Alicia was a young woman who liked to exercise for her health. In fact, she walked five kilometers before    26  every morning, and went swimming once a week at the swimming pool. She didn’t smoke and never    27  . She didn’t eat chocolate. She didn’t eat sweet and
fatty food,    28  . She weighted herself every day.
One day Alicia was on her daily walk when she saw a    29   sitting in a rocking chair under a tree. He looked very old and his hair was white. He looked thin and weak, and his hands were shaking,   30   he looked very happy.
He smiled at her and said, “Good morning! Lovely day, isn’t it?”
He had a wide smile    31   his face, and his eyes shone with happiness. But Alicia saw that he did not have teeth.
“Good morning!” replied Alicia. “Yes, it is a lovely day.”
Alicia thought he    32  very old and wise. She thought he must be at least 90 years old! She decided to ask him about the    33   of a happy old age.”
“I hope you don’t    34   me asking,” she said, “but what is your secret for being so happy at your age? I hope I can look as happy as you do    35   I am your age.”
The man in the rocking chair said, “My secret for   36  ? I smoke twenty packets of cigarettes every week, and drink three bottles of wine every day. I eat hamburgers and chocolates whenever I want. I never eat vegetables. I never walk anywhere and I never play sports. I sit at home every day.”
Alicia was    37  . She didn’t expect the man to give her an answer like that. She wondered how the man got to be so old when he did    38   wrong. She thought he should be    39   and unhappy. Perhaps she was wrong. Maybe, she thought, people could live a long happy life    40   eating well or doing lots of exercise.
“How old are you?” she asked.
“It’s my birthday today,” said the man. “I’m forty-seven!”

A.something B.a(chǎn)nythingC.everythingD.nothing


【小題1】 B由時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)"every morning"及常識(shí)可知,她是在每天早飯前進(jìn)行散步五公里。
【小題1】 B第一段中介紹Alicia健康的生活方式和飲食習(xí)慣,所以這一句的意思是"她不吸煙也不喝酒"。
【小題1】 C either用于否定句句末;too用于肯定句句末;also用于肯定句句中。故選C。
【小題1】 A從下文的描述可知,he is a man。
【小題1】 B由上文:他看起來(lái)又瘦又弱,并且手一直在晃動(dòng),與后文的"happy"形成轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系。
【小題1】D on one’s face在某人的臉上,是固定詞組。
【小題1】 B look系動(dòng)詞,看起來(lái),old and wise 做系動(dòng)詞look的表語(yǔ)。句意"他看起來(lái)年紀(jì)很大而且很博學(xué)。
【小題1】 A從下文"but what is your secret for being so happy at your age?" 可以判斷用secret。
【小題1】 B句意:我希望你不要介意我的提問(wèn)。mind sb.doing sth.介意某人做某事。stand意為"忍受、站立", allow 意為"允許",enjoy意為"享受",這三項(xiàng)都不符合句意。
【小題1】 A 【句意:我希望當(dāng)我在你這個(gè)年齡時(shí)。when 當(dāng)……時(shí)候,引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語(yǔ)從句;since后面一般跟"過(guò)去時(shí)間";"for+時(shí)間段"往往用于完成時(shí); though引導(dǎo)讓步狀語(yǔ)從句。
【小題1】 C根據(jù)上一段第二句話"what’s your secret for being so happy at your age?"可以看出是"快樂(lè)的秘密"。happy的名詞形式為happiness.故選C。
【小題1】 A由下文兩句話可知,對(duì)于"老人"的回答,她很驚奇。
【小題1】 C詞義辨析。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第四段中這位老人說(shuō)的話,可以知道Alicia 認(rèn)為他做的每一件事都對(duì)身體不好。
【小題1】 D Alicia認(rèn)為這位老人的這種生活方式、飲食習(xí)慣會(huì)使他生病或不高興。angry 生氣的,serious嚴(yán)肅的,quiet 安靜的,sick生病的。
【小題1】 C  Alicia以為他90歲左右,她誤以為不用吃的很好或不用進(jìn)行很多的鍛煉就能夠生活長(zhǎng)壽、快樂(lè)。


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解


Alicia was a young woman who liked to exercise for her health. In fact, she walked five kilometers before    26   every morning, and went swimming once a week at the swimming pool. She didn’t smoke and never    27   . She didn’t eat chocolate. She didn’t eat sweet and fatty food,    28   . She weighted herself every day.

One day Alicia was on her daily walk when she saw a    29    sitting in a rocking chair under a tree. He looked very old and his hair was white. He looked thin and weak, and his hands were shaking,   30    he looked very happy.

He smiled at her and said, “Good morning! Lovely day, isn’t it?”

He had a wide smile    31    his face, and his eyes shone with happiness. But Alicia saw that he did not have teeth.

“Good morning!” replied Alicia. “Yes, it is a lovely day.”

Alicia thought he    32   very old and wise. She thought he must be at least 90 years old! She decided to ask him about the    33    of a happy old age.

“I hope you don’t    34    me asking,” she said, “but what is your secret for being so happy at your age? I hope I can look as happy as you do    35    I am your age.”

The man in the rocking chair said, “My secret for   36   ? I smoke twenty packets of cigarettes every week, and drink three bottles of wine every day. I eat hamburgers and chocolates whenever I want. I never eat vegetables. I never walk anywhere and I never play sports. I sit at home every day.”

Alicia was    37   . She didn’t expect the man to give her an answer like that. She wondered how the man got to be so old when he did    38    wrong. She thought he should be    39    and unhappy. Perhaps she was wrong. Maybe, she thought, people could live a long happy life    40    eating well or doing lots of exercise.

“How old are you?” she asked.

“It’s my birthday today,” said the man. “I’m forty-seven!”

26. A. lunch        B. breakfast   C. dinner           D. supper

27. A. exercised        B. drank        C. worked           D. slept

28. A. too              B. also         C. either           D. still

29. A. man              B. woman        C. boy          D. girl

30. A. so               B. but              C. and          D. or

31. A. in               B. with         C. at               D. on

32. A. saw              B. looked           C. listened         D. found

33. A. secret           B. dream        C. plan         D. future

34. A. stand        B. mind         C. allow        D. enjoy

35. A. when         B. since        C. though           D. for

36. A. health           B. success          C. happiness   D. life

37. A. surprised        B. worried          C. excited          D. relaxed

38. A. something        B. anything     C. everything       D. nothing

39. A. angry            B. serious     C. quiet        D. sick

40. A. through          B. from         C. without          D. by


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

Alicia was a young woman who liked to exercise for her health. In fact, she walked five kilometers before    26  every morning, and went swimming once a week at the swimming pool. She didn’t smoke and never    27  . She didn’t eat chocolate. She didn’t eat sweet and
fatty food,    28  . She weighted herself every day.
One day Alicia was on her daily walk when she saw a    29   sitting in a rocking chair under a tree. He looked very old and his hair was white. He looked thin and weak, and his hands were shaking,   30   he looked very happy.
He smiled at her and said, “Good morning! Lovely day, isn’t it?”
He had a wide smile    31   his face, and his eyes shone with happiness. But Alicia saw that he did not have teeth.
“Good morning!” replied Alicia. “Yes, it is a lovely day.”
Alicia thought he    32  very old and wise. She thought he must be at least 90 years old! She decided to ask him about the    33   of a happy old age.”
“I hope you don’t    34   me asking,” she said, “but what is your secret for being so happy at your age? I hope I can look as happy as you do    35   I am your age.”
The man in the rocking chair said, “My secret for   36  ? I smoke twenty packets of cigarettes every week, and drink three bottles of wine every day. I eat hamburgers and chocolates whenever I want. I never eat vegetables. I never walk anywhere and I never play sports. I sit at home every day.”
Alicia was    37   . She didn’t expect the man to give her an answer like that. She wondered how the man got to be so old when he did    38   wrong. She thought he should be    39   and unhappy. Perhaps she was wrong. Maybe, she thought, people could live a long happy life    40   eating well or doing lots of exercise.
“How old are you?” she asked.
“It’s my birthday today,” said the man. “I’m forty-seven!”
A.something B.a(chǎn)nythingC.everythingD.nothing


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011年黑龍江省哈爾濱市中考英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:完型填空

Alicia was a young woman who liked to exercise for her health. In fact, she walked five kilometers before    26   every morning, and went swimming once a week at the swimming pool. She didn’t smoke and never    27   . She didn’t eat chocolate. She didn’t eat sweet and

fatty food,    28   . She weighted herself every day.

One day Alicia was on her daily walk when she saw a    29    sitting in a rocking chair under a tree. He looked very old and his hair was white. He looked thin and weak, and his hands were shaking,   30    he looked very happy.

He smiled at her and said, “Good morning! Lovely day, isn’t it?”

He had a wide smile    31    his face, and his eyes shone with happiness. But Alicia saw that he did not have teeth.

“Good morning!” replied Alicia. “Yes, it is a lovely day.”

Alicia thought he    32   very old and wise. She thought he must be at least 90 years old! She decided to ask him about the    33    of a happy old age.”

“I hope you don’t    34    me asking,” she said, “but what is your secret for being so happy at your age? I hope I can look as happy as you do    35    I am your age.”

The man in the rocking chair said, “My secret for   36   ? I smoke twenty packets of cigarettes every week, and drink three bottles of wine every day. I eat hamburgers and chocolates whenever I want. I never eat vegetables. I never walk anywhere and I never play sports. I sit at home every day.”

Alicia was    37   . She didn’t expect the man to give her an answer like that. She wondered how the man got to be so old when he did    38    wrong. She thought he should be    39    and unhappy. Perhaps she was wrong. Maybe, she thought, people could live a long happy life    40    eating well or doing lots of exercise.

“How old are you?” she asked.

“It’s my birthday today,” said the man. “I’m forty-seven!”

1. A. lunch         B. breakfast    C. dinner           D. supper

2. A. exercised         B. drank        C. worked           D. slept

3. A. too               B. also         C. either           D. still

4. A. man               B. woman        C. boy          D. girl

5. A. so            B. but              C. and          D. or

6. A. in            B. with         C. at               D. on

7. A. saw               B. looked           C. listened         D. found

8. A. secret        B. dream        C. plan         D. future

9. A. stand         B. mind         C. allow        D. enjoy

10. A. when         B. since        C. though           D. for

11. A. health           B. success          C. happiness   D. life

12. A. surprised        B. worried          C. excited          D. relaxed

13. A. something        B. anything     C. everything       D. nothing

14.A. angry             B. serious     C. quiet        D. sick

15. A. through          B. from         C. without          D. by



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011年山東省濰坊市中考英語(yǔ)試卷 題型:完型填空

Alicia was a young woman who liked to exercise for her health. In fact, she walked five kilometers before    26   every morning, and went swimming once a week at the swimming pool. She didn’t smoke and never    27   . She didn’t eat chocolate. She didn’t eat sweet and

fatty food,    28   . She weighted herself every day.

One day Alicia was on her daily walk when she saw a    29    sitting in a rocking chair under a tree. He looked very old and his hair was white. He looked thin and weak, and his hands were shaking,   30    he looked very happy.

He smiled at her and said, “Good morning! Lovely day, isn’t it?”

He had a wide smile    31    his face, and his eyes shone with happiness. But Alicia saw that he did not have teeth.

“Good morning!” replied Alicia. “Yes, it is a lovely day.”

Alicia thought he    32   very old and wise. She thought he must be at least 90 years old! She decided to ask him about the    33    of a happy old age.”

“I hope you don’t    34    me asking,” she said, “but what is your secret for being so happy at your age? I hope I can look as happy as you do    35    I am your age.”

The man in the rocking chair said, “My secret for   36   ? I smoke twenty packets of cigarettes every week, and drink three bottles of wine every day. I eat hamburgers and chocolates whenever I want. I never eat vegetables. I never walk anywhere and I never play sports. I sit at home every day.”

Alicia was    37   . She didn’t expect the man to give her an answer like that. She wondered how the man got to be so old when he did    38    wrong. She thought he should be    39    and unhappy. Perhaps she was wrong. Maybe, she thought, people could live a long happy life    40    eating well or doing lots of exercise.

“How old are you?” she asked.

“It’s my birthday today,” said the man. “I’m forty-seven!”

1. A. lunch         B. breakfast    C. dinner           D. supper

2. A. exercised         B. drank        C. worked           D. slept

3. A. too               B. also         C. either           D. still

4. A. man               B. woman        C. boy          D. girl

5. A. so            B. but              C. and          D. or

6. A. in            B. with         C. at               D. on

7. A. saw               B. looked           C. listened         D. found

8. A. secret        B. dream        C. plan         D. future

9. A. stand         B. mind         C. allow        D. enjoy

10. A. when         B. since        C. though           D. for

11. A. health           B. success          C. happiness   D. life

12. A. surprised        B. worried          C. excited          D. relaxed

13. A. something        B. anything     C. everything       D. nothing

14.A. angry             B. serious     C. quiet        D. sick

15. A. through          B. from         C. without          D. by


