

(1) The word Railway means ________.   

[  ]

Atrain       B.bus

C.shop           D.plane

(2) When he arrived at the station, ________.   

[  ]

Ahe was welcomed

B.he met two kind women

Che was fooled

D.he met two good women

(3) He did not give the second middle-aged woman any money because .

[  ]

Ahe had no money left

B.he had little money

Cshe made money in the same way

D.she needed money

(4) These women came from _________ really.   

[  ]

Athe northeast       B.Beijing

C.Hefei         D.We don't know

(5) Which is true?   

[  ]

APeople at the station need money very much.

BThe women were poor.

CThe women lied to him.

DThe women lost their money.


科目:初中英語 來源:2011年吉林省長春市初中畢業(yè)生學(xué)業(yè)考試英語試題 題型:050


  One day a strong cowboy was traveling on his horse when he saw a bar.He decided to stop for a few drinks, so he tied(拴)his horse outside the bar, walked into the bar and ordered two bottles of beer.This cowboy was new in town.He looked around and noticed some people making faces to him.He guessed that they might play some tricks(把戲)on him, but he said nothing and continued to drink.After drinking, he walked out of the bar and found his horse lost.

  However, he kept calm, came back into the bar, and said slowly, " I don't know what you fools did to my horse out there… but I'm leaving in five minutes, and by then if my horse isn't back where it's supposed to be, well…I have to do here what I did in Texas!" The cowboy added, "And I don't want to do what I did in Texas!" After hearing these words, the other customers seemed a little bit frightened.

  The cowboy went back to his seat and ordered another two bottles of beer.After five minutes, he walked out and found his horse tied where it was supposed to be.

  Just as he was leaving, the boss of the bar came up and asked curiously(好奇地), "What was the thing that you did in Texas but you didn't want to do here?"

  The cowboy turned to the boss and replied in a low voice, "I had to walk home!"



That day the cowboy tied his horse outside ________ before he wanted to drink.

[  ]


the bar


he hotel


the store


the restaurant


After a few drinks, the cowboy found his horse ________.

[  ]










The cowboy drank ________ of beer at the bar in all.

[  ]


five bottles


four bottles


three bottles


two bottles


In Texas, the cowboy had to ________ when he couldn't find his horse.

[  ]


walk home


argue with others


call the police


ask the boss for help


From the passage, we can know ________.

[  ]


the cowboy's look frightened the customers


the cowboy kept calm because he was strong


the cowboy also played a trick on the customers at the bar


The cowboy would fight with others if he couldn't find his horse


科目:初中英語 來源:浙江省寧波地區(qū)2013-2014學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期中考試七年級英語試卷 題型:050


  A:Look, it is a picture of my family.B:Oh, it is a nice picture, Tom.Who is this man?

  A:It's my father.B:Is the girl your sister?

  A:Yes, she is.B:How old is she?

  A:She's ten.B:Are you in the same school?

  A:No, we are not.B:Is the woman your mother?

  A:Yes, she's a teacher.B:She looks young(年輕的).

  A:I look like her.B:Who's that?

  A:Who? The baby(嬰兒)? B:Yes.

  A:Guess(猜).B:Is it your brother?

  A:No.B:I know(知道)it's you.

  A:That's right.I look lovely(可愛的).


What photo is it?

[  ]


A photo of a boy.


A photo of a family.


A photo of a room..


A photo of people.


How old is the sister?

[  ]










What is her mother?

[  ]


She is a doctor.


She is a teacher.


She is a nurse.


She is a worker.


Are Tom and his sister in the same school?

[  ]


Yes, he is.


No, he is not.


Yes, they are.


No, they aren't


How many people are there in the family?

[  ]










科目:初中英語 來源:走向清華北大同步導(dǎo)讀·初三英語 題型:050



  The game is played by two teams. There must be eleven players in each team.

  The field must be about 100m long and 73m wide. There are two goals, 7.32m long and 2.44m high.

  To score a goal, a player must put the ball into the other team’s goal. They may use their feet, heads or other parts of the body, but they must not touch the ball with their hands. Only one oil each team, the goal-keeper, may use his hands.


  This is played on a court 18m long and 9m wide. The net is 2.44m high for men and 2.24m for women. There are two teams and there are usually six players in each team.

  The players try to make the ball hit the ground on the other side of the net. They may use their hands, fists or arms, but they must not catch the hall or hold it while playing.


  The court must be 26m long and 14m wide. There can be ten players in a team but not more than five players in each team may play at one time. The players must not change until the referee allows them to leave the court.

  To score a point a player must throw the ball into the other team’s basket.

  Players may throw the ball, but they must not carry it. A player must not touch another player.

  After 20 minutes play there must be a rest period for ten minutes. Then there is another period of 20 minutes before the game ends.

1.How big is a football field?

[  ]

A.7.32m long and 2.44m high.

B.100m long and 73m wide.

C.107.32m long and 75.44m wide.

D.26m long and 14m wide.

2.The volleyball players can only ________ while playing.

[  ]

A.catch the hall

B.hold the ball

C.use their hands, fists or arms

D.use their hands

3.Each basketball team can have ________ players at most.

[  ]


4.What’s the Chinese for referee in the passage?

[  ]

A.隊長  B.教練  C.裁判  D.觀眾

5.Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?

[  ]

A.In a football match, only one person can use his hands.

B.The volleyball net is 2.44m high for men.

C.The basketball team will score when they throw the ball into the other team’s basket.

D.In a basketball match, twenty minutes is a period


科目:初中英語 來源:活學(xué)巧練八年級英語下 題型:050


  Albert Selmer, a German businessman who speaks good English, was surprised during his latest trip to Beijing. When he got into a taxi, the driver greeted him and asked where he would like to go in English. “This couldn't be imagined eight years ago when I first visited Beijing,” said Selmer. He wouldn't be so surprised when he knew so many people were learning English in this city.

  Beijing failed in its bid(申辦)for the 2000 Games. One of the reasons was that foreigners find it hard to communicate(交流) with Beijing citizens(市民). Most of them spoke only Chinese. Today the city is working to improve communication.

  One great change has happened during Beijing's preparations(準備). Now Beijing citizens are looking forward to the 2008 Games by actively learning English. Free classes held in a number of Beijing communities are enjoying high attendance(出席). Citizens are learning useful expressions, greetings, how to give directions and how to introduce themselves to foreigners.

  Shop assistants, bus and taxi drivers and even policemen are learning English to welcome the 2008 Olympic Games. The young taxi driver who surprised the German visitor is probably one of those learners.

  The first-stage aim(目標) of the “Beijing Citizens' English Speaking Plan” started by city goverment in August, 2002, is to popularize(普及) English among the goverment officer, taxi drivers, hotel staff and shop, assistants. In five years the percentage(比例) of Beijing citizens who can speak English will be raised to around 30 percent from 15 percent.

1.Albert Selmer was surprised when he got into the taxi, because ________.

[  ]

A.he found the driver served him better

B.the car didn't look the same as it did eight years ago

C.the driver could speak English

D.the driver was very polite to him

2.Today more and more Beijingers are learning English in order to ________.

[  ]

A.support the bid for the 2008 Olympics

B.make English the official language in China

C.make themselves understood easily while talking to foreigners

D.catch up with the modern development

3.From this passage we know that________.

[  ]

A.spoken English is very important in our daily life

B.Albert Selmer often came to China these years

C.Beijingers are taking an active part in learning English

D.the main reason why Beijing failed in its bid for the 2000 Games was that very few people could speak English

4.If more and more Beijingers can communicate with the foreigners in English, ________.

[  ]

A.they will learn more about the Olympic Games

B.it will help Beijing's 2008 Games

C.they will be treated strangely

D.they will be given a hand while in trouble

5.If the population of Beijing will be fifteen million in 2008, about ________ people will probably be able to speak English.

[  ]


