Future Plan
I’m not very sure what I will be doing in ten years from now. Maybe a cook or a film director? But I can tell you what I’ll be doing next week – having a birthday party with friends.
There is one thing I really want to do and that is to travel around the world. Hopefully I will be living somewhere different in ten years, like Australia, or even Japan – who knows? I’d like to be a teacher and I’ll probably be teaching English.
When I was little I always said I wanted to be a doctor and that hasn’t changed. I will study medicine after I finish school. It will be a lot of hard work, but it’s my dream. So in ten years I hope I will either be working in a hospital or as a doctor with my own surgery.
I’m not really sure about the future. I’m interested in the environment, so maybe I’ll probably be working as a scientist and help develop energy or something like that.
【小題1】Who will have a birthday party with friends next week?
【小題2】What would Emma like to be in the future?
A.A teacher.B.A cook.C.A doctor.D.A scientist.
【小題3】What’s Ken’s dream?
A.To live somewhere different.B.To travel around the world.
C.To help develop energy.D.To study medicine in the future.


【小題1】細節(jié)理解題有文中語句“I can tell you what I’ll be doing next week – having a birthday party with friends.”可知。
【小題2】細節(jié)理解題有文中語句“I’d like to be a teacher and I’ll probably be teaching English.”可知。
【小題3】細節(jié)理解題有文中語句“I will study medicine after I finish school.”可知。

科目:初中英語 來源:山東省中考真題 題型:翻譯題

1. 預(yù)訂機票時,你必須出示身份證。
    You must show your ___________  when you book an air ticket.
2. 天氣預(yù)報說本周末天氣涼爽,去臥虎山水庫釣魚怎么樣?
    The weather report said it would be cool this weekend.___________ going to
     Wohushan Reservoir to fish?
3. 在解放軍的幫助下,汶川人民已經(jīng)克服了很多困難。
    The people in Wenchuan ___________ a lot of difficulties with the help  of the PLA.
4. 在2008年奧運會開幕式上人們將看到一萬張世界各地孩子的笑臉,因為我們將孩子的笑容視為
     People will see ten thousand smiling faces from children all over the world at the opening ceremony
     of the 2008 Olympics. Because kids' smile ___________  a symbol of the bright future  of  the world. 


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:



You must show your                    when you book an air ticket.


The weather report said it would be cool this weekend.                   going to Wohushan Reservoir to fish?


The people in Wenchuan                              a lot of difficulties with the help of the PLA.


People will see ten thousand smiling faces from children all over the world at the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympics.Because kids' smile                              a symbol of the bright future of the world.

