1. How _____ sheep are there on the hill? (much)
2. I don't like to drink m_____, but I like yogurt.
3. Put _____ (they) on the sandwich, please.
4. You need _____ (add) some red sugar to the soup.
5. How do you make a banana _____ _____ (奶昔)?
6. Finally put the three s_____ of chicken toghter.
7. January is the f_____ month of the year.
8. My book is on the t_____ of the bookshelf.
1. many   2. milk  3. them  4. to add  5. milk shake  6. slices   7. first  8. top

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

Vienna is a beautiful old city and it is also the 【小題1】. c___________ of European classical music. Johann Strauss the 【小題2】.e________ and the Johann Strauss the younger were two famous composers, and they were father and son. The father【小題3】.w________ and played lots of waltzes, and they 【小題4】.m_______ him famous all over Europe. The son was 【小題5】.e ________ more successful and popular than his father. His【小題6】. m _________ famous waltz was The Blue Danube. Mozart was another important composer at that time. He was【小題7】.b_______ in 1756 in Austria. He could play different kinds of instruments when he was young. His family took him 【小題8】.a________ Europe and he gave concerts in many cities. He wrote his first opera when he was 12 and he composed 【小題9】.h_______ of beautiful pieces of music. He died at the 【小題10】.a______ of 35.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

Coober Pedy is a small town in the Australian desert (沙漠). It's famous not only for its opals (貓眼石) , but also for a very unusual【小題1】 r________—the people live and work underground.
Why do people choose to live under the ground? To avoid (避開(kāi)) the【小題2】h_______ days and cold nights-daytime temperatures can rise to 50 °C or more and on a cold night they can fall to【小題3】z_______. The locals say that their strange lifestyle is the only answer【小題4】 t________ the unpleasant climate (氣候) . In the underground homes,the temperature is always a very pleasant 19°C to 24°C .But that's not the only advantage ; the people there don't need to pay builders if 【小題5】 t_______want to build a home or make any changes.
You would be very surprised to see 【小題6】 h________well people manage to live underground. They have modern kitchens and bathrooms, sometimes even spas (溫泉)“People think it's impossible to live here and that we're like ancient people,【小題7】 b_______ that's not true. " says Bev Smith, who has lived in Coober Pedy for over 30 years. When my husband, Larry, and I first came here, life was very【小題8】 d _______ and many people decided to leave. But now, things have【小題9】 c________a lot and we’re very comfortable. We now have underground shops, hotels, restaurants, cafes and churches!”
Abigail and Brian Tynan 【小題10】1_______ their large house in Melbourne(墨爾本) two years ago to have in an underground home. "My mouth fell open when I saw my wonderful underground home," remembers Brian. " I really enjoy living here. "


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

Dear grandma,
How's it going? I hope that grandpa is well now, I was sorry to 【小題1】h  that he had a cold last week I hope you are in good 【小題2】h  .
Things are fine here, I【小題3】 f  my end-of-year exams last week and got my report 【小題4】 today. I always get 【小題5】緊張  when I see me envelope from school in the mail. put luckily I did OK this time. I had a hard time with science this semester and I wasn't surprised to find that my worst report was from my science teacher She said I was 【小題6】懶惰. which isn't true it's just that I find science really difficult. 【小題7】另一個(gè)disappointing result was in history. My history teacher said I could do 【小題8】更好 The good news is that my 【小題9】數(shù)學(xué)  teacher said I was hard-working. And my Spanish teacher said my listening was good
Well, that's about all the news I have for now. Mom and I 【小題10】 D    send theirlove


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

One night Mr. Lee was driving his wife home from work. She was a nurse in a hospital. It was almost midnight and she was quite tired. She soon fell 【小題1】a__ ______, Mr. Lee looked at her and smiled.
Mr. Lee was a 【小題2】c ________ and experienced driver. He knew it was safer to drive slowly on a dark night. 【小題3】A _________ a while, he noticed a car following him. It was travelling very fast. Suddenly it overtook(超過(guò)) his car.  .
The driver of the car was in such a【小題4】h _________ that he did not see the approaching(臨近的)truck. To avoid hitting it, he suddenly turned his car. The car skidded(滑) off the road and hit a big tree. The driver and the passengers were injured(受傷). They were badly hurt by the【小題5】b_________ glass of the car. Mr. Lee quickly 【小題6】s__________ his car and called the police. His wife got out of the car to help them. About twenty-five minutes【小題7】l _________, a police car and an ambulance(救護(hù)車(chē)) 【小題8】a__________. The injured were taken to hospital.
The policemen wrote down details of the accident. Mr. Lee and the truck driver told  【小題9】t_________ what they could remember. The policemen 【小題10】t _________ them for their help. Then Mr. Lee and Mrs. Lee got into their car and continued their journey.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2012屆江蘇省通州市中考網(wǎng)閱適應(yīng)性測(cè)試英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫(xiě)

There are four people in my family. Every day my parents are very busy trying to make 【小題1】 m  ▲   in order to pay the high tuition (學(xué)費(fèi)) for my brother and me. They hardly say “I love you” or send flowers to each other. Besides, my father has a bad temper (脾氣). It is 【小題2】e  ▲   for him to lose his temper 【小題3】w  ▲   he’s very tired from the hard work. I didn’t know whether there was love between them until one spring. At that time, my father 【小題4】s  ▲   got badly sick. My mother had to stay with him in the【小題5】h  ▲   for a month. When they returned from the hospital, they both looked very weak as if both of them had a serious illness.
After they were back, my mother helped my father【小題6】w  ▲   slowly on the country road every day in the morning and dusk. 【小題7】H  ▲   , after two months my father still couldn’t walk by 【小題8】h  ▲   . All of us were worried about him.
  ”Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day.
“Susan, don’t【小題9】w  ▲   about me.” he said in a low voice. “I just like walking with your mom. I like this kind of life.” Reading his eyes, I know he loves my mother very much.
Once I thought love meant【小題10】f  ▲   , presents and sweet kisses. But from this experience, I understand that love is inside, making life strong and warm.

