—Is this Tom's seat?     
—Sorry, this is my seat. _______ is over there.
[     ]
A. Himself    
B. Him   
C. He    
D. His

科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. — _____ is your favourite,rice,bread or noodles? 
    — Rice.
2. _____ does Simon play football with on Tuesday afternoon?
3. _____ do people in China celebrate the Chinese New Year?
4. —_____ doesn't Hobo dress up as a ghost?  
    —  It's not very interesting.
5. —  _____ skateboard is this?    
    —  I am not sure. Maybe it is Mary's.
6. —  _____ is this T-shirt ?
    —  It's very cheap. It is about 50 yuan.
7. —  _____ is it from your home to your school?
    — It's about five minutes'walk.
8. —  _____ do you read English in the morning?  
    — For half an hour.
9. — _____ times do you do sports a week?  
    — Twice.
10. — _____ is the man under the tree?    
      — He is a policeman.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1.- ________is your favourite,rice,bread or noodles?
- Rice.
2.________does Simon play football with on Tuesday afternoon?
3.________do people in China celebrate the Chinese New Year?
4.- ________doesn't Hobo dress up as a ghost?  
- It's not very interesting.
5.- ________skateboard is this?    
- I am not sure.Maybe it is Mary's.
6.- ________is this T-shirt ?
   - It's very cheap.It is about 50 yuan.
7.- ________is it from your home to your school?
   -It's about five minutes' walk.
8.- ________do you read English in the morning?  
- For half an hour.
9.- ________times do you do sports a week?  
- Twice.
10.- ________ is the man under the tree?    
- He is a policeman.


科目:初中英語 來源:期中題 題型:翻譯題

1. — What's this _____ _____ (用英語)?  
    — It's a book.
2. Miss Wang _____ _____(來自) the USA.
3. — _____ _____(什么顏色) is this T-shirt?  
    — It's red.
4. The girl _____ _____(穿藍(lán)色的) is my sister.
5. — What does he _____ _____(看起來像)? 
    — He is tall.


科目:初中英語 來源:專項題 題型:翻譯題

1.  Ben fell into the_________(湖)when he was running along it.
2.  Don't_________ (忘記)your friends when you become rich.
3.  It's very_________(重要的)to teach children about road safely.
4.  My father was not_________(生氣的)with me at all.
5.  1 want to_________(喝)some coffee now.
6.  Though my brother is very young, he is an_________(工程師)now.
7.  I hope I can fly in the sky one day, s0 1 want to be a_________(宇航員).
8.  My house is not big, but it is_________(舒適的).
9.  Vivian likes to listen to the_________(收音機(jī))in the evening.
10.  Many workers are_________(建造)a hospital.
11.  There are many_________(座位)in the theater.
12.  It was the _________(最差的)speech he had ever made.
13.  There are_________(超過)40 students in the library.
14.  We're going to learn_________(課)Six today.
15.  There's going to be a football_________(比賽)next week.
16.  Thank you very much for the_________(邀請).
17.  It rained three_________(整整)days.
18.  His father is leaving for Beijing_________(明天).
19.  _________(雖然)I may fail again,1 will try lt.
20.  "Calm" and "wild" have_________(相反的)meanings.
21.  We should never_________(笑)at others' mistakes.
22.  It is_________(需要)for older people to understand the young.
23.  We can get much more_________(信息)on the Internet.
24.     How much is this T-shirt?
25. The bus_________(車站)is on the left of this street.
26.  Miss Gao is our_________(化學(xué))teacher.  She is very kind.
27.  The library is on the _________(對面的)side of the road from the school.
28. After you take the_________(藥),you'll feel better soon.
29. The_________(讀者)want to get the writer's autograph.
30.  He wants to be a scientist in the_________(將來).


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. (locor) What ___________ is this T-shirts?
2. (tsorsh) The ___________ are 4 dollars.
3. (nogl) The sweater is a little ___________ for me.
4. (lerck) My mother is a ___________.
5. (pleh) Can I ___________ you?

