happy, interest, problem, never, get away, eye, run, tire, have, miss, catch, think
  A man was sitting in the doctor's office. He was telling the doctor about his 
    1   .
  "I like football, Doctor. " He said, " Please help me. My life has     2   been a
good one since I became    3   in football and it is getting worse and worse. I can't
even     4   from it in my sleep. When I close my     5   , I'm out there in the football
field and    6    after a flying ball. When I wake up, I'm more    7    than I was
before I went to bed. What am I going to do?"
  The doctor sat back and said, "First of all, you     8   to do your best not to
dream about football. Before you fall asleep, try to    9    about something else.
Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several
million dollars. "
  "Are you crazy(瘋了)?" the man shouted,"I'll   10   the ball!"
1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____
6. _____ 7. _____ 8. _____ 9. _____ 10. _____
4.get away
6. running  
7. tired  
8. have  
9. think  
10. miss

科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學年浙江省紹興文理附中九年級上期中考試英語卷 題型:選詞填空

teach, knife, pronounce nine, they
【小題1】 Dear, we need three more __________.
【小題2】The children are not old enough to take care of ___________.
【小題3】 We’re in the __________ grade now. And we should learn hard.
【小題4】We should pay attention to our __________.
【小題5】Dad, who __________ you English when you were young.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆浙江省湖州市環(huán)渚學校九年級上學期中考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:選詞填空

選詞填空(本題有6 小題,每小題0.5 分,共3 分)

A. sleepy   B. aloud   C. covered   D. opportunity   E. final  F. across
【小題1】 She was so scared and called ________ for help.
【小題2】 The boring movie made us feel _______ last night.
【小題3】 Jack told his mother he would do well in his ___  ___ exam.
【小題4】 She ________ her face with her hands and ran into her bedroom.
【小題5】 Don’t miss this __________, it may never come again.
【小題6】 He is going to swim __  ____the Tiaoxi River next week.


科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年江蘇省九年級上學期第一次過關(guān)檢測英語試卷(解析版) 題型:選詞填空


1.Don’t be so __________! The bus will be here soon. 

2.He worked out the problem          yesterday. We are proud of him.

3.        in the coming exam, students are busy revising their lessons.

4.The children are not used to              . They may feel lonely.

5.China             WTO for 11 years.

6.In order to be healthier, you should                   .

7.The London Olympics                on 27th, July, 2012.

8.The little girl looks forward to                from her brother in China.

9.Look! There is a nice wallet               on the grass.

10.Please come, Peter. We are planning               .



科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年山東臨沭第三初級中學八年級上學期10月月考英語卷(解析版) 題型:選詞填空


taking  in  be  also  others  or  where  ride  boat  different take  other

How do you go to school every day?  1.   North America, most students go to school on the bus. Some students  2. walk or   3.   bikes to school. In other parts of the world, things are   4.  . In Japan, most students take trains to school, although   5.   also walk   6.   ride their bikes. In China, it depends on   7.   you are. In big cities, students usually ride bikes to school or take buses. And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao, students usually go to school by 8.  . That must   9.   a lot more fun than   10.    a bus!



科目:初中英語 來源:2010-2011學年重慶市初三上學期期中考試英語卷 題型:選詞填空


A. achieve    B. come true   C. help   D. On   E. something  F. call on

G. called      H. to     I. who   J. everything    K. of    L. where




Do you know this story?   1   July 11 of every year, a local office of Project Hope receives a donation from a person    2    Xu Qin. But investigation (調(diào)查) shows that Xu Qin died in1994.

Xu Qin was Liu Wenzhen’s youngest daughter. She died in a traffic accident on July 11, 1994. Ever since, Liu Wenzhen has been in the habit of making a donation    3   Project Hope on that date to commemorate (紀念) her daughter’s death.[來源:ZXXK]

What has Mrs Liu done is simply helping to    4   her daughter’s dream. “I have always dreamed    5   becoming a teacher in the countryside because that is    6    my father lived,” Xu Qin once said.

Project Hope is built to    7    children to be able to go to school. Many people make a commitment to the project all over the world. In China the project began in 1985.

As a student, we can also do    8   to support this project. We may save our money and donate it to Project Hope. Maybe we can teach those children    9   can’t go to school some day. We can also    10    others to do something for the project.




