句型轉換, 每空一詞(20分)
【小題1】They're used for seeing in the dark. (改為否定句)
They              for seeing in the dark.
【小題2】Liu Weidong wanted to make Xiaoyu happy. (改為一般疑問句)
     Liu Weidong    to make Xiaoyu happy?
【小題3】Chinese people invented the abacus in the sixth century. (改為被動語態(tài))
The abacus            in the sixth century     Chinese people.
【小題4】Jim can clean up parks on Sundays. (就劃線部分提問)
            Jim clean up parks?
【小題5】We had a great time in Hong Kong last summer. (改為同義句)
We            in Hong Kong last summer.
【小題6】The children have never seen an Indian film.           ? (完成反意疑問句)
【小題7】He is playing basketball now. ( 用every afternoon改寫句子)
He _______ basketball every afternoon.
【小題8】I got to school late because the traffic was very busy.(對劃線部分提問)
_______   ______ you get to school late?
【小題9】How about opening the window?(改寫為同義句)
______  _______ opening the window?
【小題10】It takes him three days to mend the subway.(同義句)
He ______ three days _______the subway.

【小題1】aren’t used
【小題2】Did want
【小題3】was inventedby
【小題4】When can
【小題5】enjoyed ourselves
【小題8】Why did
【小題9】What about
【小題10】spends mending

【小題1】結合語境可知上文為被動語態(tài),故在be動詞后面加not即可,注意縮寫。故填:aren’t used
【小題2】結合語境可知上文為一般過去時態(tài),故變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧湫杼砑又鷦釉~放在句首,注意首字母大寫,同時將行為動詞變?yōu)樵,其它語序不變。故填:Did want
【小題3】結合語境可知上文為一般過去時態(tài),故be動詞用過去時態(tài)。上文賓語the abacus為單數(shù)第三人稱,故助動詞用is的過去時態(tài),同時將主語改為由by引導的方式短語。填was invented by
【小題4】根據(jù)上文劃線部分內容可知提問時間,故疑問詞用when,什么時候,填:When can
【小題5】have a good/great time =" enjoyed" ourselves玩得很高興
【小題6】前文never表示否定含義,下文用肯定形式,前文助動詞為have,故填:have they
【小題8】根據(jù)劃線部分內容可知下文對原因提問,故疑問詞用why,為什么。上文為一般過去時態(tài),助動詞用did,故填:Why did
【小題9】句式how about =" What" about……怎么樣,about是介詞,后面接名詞或者動名詞做賓語。
【小題10】考查spend用法。spend用于sb spend...on sth或者sb spend...in doing sth(in可以省略),spend的主語必須是人,可以指花費時間、也可以指花費金錢;結合語境可知填:spends mending


科目:初中英語 來源:2011屆重慶市西南師范大學附屬中學九年級第六次月考(英語) 題型:句型轉換

【小題1】It takes me 20 minutes to walk from my home to the gym. (同義句轉換)
It’s about 20 __________ __________ from my home to the gym.
【小題2】You can take the books out of the reading-room.(改為被動語態(tài))
Books can __________  __________ out of the reading-room.
【小題3】Doing chores makes him bored. (對劃線部分提問)
___________  ___________ doing chores make him feel?
【小題4】I don’t think he is a doctor, ___________ ____________?  (反義疑問句)
He was __________ tired __________ he fell asleep on the bus.


科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學年浙江省湖州市五校聯(lián)考八年級上學期期中聯(lián)考英語卷 題型:句型轉換

根據(jù)要求進行句型轉換,每空一詞。(本題有10空格, 每空0.5分,共5分)
【小題1】It takes about half an hour to reach Beijing by plane. (對劃線部分提問 )
    does it   to reach Beijing by plane?
【小題2】I believe they are visiting us this Sunday.( 改為否定句 )
      I    believe they   visiting us this Sunday.
【小題3】--Can you go to the mall with me this week? ( 作肯定回答 )
【小題4】It took me two hours to finish the project yesterday.( 改同義句)
I    two hours    the project yesterday.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年重慶市九年級5月(第八次)月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:句型轉換


1.Tom won’t visit the farm. He’ll stay at home. (同義句)

Tom will stay at home __________  __________ visiting the farm.

2.This dress cost her 100 yuan. (改為一般疑問句) 

___________ this dress __________ her 100 yuan?

3.London held the first World Expo in 1851. (對劃線部分提問)

___________ did London ___________ the first World Expo?


Be quiet, please. I’m going to ____________  ___________ your test paper.



科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆重慶市初一下學期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:句型轉換


1.There is a pay phone in the neighborhood.(一般疑問句, 并做出肯定回答)

__________  __________ a pay phone in the neighborhood?

__________, there __________.

2.She does her homework every day.(否定句)

She __________  __________ her homework every day.

3.My mum usually has breakfast at 7:40.(用now改寫句子)

My mum __________  __________ breakfast now.

4.The hotel is on Center Street.(對劃線部分提問)

__________  __________ the hotel?

5.I like English best.(同義句)

My __________ subject __________ English.

6.What do you do?(同義句)

What __________ your __________ ?

7.I want to be a reporter because it’s very interesting.(對劃線部分提問)

__________  __________ you want to be a reporter?

8.John’s cousin is a PE teacher.(對劃線部分提問)

__________ does John’s cousin __________?


__________  __________ Chongqing!



科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆浙江省湖州市五校聯(lián)考八年級上學期期中聯(lián)考英語卷 題型:句型轉換

根據(jù)要求進行句型轉換,每空一詞。(本題有10空格, 每空0.5分,共5分)

1.It takes about half an hour to reach Beijing by plane. ( 對劃線部分提問 )

    does it   to reach Beijing by plane?

2.I believe they are visiting us this Sunday.( 改為否定句 )

      I    believe they   visiting us this Sunday.

3.--Can you go to the mall with me this week? ( 作肯定回答 )


4.It took me two hours to finish the project yesterday.( 改同義句)

I    two hours    the project yesterday.


