【小題1】I’m very t      . Please give me something to drink.
【小題2】If you want to keep fit, you should take more e      .
【小題3】There are a few d      between the twins.
【小題4】Take the m      three times a day and you’ll feel better.
【小題5】We had a singing c       last Monday.


解析【小題1】從后面的Please give me something to drink.請給我一些東西喝,說明是口渴了,用thirsty。


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Dear Henry,
Thank you for your  i.【小題1】 . I’m sorry I can’t 【小題2】   you this week. I am r 【小題3】   busy. This evening I’m going to my c  【小題4】   birthday party. And t  【小題5】  , I have to go to the dentist, because I have a t 【小題6】 .  (Yuck!)   On W  【小題7】 , I have tennis training w【小題8】   the school team. And I have to study for my c  【小題9】   test on Thursday. On Friday evening, I’m going to the movies with some friends. W  【小題10】  you like to come to the movies with us on Friday ?
Write soon.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

One day Harvey’s wife was cleaning out a cupboard.
“Look at all these umbrellas,” Harvey’s wife said to him. “There are eight and they all b__【小題1】___.”
“I’ll take them all to the umbrella shop and have them repaired,” Harvey said. “They are too good to t__【小題2】away.”
Harvey took the eight umbrellas to the shop and l_【小題3】_ them there. The shopkeeper said, “They’ll be r__【小題4】_ tomorrow.”
That evening Harvey went home from the office by bus as he u_【小題5】__ did. He sat next to an old woman. She had an umbrella on the floor between the s__【小題6】__. When the bus reached his stop, he picked up her umbrella and stood up.
“Hey!” the woman said, “That umbrella b__【小題7】__ to me.”
“I’m so sorry.” Harvey said, giving it to her. “Please excuse me for taking your umbrella by m__【小題8】_.”
The next day he collected the umbrellas from the umbrella shop and got on the bus. As he sat down, a v__【小題9】 behind said, “You have certainly had a s_【小題10】__ day!” He turned around and saw the woman whose umbrella he had almost taken the day before.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

【小題1】I can see a v          tape on the desk.
【小題2】Li Gang likes m         , but he doesn't music.
【小題3】The p          is very good. I also want to buy one.
【小題4】This r          is very big, but that one is very small.
【小題5】I n          a pen, two pencils and some books.


科目:初中英語 來源:人教版新目標初一上冊第四單元專項訓(xùn)練英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

【小題1】I can see a v          tape on the desk.
【小題2】Li Gang likes m         , but he doesn’t music.
【小題3】The p          is very good. I also want to buy one.
【小題4】This r          is very big, but that one is very small.
【小題5】I n          a pen, two pencils and some books.


科目:初中英語 來源:2010-2011學(xué)年山東寧津保店中學(xué)初一下學(xué)期期中模擬考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

【小題1】I’m going to v     them in China.
【小題2】I’m going to l    on the beach ,because I e   the sun and the sea.
【小題3】Helen is going to take theto Beijing .
【小題4】A flower would be a nice g  fof your mother an Mother’s Day.
【小題5】-What’s the c    of Britaim ?
- London.
【小題6】Don’t you think the basket m    is exciting ?
【小題7】I’ll be a doctor in the f         .
【小題8】The boys are drawing pictures w      pens.
【小題9】It’s time to h     lunch.

