
     This is Radio Station in Los Angeles. At nine o'clock on Friday, it's time for the morning weather
     This morning it will be cloudy, but no rain today. By noon the sun will be shining.
     The temperature is now seventy two, with a high of about eighty for this afternoon—a good day for
     Tomorrow it will be sunny. The low temperature will be sixty, with a high of eighty-six.There may be a
little rain in the afternoon.Winds will be soft.This weather report has been brought to you by Mary Smith .

(     )1. The weather is reported by Mary Smith.
(     )2. Today's temperature will be eighty.
(     )3. This is a TV weather reporter.
(     )4. Today there will be a little rain.
(     )5. It is noon now.
  • 課程導(dǎo)學(xué)系列答案
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  • 年級 高中課程 年級 初中課程
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    科目:初中英語 來源:新課標(biāo)讀想用新目標(biāo)英語八年級(上) 題型:052


      Once an American was in Africa(非洲) and wanted to go to a small village in the hills. He got on a bus and the driver said, “The yellow ticket is one dollar(美元). I have two other tickets. The red one is fifty cents(美分), and the green ten cents.” “A green one, please,” said the man.

      Now the bus is going up a hill. Suddenly it stopped. “Yellow ticket passengers(乘客),” said the driver, “stay in the bus, please. Red ticket passengers, get out and walk. Green ticket passengers, get out, close the door, and push(推) the bus.”

    1.The village was in America.

    (  )

    2.The driver had three kinds of tickets.

    (  )

    3.The American bought the green ticket because he didn't have enough money.

    (  )

    4.No one bought the yellow tickets.

    (  )

    5.At last the American had to push the bus up the hill.


    科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學(xué)年貴州省畢節(jié)市九年級上學(xué)期期末考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

    Do you have an umbrella? Someone invented the umbrella about 4,000 years ago. People used umbrellas in Egypt, Assyria, Greece, and China in ancient times. We use our umbrella for protection from the rain. However, people first used umbrellas for protection from the sun. People in China were the first ones to use their umbrellas for rain. They put wax(蠟紙) on paper umbrellas.

    European women used umbrellas before European men used them. Jonas Hanway was the first man to carry one in England. He made umbrellas popular for men and women. Some people called the umbrella a Hanway because of him.

    We make umbrellas from many different things. The first ones were wood and cloth. Now many are plastic(塑料). Today umbrellas are easy to carry. They fold up into a small package(). The umbrella is a great invention. Don’t forget yours the next time when it rains.


    1.The umbrella was invented about 2,000 years ago.

    2.The first umbrellas were used for protection from sun.

    3.People in Europe were the first ones to use their umbrellas for rain.

    4.Some people called the umbrella a Hanway because he made umbrellas popular for people.

    5.The first umbrellas were made from plastic.



    科目:初中英語 來源:2012年外研版初中英語八年級下Module 4練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


    This is Radio Station in Los Angeles.At nine o’clock on Friday,it’s time for the morning weather report.

    This morning it will be cloudy,but no rain today.By noon the sun will be shining.

    The temperature is now seventy-two,with a high of about eighty for this afternoon—a good day for swimming.

    Tomorrow it will be sunny.The low temperature will be sixty,with a high of eighty-six.There may be a little rain in the afternoon.Winds will be soft.This weather report has been brought to you by Mary Smith .


    1.The weather is reported by Mary Smith.

    2.Today’s temperature will be eighty.

    3.This is a TV weather reporter.

    4.Today there will be a little rain.

    5.It is noon now.



    科目:初中英語 來源:2012年外研版初中英語八年級下Module 4練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


    Modern technology helps us do many things we want to do.But technology can also cause problems.Take television for example.It serves as a window to the outside world.We can learn about what is happening at home and abroad.Besides we can enjoy ourselves,watching our favorite TV plays,sports games,and talk shows and so on.But if we spend too much time in front of TV it will do harm to our health,especially to the young persons.First,one way communication does harm to the development of children’s thinking and language ability.Second,watching TV for a long time every day will damage(破壞)one’s eyesight.Therefore we must learn to use technology in a wise way.


    1.Modern technology is always good for people.

    2.Watching too much TV will not damage our eyesight.

    3.Modern technology gave us great help.

    4.We should use technology in a wise way.


