“Wow!”¨said Susan.“I have finished my homework and I’m going to paint a picture of our stairs(樓梯).It’s for a competition in school tomorrow.”

    “Do you need any help?”Mr.Cooper asked.“It’s almost time for bed.”

    “I’ll be quick.”said Susan.“I wonder what colour to use.”

    “Well, our stairs are brown,”said her father.“Thanks,Dad.”said Susan.

    When she finished her picture,Susan began playing with her brush which was still wet.Then something happened.She dropped the brush right on the picture! There in the middle of her picture was a blob(污點)of brown paint!

    “Oh,Dad! What will I do?”Susan cried.

    “My picture is ruined(污損).And it’s too late to paint another.”

    “Let me see.”said her father.“The paint blob looks just like a spot(斑點)on a dog.All you have to do is to draw a dog around the spot!”

    “That’s a wonderful idea!”cried Susan.She drew a dog around the blob of brown paint.“That looks just fine.You know,few things are as bad as they seem at first.With a little  imagination you can turn bad into good,”said Susan’s father.

    The next day Susan went to school early.

    When the competition began,Mr. King said,“I’ve chosen three pictures,and I want you to say which one you like best.That picture wins!”The children did not like the first one.The next picture was on black paper,but the stairs were red.So it was not so good.Then Mr. King showed the third painting.It was Susan’s!

    “The stairs are straight.”said Joe.

    “Yes.a(chǎn)nd the brown paint shows up well on the white paper,”said Lucy.

    “And look at the little dog.”said Terry.“He seems to belong there.”

    The children voted and Susan’s painting won.Mr. King handed her the prize-some paints.

    “Susan had a good idea.”Mr. King said.”That little dog finished a good painting.It made the stairs seem real.”

    Susan smiled.She would not give away her secret.But she could hardly wait to tell her father the news.He was right.With a little imagination you can turn something bad into something good!

1.Susan was going to draw a picture for _________.

    A.fun                             B.her homework

    C.a(chǎn) competition                     D.a(chǎn)n exam

2.Susan drew the colour“brown”on the white paper because _________

A.she thought“brown”and“white”looked beautiful together

    B.she didn’t like“red”on black paper

    C.she thought her classmates would like it

    D.the stairs in her house were brown

3.What does the word“something”in this passage mean?

    A.Susan began to paint the picture.

    B.Susan finished painting the picture.

    C.Susan played with her wet brush.

    D.Susan dropped the brush on the picture.

4.Mr.King thought that the picture was ____________.

    A.bad        B.good           C.colourful         D.dark

5.Susan’s father thought that_______.

  A.imagination sometimes could turn bad into good

  B.the colour“brown”looked quite nice on white paper

  C.the little dog made the picture bad

  D.the stairs in the picture looked straight


科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆浙江溫中實驗學校九年級第一次模擬英語試卷(解析版) 題型:完型填空

Nadya Vessey, of Auckland, New Zealand, was born with an illness. So at the age of 16, ? ? of her legs below the knees were cut off. One day when a little boy was watching _? ? take off? her prosthetic(假體的)legs, he asked her ? ? she didn't have any legs.? Thinking quickly she asked him whether he had read The Little Mermaid(美人魚).He said“_? ? ”So Nadya told him that she was a mermaid. The Little boy was ? ? ? ? and said,"Wow! That's so cool!” And then he ran off to tell his Dad.

The ? ? ? of becoming a mermaid became clearer and clearer in Nadya's mind. After?? ? ? it over, she wrote to Weta Workshop in Wellington to ask if they could ? ? her. She never believed they actually would, so she was excited when she knew they_? _. Weta workshop's manager, Richard Taylor, was very pleased to make it true, and wanted Nadya to be _? ? .

It took Weta Workshop two years to make a special? ? for Nadya. "A prosthetic is a prosthetic, and your body has to be comfortable? ? ? it and you have to make it part of ? ? ?? ". After practicing in the ? ? , Nadya went to the open sea to try on her mermaid suit. It was ? ? ? ? amazing and great to watch Nadya swim, and to see her dream come true.

Nadya Vessey herself has written the story of a real mermaid.

1.A. either??????? B. both???????? C. neither????????? D. none

2.A. me????????? B. you????????? C. him??????????? D. her

3.A. why???????? B. how????????? C. when?????????? D. where

4.A. No????????? B. Yes????????? C. Sorry?????????? D. Goodbye

5.A. sad????????? B. afraid??????? C. surprised??????? D. fortunate

6.A. news???????? B. idea???????? C. story?????????? D. history

7.A. going???????? B. taking??????? C. turning???????? D. thinking

8.A. save???????? B. pick????????? C. treat?????????? D. help

9.A. agreed?????? B. checked?????? C. refused???????? D. received

10.A. ugly????????? B. beautiful????? C. friendly???????? D. relaxed

11.A. hat?????????? B. jacket??????? C. sweater???????? D. suit

12.A. with????????? B. about???????? C. from????????? D. of

13.A. myself??????? B. ourselves????? C. yourself??????? D. yourselves

14.A. dining hall???? B. waiting room? C. living room????? D. swimming pool

15.A. too?????????? B. really??????? C. well??????????? D. enough



科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學年四川省江油市九年級中考適應性考試(一)英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

One day, I happened to meet an Englishman in the street and soon we began to talk. As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner seemed to be very surprised, gently shaking his head and saying “You don’t say!”

I was confused, and I thought, “Perhaps this is not a right thing to talk about.” Then I said to him, “Well, shall we talk about the Great Wall? Have you ever visited it?”

“Certainly! Everyone back home will laugh at me if I leave here without seeing it. The Great Wall is wonderful! ” “Yes, it is one of the wonders in the world. And people of many countries have come to visit it.” As I went on telling him more about it, he stopped me again, “You don’t say!”

I couldn’t help asking, “Why couldn’t I talk about it?”

“Well, I didn’t stop you talking about it,” he answered, greatly surprised.

“Didn’t you say ‘You don’t say!’?” I asked again.

Hearing this, the foreigner laughed loudly. He began to explain, “’You don’t say!’ means ‘Really’. Perhaps you know little about English idioms(習慣用語).”

Wow! How foolish I was! Since then I have been careful with English idioms.

1.What made the foreigner laugh loudly?

A.English idioms.

B.The writer’s question.

C.Their talking about the Great Wall

D.The writer’s way of learning English

2.Where does the story most probably happen?

A.In China.

B.In America.

C.In England.

D.In Japan.

3.The English idiom “You don’t say!” means _______.

A.Thank you

B.Excuse me



4.What does the writer learn from his own experience? He should _______.

A.improve his spoken English

B.speak with foreigners in a polite way

C.pay attention to English idioms

D.be brave enough talking with foreigners

5.The story tells us _______ between languages in different countries.

A.the difference

B.the popularity

C.the grammar rule

D.the change



科目:初中英語 來源:2010-2011學年浙江省紹興市初三下學期3月月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:完型填空

On a cold November afternoon, my mother and I were walking back home from a pizza store. We had bought many things. We were dressed  26 , and I was feeling a little  27   as I was carrying our shopping, so I decided to throw something away. I was walking towards a dustbin(垃圾箱)  28   I noticed a poor man walking out of the restaurant in front of us. He headed over to the nearby dustbin and started looking through it. I suddenly felt very   29   because I was about to throw away a new drink just because it was too heavy. I walked up to him and handed the  30   and some bread over to him. The man looked up  31   and took what I gave him. A huge smile   32   on his face. I felt I couldn’t be happier with33  . But then he said, “Wow, this is my son’s lucky day!” With that, he thanked me happily and started off on his bike. I   34   heard him singing as he rode away. I got a warm 35   inside. I now understand what it   36   by the saying “Giving is getting”.

    37   it was only a little action, I got and learned more in those two minutes than I did in the rest of the month. Everyone in the world   38 help. Everyone can give help and everyone will be helped by showing kindness.

The scene of that man’s happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind   39  I have the chance to do something nice. This is the power(力量)of   40 .

1.A. poorly     B. simply           C. warmly       D. expensively

2.A. worried        B. interested           C. surprised        D. tired

3.A. and           B. but                  C. so           D. when

4.A. nervous        B. happy               C. sorry     D. proud

5.A. money      B. toys            C. drink     D. clothes

6.A. in silence     B. in surprise         C. in anger      D. in fear

7.A. turned         B. appeared         C. went         D. ran

8.A. myself     B. ourselves            C. yourself     D. himself

9.A. still          B. once             C. even         D. ever

10.A. idea          B. welcome          C. word         D. feeling

11.A. aims          B. means               C. looks         D. offers

12.A. If        B. Though             C. Because        D. While

13.A. needs     B. gives            C. takes            D. brings

14.A. whichever     B. however  C. whatever     D. whenever

15.A. charity       B. friendship   C. support      D.feeling



科目:初中英語 來源:期中題 題型:閱讀理解

       It was a fine morning. At 7:30,Carlos went to his friend's home. He knocked al the door. "Hey,Bob! Come on!"he called,Carlos waited for three minutes. Then he knocked at the door again. At last the door opened. Bob came out. It seemed that he was sleeping. He was putting his coat on and getting some books.
     "Wake up,Bob!" said Carlos,"What's the matter with you?"
      Bob opened one eye. "Well, I watched TV last night. It was very late,but it was very good film. It was about spies. I like it very much."
       "Come on!"Carlos said,"Now we are late for school. "Carlos pushed open the door and they went to school.
    "Hey,look at that!"said Carlos. 
     Bob turned and looked."Oh,wow!"said Bob.
     A wounded(受傷的)man was coming to them. Bob and Carlos saw some blood(血)on that man's coat and trousers. The man stopped when he saw the boys.
     "Help!"he said,"Help me!"
     Carlos took Bob's arm. "We had better get out of here. That man looks like trouble!"
     The boys wanted to run away. But the wounded man ran to the boys when a black car was coming.
1. Carlos and Bob were _______ .
A. policemen
B. workers
C. teachers
D. students
2. Carlos knocked at Bob's door, and Bob _______ .
A. got up at once    
B. didn't get up all the time
C. didn't get up until three minutes later    
D. went to bed again
3. Bob liked the film on TV very much because it was about ______ .
A. doctors
B. spies
C. a wounded man
D. policemen
4. "The man looks trouble!"here means _________ .
A. he doesn't look well
B. he needs some help
C. he may be a bad man
D. he wants to help us
5. The black car ________ .
A. saw Bob and Carlos
B. found some blood on the man's coat and trousers
C. ran to the boys
D. was running after the man

