
1. His suggestion is worth ________ (采納).
2. Can you give me some ________ (建議).
3. Yuan Longping is called "Father"of Hybrid rice,and his achievements go ________ (超出) China.
4. Columbus ________ (發(fā)現(xiàn)) America in 1492.
5. The results were ________ (公布) a moment ago.
6. It has a bad ________ (影響) on the blood.
7. We can take a deep ________ (呼吸) when we are nervous.
8. Kids ________ (低于) 5 years old can't play with this kind of toy.
9. The ________ (小偷) names were listed in yesterday's newspaper.
10. The dresses ________ (本身) are made of common materials, but they sell well because 
     of the famous designer.
11. Zhang Ziyi is one of Hollywood's greatest ________ (女演員).
12. The book says that they were the first ________ (定居者) on this island.
13. He didn't begin to learn Japanese until he was in his ________ (四十五六歲).
14. She is an ________ (經(jīng)驗豐富的) teacher.
15. He kept ________ (吵架) with his cousin.

1. taking 2. advice / suggestions 3. beyond  4. discovered 5. announced
6. effect  7. breath  8. under  9. thieves' 10. themselves
11. actresses 12. settlers 13. mid-forties 14. experienced 15. quarrelling
  • 成功一號名卷天下系列答案
  • 小夫子全能檢測系列答案
  • 同步導練系列答案
  • 卓越英語系列答案
  • 時代新課程系列答案
  • 核心考卷系列答案
  • 精英教程100分攻略系列答案
  • 輕輕松松系列答案
  • 心算口算巧算系列答案
  • 三維數(shù)字課堂系列答案
  • 年級 高中課程 年級 初中課程
    高一 高一免費課程推薦! 初一 初一免費課程推薦!
    高二 高二免費課程推薦! 初二 初二免費課程推薦!
    高三 高三免費課程推薦! 初三 初三免費課程推薦!

    科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆寧夏初二下期期中考試英語卷(解析版) 題型:翻譯

    根據(jù)下列句子及所給的漢語注釋,在句子空缺處寫出各單詞的正確形式,(每空只寫一詞 )

    1.I don’t want to _________ (爭吵). Let’s forget it.

    2.The old man doesn’t want to go out __________.(單獨地)

    3.I think that we should make a _________ (決定) as soon as possible?

    4.Can you __________ (想象) the life in the future.

    5.It’s __________ (令人驚異的)  that there are 18 robots working in the restaurant.

    6.Jenny’s mother was a great ______________ (影響) on her.

    7.I have two __________ (票) to the movie..



    科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆江蘇省初三10月月考英語卷 題型:單詞拼寫


    1.She was seriously _______ (騷擾)after she put her phone number on the Internet.

    2.They have _______ (成功)achieved what they hoped for.

    3.My parents are busy all day. Howl wish they could _______ (勻出)some time for me !

    4. We Chinese are proud that our country is becoming more and more _______(強大的).

    5.To our surprise,Tom has make such great _______ (進步)after only one week.


    6.---Have you received your pen friend's e-mail?

      ---No,my pen friend hasn't _______to my last three e-mails yet.

    7.--Here's the new MP4 I bought yesterday.

      ---Oh,yours is _______to mine. They look the same.

    8.---Why do some students prefer yellow when they study for exams?

        ---Because yellow is the colour of_______.

    9.---What should I wear if I am feeling _______?  ---I think you should wear white.

    10. ---Can you offer me some suggestions? ---OK,I hope my _______is worth taking.



    科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

    1. I write to my mother every week,____________(主要)on Sundays.
    2. It's one of my____________ (責任)to give out all the leaflets.
    3. He made a____________ (決定)not to go there this week.
    4. They were so interested in getting up early, ____________(尤其)in winter.
    5. My English teacher told me to____________(提高)my reading and spelling.
    6. It's____________ (不健康的)for you to eat too much sweet snacks.    
    7. When we heard the good news,we shouted with____________ (激動).
    8. What he has said will be____________ (記錄).
    9. Will you please show me your____________ (最近的)photos?
    10. You will have a lot of____________ (機會)to go abroad when you grow up.


    科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:


    1.Supermarkets can’t offer plastic shopping __________(袋)to the customers for free now.

    2.Sleep is _____________(必要的) to health.

    3.I am pleased that he gladly _______________(接受)our invitation.

    4.I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more ________________(舒服地).

    5.The patient kept_______________(咳嗽) all night.

    6.During the Spring Festival, a heavy __________(暴風雪) hit many areas across southern China.

    7.Many people gathered at Tai Miao to _________(慶祝) the 100-day countdown(倒計時)to the Beijing Olympic Games on the evening of April 30.

    8.She has been a very_______________(勇敢的)little girl.

    9.The book should be returned no_____________(遲) than next Friday.

    10.Traditional Beijing opera will be ______(增加) to the music courses in 200 schools in China.

