

though  interest  visit  we  daytime  at  smile  quick  ticket  save



The London Eye is a tourist attraction in London, the UK. There you can get into a capsule(密封艙) to enjoy a great view of the city of London.

     I 1.____________ the London Eye last summer with a friend. My friend didn't know where we were going. I just told him we would go somewhere very special. As we arrived 2.__________ Waterloo Station, he had worked out where we were going. He 3.___________ happily. When we reached the London Eye, there was a very long waiting line, so in order to 4.        time, he stayed in the line while I went to buy the 5.___________.

     The capsule doesn't completely stop when people get on, so you have to get into it 6. ____________. Then the door of the capsule shuts. The view was wonderful. We took many photos of the view and of7.___________ . It took about half an hour for the capsule to go around

     If you are 8.______________ in going there, I'd like to give you some advice. To enjoy the view, go in the 9.__________. There are night rides, but you won't see a lot. Sometimes the top of the wheel can be quite cool even 10.________ it's sunny. So ladies, don't forget to take a scarf.

















3.結合語境可知此處指的是他高興地笑了. 結合語境及時間狀語,可知本句描述的是過去某事發(fā)生的動作,故用一般過去時態(tài).結合語境及所給單詞,可知填過去式動詞smiled微笑.




7.結合語境可知我們給這些景色和我們自己拍了許多照片.結合語境及所給單詞,可知填反身代詞ourselves ,我們自己.

8.結合語境可知此處指的是如果你對去那兒感興趣.根據(jù)所給單詞,可知填interest的形容詞形式interested ,感興趣的.

9.聯(lián)系下一句描述,可知此處指的是在白天去.結合語境及所給單詞,可知daytime 日間,白天;

10.考察短語even though雖然,即使.聯(lián)系上下文,可知此處指的是即使是晴天,在輪子的頂部也能很涼爽.結合所給單詞,可知填副詞though,可是,雖然.



科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

room   successful  drink     share   hundred
【小題1】The boy is selfish. He never ________ his things with others.
【小題2】Can you make __________ for the lady?
【小題3】The more we know the world, the more _________we will be.
【小題4】Do you think this kind of water is safe for­­­_________?
【小題5】The old man invited all his friends to his __________ birthday party last Sunday.


科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆浙江省寧波鄞州區(qū)初三第一學期五校聯(lián)考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:選詞填空


The generation gap (代溝) has become a serious problem. It’s reported that some children may kill themselves if they  1.  with their parents. I think it is because they don’t have a good time with each other. Parents now spend more time in the office, so they don’t have much time to spend with their children. As time  2.  by, they both feel that they don’t have the  3.  topics to talk about. I think parents should spend more time with  4. , get to know them and understand them. And  5.  children, show your feelings to your parents. They really love you. So tell them your thoughts. In this way, you can have a better understanding of each other.



科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆浙江金華浦江實驗中學上學期期中素質(zhì)檢測初三英語卷(解析版) 題型:選詞填空


 instead of   allow  work   battery   temper 

1.Confucious’ ________ are read by many people.

2.You won’t be ________ to watch our fans if that’s what you think.

3.The ________ hasn’t been charged for a couple of months.

4.Do you open a window ________ turning on air conditioning?

5.The camel that I rode had a bad ________.



科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年廣西桂林市畢業(yè)升學模擬考試英語卷(解析版) 題型:選詞填空


water    no    Earth    it    for

Bill: I saw a great programme on TV about space yesterday evening.

Tony: What is   1.   about?  

Bill: Scientists have discovered   2.    on Mars.

Tony: Really? That’s very fantastic. Have they discovered life on Mars?

Bill: Well, they’re looking   3.   life but they haven’t found anything yet.

Tony: I know there’s   4.   life on the moon.

Bill: Yes, that’s right. So far there’s only life on  5.   .

Tony: Are we alone with so many stars in the universe?

Bill: I am interested in it, so I want to be a scientist when I grow up.

Tony: I wish you will.



科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學年浙江省杭州市初三中考二模(5月)英語試卷(解析版) 題型:選詞填空


  any, behave ,difference, drink ,enjoy , nice, other, real, surprise, these

Once there was a teacher who took all his students for tea. What made the students    1   was that all the cups on the table were   2   . Each of them took a cup and started   3  their own tea, looking at the   4   cups.

The teacher said; "Do you notice your   5  ? You are all looking at each other's tea cups and   6   of you even envy (羨慕) the   7   cups of others." Then he went on: "I put the different cups here on purpose! Life is like    8   tea. You all have the same thing in your cups— tea. However, you can't   9   enjoy it in your envy of another's cup. You forget to

  10   your own life when you envy someone else's life. So now, taste your own tea! Does it matter from which cup it comes from?"


