

[  ]

A.Yes, I like.  B.Yes, please.  C.No, I don't.


[  ]

A.During holidays.

B.On Sundays.

C.Three weeks.


[  ]

A.I'll think about it.

B.It's very nice.

C.Twenty-five yuan.


[  ]

A.Winter.  B.Autumn.  C.Spring.


[  ]

A.English.  B.Chinese.  C.Japanese.


[  ]

A.I was watching TV.

B.I would like to watch TV.

C.I never watch TV.


[  ]

A.It may be a bit late.

B.It gets there at twenty to nine.

C.Twenty-five past nine.


[  ]

A.On Saturdays.

B.On Teachers' Day.

C.Last Saturday.


[  ]

A.I'm going to.  B.Yes, I did.  C.Yes, twice.


[  ]

A.January.  B.December.  C.October.


11.What does the man think about John?

[  ]

A.John is angry.

B.John is hungry.

C.John will tell the woman.

12.How much are two cups?

[  ]

A.1.5 yuan.  B.2 yuan.  C.3 yuan.

13.What is the probable relationship (關(guān)系) between the two speakers?

[  ]

A.Teacher and student.

B.Doctor and patient.

C.Husband and wife.

14.How does the man prefer to go to work?

[  ]

A.By car.  B.By bus.  C.By taxi.

15.Where is the woman living now?

[  ]

A.In an old house.

B.In the school.

C.With her parents.



16.How many people are there in the family?

[  ]

A.Three.   B.Four.   C.Five.

17.What did his father use to do?

[  ]

A.He used to plant rice only.

B.He used to grow fruit trees.

C.He used to be an experienced farmer.

18.What does his mother do?

[  ]

A.She helps in the farm.

B.She keeps the house, raises pigs and chickens.

C.She looks after the neighbours' children.

19.How old is his grandmother?

[  ]

A.She will be eighty next year.

B.She is eighty years old this year.

C.She is seventy-nine years old this year.

20.What do he and his sister study at college?

[  ]

A.They both study art and computer science.

B.They work hard at literature and science.

C.One studies art, the other studies computer science.


21.What didn't they mention in their talk?

[  ]

A.The weather.  B.Clothes.  C.Their teachers.

22.Why was the man going to New York?

[  ]

A.On business.

B.Attend a meeting.

C.On holidays.

23.Who did the woman know in New York?

[  ]

A.Her cousin.  B.Her friend.  C.Her brother.

24.What is Roger's telephone number?

[  ]

A.8765036.  B.8765493.  C.8765093.

25.Where does Roger live?

[  ]

A.1973, Downing Street.

B.1974, Brandon Street.

C.1976, Bender Street.


26.How does Mike go to work every day?

[  ]

A.By train.  B.By bus.  C.By taxi.

27.What does he always buy?

[  ]

A.A magazine  B.A book.  C.A newspaper.

28.What report did he read one Thursday morning?

[  ]

A.On basketball match.

B.On football match.

C.On volleyball match.

29.How was the report?

[  ]




30.What did he forget?

[  ]

A.To go to work.  B.To go home.  C.To get off.


31.What does the woman want to be?

[  ]

A.A doctor.  B.A teacher.  C.A lawyer.

32.What's the man's telephone number?

[  ]

A.8765940.  B.8765904.  C.8675904.

33.How many drinks does the man order altogether?

[  ]

A.One.  B.Two.  C.Three.

34.What does the woman want to know?

[  ]

A.Jackson's address.

B.Jackson's age.

C.Jackson's telephone number.

35.What is the probable relationship between the two people?

[  ]

A.Husband and wife.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Customer(顧客) and saleslady.






  Text 1 Would you like to have some more tea?

  Text 2 How long have you stayed at home this year?

  Text 3 How much is the blue coat?

  Text 4 Which season is the best time for planting trees?

  Text 5 Which language is spoken by the largest number of people in the world?

  Text 6 What were you doing at 8 yesterday evening?

  Text 7 When does the London train leave?

  Text 8 When will you give the nice cards to Miss Gao?

  Text 9 Have you ever been to the Great Wall?

  Text 10 Which month does November come before?


  Text 11 M: Is John angry?

  W: I don't think so. If he' s angry, he won't talk to us.

  Text 12 W: Are those cups cheap, too?

  M: No. They are selling at the ordinary price. One yuan and fifty fen each.

  Text 13 W: Now what seems to be the trouble, young man?

  M: I have a headache and I feel like I'm burning up.

  Text 14 W: I'd like to take the bus to work. Driving in the rush hour is so terrible.

  M: But during the rush hour the bus is too crowded.

  Text 15 M: Where are you living now? I hear you have moved.

  W: I'm living beside the teaching building.



  Text 16 There are five people in my family: my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is an experienced farmer. He used to plant rice only, but now he grows a lot of fruit trees. He eagerly studies farming and gardening techniques and tries to put everything he learns into practice. He gets good harvests every year. My mother keeps the house, and she is almost an expert at raising pigs and chickens. My grandmother, although she will be eighty next month, takes care of much housework. She loves us dearly and enjoys the company of the neighbours' children. She likes watching TV in the evening. My sister and I are college students, studying art and computer science. When we come home on weekends, my grandmother is especially happy.


  Text 17 My name is Steven Thomas. Yesterday afternoon I left the house at 2:30 pm, and didn't get home until 6:20. I went to see one of my friends, Nancy. She was in the hospital. We talked all afternoon about a lot of things. We talked about the weather, clothes and our old friends. At last I asked her if she knew anybody in New York for I planned to go there next week on business. She said she had a cousin there. His name is Roger Carter and he owns a toy company. Then she told me his telephone number was 8765093. She also told me his address: 1974, Brandon Street. She wrote a few words for me to Roger. Before I left the hospital I hoped to meet him there.


  Text 18 Every morning, Mike goes to work by train. As he has a long way to go, he always buys a newspaper which helps to make the time pass more quickly. One Thursday morning he turned to the sport page. He wanted to read the report on an important football match. The report was so interesting that he forgot to get off. He looked out of the window and saw the sea. Of course he arrived very late at the office. His boss was very angry with him when he explained why he was late.


  Text 19 M: Would you like to be a doctor?

  W: No, I'm not interested in medicine. I have more interest in education.

  Text 20 W: Would you tell me your telephone number again?

  M: 8765904. I'm always at home after seven pm.

  Text 21 W: Would you like something to drink before you ask for the meal?

  M: Two beers and one coffee, please.

  Text 22 W: Do you happen to know where Mr Jackson lives?

  M: Yes. He lives at 8196 Downing Street.

  Text 23 M: Excuse me, could you please explain the difference between“take”and“bring”again?

  W: I don't think you have paid attention to me in class.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:吉林省長(zhǎng)春外國(guó)語(yǔ)學(xué)校2011-2012學(xué)年八年級(jí)下學(xué)期第二次月考英語(yǔ)試題 題型:001


Ⅰ.情景反應(yīng) 根據(jù)你所聽(tīng)到的句子,選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)膽?yīng)答語(yǔ)。5’(1’×5)


A.Six years ago.

B.In six years.

C.For six years.


A.I like it, too.

B.Since 2010.

C.Yes, I really do.



B.No, not at all.

C.Yes, I do.


A.Yes, I could.


C.You’re welcome.


A.I have a headache.

B.Yes, it is.

C.Good idea.

Ⅱ.對(duì)話問(wèn)答 根據(jù)你所聽(tīng)到的對(duì)話及問(wèn)題,選擇正確答案。5’(1’×5)


A.For 6 years.

B.For 10 years.

C.For 16 years.


A.Since she was seven years old.

B.For seven years.

C.For seven months.


A.Turn down the music.

B.Get up.

C.Get out of the bathroom.


A.Leave the yard.

B.Clean the yard

C.Leave school.


A.A waitress.

B.A store clerk.

C.A barber.

Ⅲ.圖片理解 看圖聽(tīng)描述,選擇與你聽(tīng)到內(nèi)容相符的選項(xiàng)。其中有一幅是多余的5’(1’×5)








16.Who will have a party?



C.Jenny and Mike.

17.When will the party start?

A.At 1 pm.

B.At 2 pm.

C.At 3 pm.


18.What is Bob doing?

A.Talking with a boy.

B.Reading a story.

C.Making a robot.

19.What can Jim do?

A.Clean the rooms.

B.Play the guitar.

C.Play sports games.

20.Who is Ann?

A.A dog.

B.A robot.

C.A girl.

V.短文理解 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案。5’(1’×5)

21.Liam ordered ________ from Nick's store.

A.a(chǎn) watch

B.a(chǎn) computer

C.a(chǎn) camera

22.The store clerk said “ ________ ” on the phone.

A.I am sorry.

B.Excuse me.

C.Can I help you?

23.Liam will give the present to him ________.

A.on Nick's birthday

B.on his uncle's birthday

C.on his father's birthday

24.His uncle is ________.

A.14 years old

B.50 years old

C.40 years old

25.Liam ________ the camera.


B.doesn't want to buy

C.has bought


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2009年湖北省孝感市中考英語(yǔ)試題 題型:001



1.A.How do you do?

B.Fine, thanks.And you?

C.How are you?

2.A.He is a teacher.

B.He is reading.

C.He is kind.

3.A.It’s beautiful.

B.It’s hot.

C.It’s white.

4.A.Here you are.

B.Yes, you could.

C.Thank you.

5.A.I think so.

B.I hope so.

C.Thanks a lot.


6.A.Because his radio is too old.

B.Because his radio is too noisy.

C.Because his radio is broken.

7.A.To the park.

B.To the hospital.

C.To the school.




9.A.It’s 287-3546.

B.It’s 279-3546.

C.It’s 278-3546.





11.A.Last week.

B.Last month.

C.Last year.


B.New York.



13.A.By bike.

B.By bus.

C.On foot.

14.A.2 kilometers.

B.3 kilometers.

C.4 kilometers.

15.A.A quarter.

B.An hour.

C.Half an hour.


16.A.In March.

B.In April.

C.In May.

17.A.Went fishing.

B.Went hiking.

C.Went shopping.

18.A.A purse.

B.A bag.

C.A backpack.

19.A.The post office.

B.The supermarket.

C.The police station.

20.A.Only $200.

B.More than $2000.

C.More than $1,000,000.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:桂壯紅皮書(shū)活題巧解巧練 中考英語(yǔ) 題型:001



[  ]

A.All right, I'll turn it off.

B.You can get up then.

C.I'll turn it off when I leave.


[  ]

A.Yes, you will.

B.No. Just a few minutes.

C.Yes. It's very near.


[  ]

A.I'll catch the first train.

B.I can get to the station myself.

C.There're still forty minutes left.


[  ]

A.You'd better not let her go.

B.It's still early now.

C.I've got a sister, too.


[  ]

A.Yes. It's autumn then.

B.Yes. It's not hot nor cold.

C.Yes. School begins then.


[  ]

A.Not at all.

B.I'll do it for you.

C.That's a good idea.


[  ]

A.Tomorrow is Saturday.

B.I'll tell him about it.

C.Nothing much.


[  ]

A.I remember hearing it somewhere.

B.It sounds good.

C.I like pop song.


[  ]

A.She must be in hospital.

B.I'm sorry to hear that.

C.Her mother is out.


[  ]

A.I like it very much.

B.Yes, it's an easy job.

C.Not quite.


11.Who speaks French?

[  ]

A.The teacher.   B.We.   C.Nobody.

12.Who's going to write the letter?

[  ]

A.We.    B.She.    C.Her friend.

13.Who swim with friends?

[  ]

A.Nobody.    B.John.    C.His daughter.

14.Which is right?

[  ]

A.The speaker does not remember Ellen's last name.

B.Ellen does not remember her teacher's last name.

C.The speaker doesn't remember the teacher's last name.

15.Which is right?

[  ]

A.Pat went to the party with John.

B.John was invited to Pat's party.

C.Pat didn't want to go to the party.



[  ]

A.We won't let him start until next week.

B.We won't start unless you phone us next week.

C.There will be no new lesson this week.


[  ]

A.Someone cleaned Susan's car after she returned.

B.Susan cleaned her car when she returned home.

C.On her return from the South, Susan had her car insured.


[  ]

A.She will leave Washington for exams.

B.She will go back to Washington to take exams.

C.She will go to Washington after her exams are over.


[  ]

A.People didn't leave until the game was over.

B.Most of the people left at the end of the game.

C.Few people stayed for the end of the game.


[  ]

A.The father scolded(責(zé)罵) the neighbour.

B.The father scolded his child by mistake.

C.The child broke the window.


21.How much does the bag weigh?

[  ]

A.Six pounds.

B.Sixteen pounds.

C.Sixty pounds.


[  ]

A.There are fifteen minutes left for this part of the test.

B.It took fifteen minutes to finish this part of the test.

C.In five minutes you must finish this part of the test.


[  ]

A.Jane's room is on the fourteenth floor.

B.Jane's room is the first one.

C.Jane's room is Room Fourteen.


[  ]

A.To call Xi'an after five costs fifty cents.

B.Fifty cents is the price of a five-minute call to Xi'an.

C.After five o'clock a call to Xi'an costs fifteen cents.


[  ]

A.This evening an English class will meet in Room 70.

B.English classes will all meet in Room 170 this evening.

C.Room 117 is the meeting place for all English classes.

26.How much will the dresses cost?

[  ]

A.$16.    B.$30.    C.$120.

27.At what time did the bus leave?

[  ]

A.8:45.    B.8:40.    C.8:35.

28.How much did Sandy save?

[  ]

A.$65.    B.$84.    C.$35.

29.What time does Bill always get to school?

[  ]

A.8:15.    B.8:00.    C.7:45.

30.What time is it now?

[  ]

A.9:20.    B.9:30.    C.9:40.



[  ]

A.Oh, thank you.

B.Oh, no, it isn't.

C.No, not at all.


[  ]

A.Hello! Are you Lin Tao?

B.Who are you?

C.This is Mary. May I speak to Lin Tao?


[  ]

A.Oh, dear. I forgot it.

B.Sure, I'd love to.

C.OK. Here you are.


[  ]

A.It's a nice radio.

B.I can't mend it.

C.It doesn't work.


[  ]

A.Thank goodness!

B.That's all right.

C.I'm sorry to hear it.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:三點(diǎn)一測(cè)叢書(shū) 八年級(jí)英語(yǔ) 上冊(cè)(湖南版課標(biāo)本) 湖南版課標(biāo)本 題型:001


1.A.Yes, I would.

B.Sorry, I'll go somewhere else.

C.She isn't here.

D.She is OK.

2.A.Yes, it has.

B.No, it wasn't.

C.Yes, it is.

D.No, it doesn't.

3.A.Sure, What is it?

B.By myself.

C.No, I don't.

D.By bike.


B.No, you can.

C.Yes, I am.

D.Sorry, you can.

5.A.That's OK.

B.That's all right.

C.I'm sorry to hear that.

D.Thank you very much.


1.Where are they from?

A.They are from the USA.

B.They come from England.

C.They are from Australia.

D.They come from Canada.

2.When will they meet?

A.At 2∶00.

B.At 3∶15.

C.At 3∶00.

D.At 2∶45.

3.When was Jim born?

A.On July 13, 1918.

B.On July 13, 1986.

C.On June 30, 1980.

D.On June 30, 1918.

4.What will Tom do this afternoon?

A.He will visit his friends.

B.He will watch a match.

C.He will watch TV, of course.

D.He will see a film.

5.What season does Mr Wang like best?






1.Susan is ________.

A.a(chǎn) Japanese girl

B.a(chǎn)n American girl

C.a(chǎn)n Australian girl

D.a(chǎn) Chinese girl

2.The letter comes from ________.





3.The letter is for ________.

A.a(chǎn) teacher



D.her brother

4.Susan writes this letter to ________.

A.a(chǎn)sk for stamps

B.say something about her brother

C.tell Meimei where she is now

D.say nothing

5.Susan's brother is ________.

A.a(chǎn) student

B.a(chǎn) teacher

C.a(chǎn) doctor

D.a(chǎn) cleaner


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:湖北省中考真題 題型:聽(tīng)力題

情景反應(yīng), 根據(jù)你所聽(tīng)到的內(nèi)容,選擇正確的應(yīng)答語(yǔ)。
(     )1. A. He is forty. 
(     )2. A. I'm sorry.   
(     )3. A. It's very big.
(     )4. A. My pleasure. 
(     )5. A. Never mind.  
B. He is tall.     
B. That's right.   
B. It's very hot.  
B. I've no idea.   
B. That's all right.
C. He is a doctor.
C. Yes, please.  
C. It's beautiful.
C. Don't say so. 
C. Thank you.    

